Chapter 7, “Administration Considerations” on page 37, summarizes changes
to administration procedures for the new release of RACF.
Chapter 8, “Auditing Considerations” on page 45, summarizes changes to
auditing procedures for the new release of RACF.
Chapter 9, “Operational Considerations” on page 49, summarizes changes to
operating procedures for the new release of RACF.
Chapter 10, “Application Development Considerations” on page 51, identifies
changes in the new release of RACF that might require changes to an
installation's existing programs.
Chapter 11, “General User Considerations” on page 55, summarizes new
support that may affect general user procedures.
Chapter 13, “Scenarios” on page 61, contains migration scenarios illustrating
steps customers might take in migrating to the new release of RACF in different
Where to Find More Information
Where necessary, this book references information in other books. For complete
titles and order numbers for all products that are part of OS/390, see
Information Roadmap
, GC28-1727.
Softcopy Publications
The OS/390 Security Server (RACF) library is available on the following CD-ROMs.
The CD-ROM collections include the IBM Library Reader, a program that enables
customers to read the softcopy books.
OS/390 Security Server (RACF) Information Package
, SK2T-2180
This softcopy collection kit contains the OS/390 Security Server (RACF) library.
It also contains the RACF/MVS Version 2 product libraries, the RACF/VM 1.10
product library, product books from the OS/390 and VM collections,
International Technical Support Organization (ITSO) books, and Washington
System Center (WSC) books that contain substantial amounts of information
related to RACF. The kit does not contain any licensed publications. By using
this CD-ROM, you have access to RACF-related information from IBM products
such as OS/390, VM, CICS, and NetView without maintaining shelves of
hardcopy documentation or handling multiple CD-ROMs. To get more
information on the
OS/390 Security Server (RACF) Information Package
, see
the advertisement at the back of the book.
OS/390 Collection Kit
, SK2T-6700
This softcopy collection contains a set of OS/390 and related product books.
This kit contains both unlicensed and licensed books.
Online Library Omnibus Edition MVS Collection Kit,
This softcopy collection contains a set of key MVS and MVS-related product
books. It also includes the RACF Version 2 product libraries.
OS/390 Security
Server (RACF) Messages and Codes
is also available as part of
Online Library
Productivity Edition Messages and Codes Collection,
xiv OS/390 V1R2.0 Security Server (RACF) Planning: Installation and Migration