SKG HDX 8000 series Beginner's Manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user guide for the Polycom HDX 8000 series videoconferencing system, including the Eagle Eye camera and HDX microphone. I understand its features, such as camera control, content sharing, and multipoint calling. I'm here to assist you with any questions you may have regarding this system.
  • How do I answer an incoming call?
    How do I mute the microphone?
    How do I share PC content?
    How do I store camera presets?
    How to end Picture-in-Picture display? (800) 882-7779
Using Your
Polycom® HDX 8000 Series
Videoconferencing System
A Beginner’s Guide to HDX 8000 Series Features & Use
1 (800) 882-7779
Welcome to Video Conferencing!
Thank you for purchasing a Polycom® HDX 8000 series video conferencing system from
SKC. The HDX series delivers the richest audio, clearest and sharpest video to your
conferences. This user guide describes the basic system features, and how to use them.
About SKC
SKC provides technology solutions that enable our clients to better collaborate, communicate and connect
with their key stakeholders. Our ‘smart communications’ philosophy provides you with end-to-end access to
our rich resources, from videoconferencing and custom room integration to phone systems and headsets.
As a Platinum Certified Polycom reseller, you can expect the highest levels of service and support from our
account teams, engineers, and support technicians. SKC has earned Polycom’s prestigious Certified
Service Partner (CSP) certification, recognizing our high levels of service readiness, competency and
capacity for deploying Polycom technology. We’re your trusted Polycom partner, before and after the
24 Hour Test Sites
As you become familiar with your new Polycom video conferencing system, feel free to use our test sites. Our
24/7 testing facilities can be reached at the numbers below. If you would like someone to join your test call
on our end, please call (800) 882-7779, extension 2 during regular business hours.
IP Test Site:
ISDN Test Site: 913.693.8256
For Additional Support
For more detailed product information, please check the SKC website,, the Polycom
website,, or contact the SKC video support team.:
Video Support: (800) 882-7779, Ext. 2
Account Support: (800) 882-7779
Helpful Local Contacts & System Information
In-house Technical Contact:
Video System Name:
Serial Number:
ISDN Number:
IP Address:
Welcome to Videoconferencing!
2 (800) 882-7779
Table of Contents
Welcome to Videoconferencing! ................................................. 1
HDX Hardware & Accessories ..................................................... 3
Using the Remote Control .......................................................... 4
Setting Up the HDX 8000 ................................................. 5
Placing, Answering & Ending Calls ............................................. 7
Volume & Mute Control ............................................................. 7
MultiPoint Video Calls ............................................................... 8
Using the Address Book ............................................................. 8
Cameras & Camera Presets ....................................................... 9
Sharing PC Content .................................................................. 10
Full Screen & Picture-in-Picture Viewing ....................................... 11
Dual Monitor Emulation ............................................................ 12
Do Not Disturb Setting ............................................................... 13
Tips for Effective Video Conferences ........................................... 14
3 (800) 882-7779
HDX Hardware & Accessories
HDX 8000 Series Rack Mountable Codec
 •2Urackmountcodec
 •HighDefinitionvoice,video&content
 •Flexibleaudioandvideoinputs/outputs
 •Professional-gradePhoenixconnectors
 •Supportsupto2cameras
 •Supportsupto4microphones
HDX Remote Control
 •ControlsfeaturesandfunctionsofHDX8000seriessystem
 •Uses4-AAAbatteries(included)
Eagle Eye Camera
 •Accessory,includedinsomebundlepackages
 •Upto2camerassupported
 •TrueHighDefinitionimagecapture
 •Enhancedimagequalityinallcalls,notjustHD
 •12xzoom
 •180degreepanningradius
 •Quick,sharpfocuswhenusingthemanualpant/tilt/zoomor
preset camera locations.
HDX Microphone
 •Accessory,includedinsomebundlepackages
 •Upto4microphonessupported
 •360degreecoverage
 •22kHzhighfidelityaudio
 •25ft.cable
 •Accessory,includedinsomebundlepackages
 •4-wayMPPlus enables 4 port bridge
People on Content
 •Accessory,includedinsomebundlepackages
 •Presentationscomealivewhenthepresenterbecomespartofthe
content. Similar to the “blue screen” or “weatherman
technology used in TV/movie production.
4 (800) 882-7779
Using the Remote Control
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Connecting the Cables
Note: SKC strongly recommends contacting us for engineering support if a system needs to be
moved or re-connected. The HDX series has been designed for professional installation.
1. Connect the HDX to monitor(s).
2. Connect camera cable from the HDX to the Polycom Eagle Eye Camera main camera (Camera Input 1).
3. If using second camera, connect HDX to the Polycom Eagle Eye Camera (Camera Input 2). Make sure the
auxiliary power cable is connected to the camera, as power is not transmitted over the supplied camera cable.
4. Connect the audio cables.
5. Connect the Walta connection to back of the HDX as well as the microphone. If using a second (or third)
microphone, you can daisy chain them together using the second Walta connection on the microphone.
6. If using an ISDN connection, connect your PRI (or condensed BRI) line to the appropriate port on the top
7. Connect the LAN cable to your local IP network (the top connection of the two Ethernet ports).
8. If using a VCR, connect its cables to the appropriate group of inputs/outputs in the top row.
9. If connecting a PC for content sharing, connect the appropriate cable (DVI connection) to the PC Input
port on the bottom row. The audio input for the PC is above the video input (stereo jack).
10. If connecting an analog phone line, connect the cable to the POTS connection in the top left.
11. Connect the power cable.
Setting Up the HDX 8000
6 (800) 882-7779
Placing, Answering & Ending Calls
To Answer an Incoming Video Call
The system is set to auto-answer calls by default. If auto-answer is turned off:
 •Yoursystemwillring&alertyouon-screenthatyouhaveacall
 •PresstheCallbuttonontheremotetoanswerthecall
 •Makesureyourmicrophoneisnotmuted,unlessyouwishtoremainon
mute during the call.
To Place a Call
 •MakesuretheHDX8000andmonitor(s)arepoweredon
 •PresstheCallbuttonontheremotetoplaceacall
 •Adialingwindowwillopenonyourmonitoralongthetopofthehomescreen
 •Usethenumbersandarrowsontheremotecontroltonavigatethecallscreen
 •UsethekeypadtodialtheIPorISDNnumberofthesiteyouarecalling.WhendialinganIP
address, use the dot button on the remote control.
 •Arrowtothe“Quality”windowtoselectcallspeed.Usethecenterbuttonasan“Enter”button
 •YoucanspecifythatyouaredialingIPorISDN,orletthesystemautodetectthecalltype
 •PresstheCallbuttontodialthecall
 •Makesureyourmicrophoneisnotmuted
To Hang Up a Call
 •PresstheHangUpbuttonontheremotecontrol
 •Ifyouareinamultipointcall,thesystemwillaskyoutoconfirmthatyouwishtohangup.Ifyouare
in a point-to-point call, the call will drop immediately, without confirmation.
 •Usethecenterbuttoninthearrowpadtoconfirmhangup
Placing a Call Through the Address Book or Call History
 •PresstheCallbutton
 •ArrowtoDirectoryorRecentCallHistoryandpressEnter
 •Arrowtothedesirednumber,thenthegreencallbuttontoselectit
 •YoucanalsoaccesstheaddressbookwiththegreenDirectorybutton
Volume & Mute Control
 •UsetheVolumeleverontheremotetoadjustcallvolume
 •Tomutethemic(s),presstheMutebuttonontheremotecontrol
 •Thebuttoninthecenterofthemicpodwillalsomutethesystem
 •Redlightsappearonthemic&amutedmiciconwillappearonscreen
 •Tounmute,presstheMutebuttonontheremoteorthemicpod
7 (800) 882-7779
MultiPoint Video Calls
MultiPoint Plus Software Upgrade
MP Plus is available for the HDX 8000 series, and included with some models/bundles. If your system has
MP Plus, its built-in 4 port MCU is activated with the purchase of a MultiPoint Plus Software License Key. HDX
8000 systems can be upgraded to 8 ports. This license allows you to connect up to three or seven far sites to
one conference, and supports mixed IP and ISDN endpoints. Once you have activated the MultiPoint license
in your HDX 8000 series, it’s easy to make multipoint calls. You can add participants at any time during your
conference, and can disconnect individual or all sites at any time.
Adding a Site to a MultiPoint Call
 •Callthefirstsiteasdescribedonthepreviouspage
 •Whileinacall,presstheCallbuttonontheremote
 •Dialthenumberyouwishtocall,orselectitfromtheaddressbook
 •Repeatthesestepsuntilallsitesareconnected
Disconnecting a Site in a MultiPoint Call
While in a MultiPoint call, you can disconnect sites one at a time at any time during the call.
 •PresstheHangUpbutton
 •Thedisconnectscreenwillshowyouthesitesconnectedinthecall
 •Pressthenumberonthekeypad,1,2,3,etc.thatcorrespondswiththesiteyouwanttodisconnect
 •Thesystemwilldisconnectthesiteimmediately;therewillbenosecondaryconfirmation
 •Todisconnecttheentirecall,presstheHangUpbuttontwice,orselectHangUpAll
Using the Address Book to Store a MultiPoint Call
 •PresstheDirectorybuttonontheremote,orarrowto“Directory”onthehomedialingscreen
 •Select“New
 •Select“MultiPoint
 •Selecttheparticipantsandspeedforthecall,andassignanametothegroup
 •Thenexttimeyoucanselectthegroupbygroupnamefromtheaddressbook
Using an External Bridge
If you need to connect, or “bridge” more sites, or if you do not have a MultiPoint
License, you can connect your videoconference over an external bridge. SKC
offers a full range of conferencing services, and can assist you with any bridged
conferences you hold. For more information, call (888) 336-9752.
8 (800) 882-7779
Cameras & Camera Presets
Controlling the Near and Far End Cameras
camera, or away from you if you are controlling the far end camera
What is a Camera Preset?
The HDX 8000 series can store 100 local camera presets, letting you aim and zoom to specific locations with
the touch of a button. This is similar to the radio presets in a car. You may also set camera presets for the
far end location, if their system supports presets, and they allow remote sites to control their camera. Presets
To Store Camera Presets
 •PresstheNearorFarbuttonontheremotetoletthesystemknowwhichcamerayouaregoingto
assign presets to.
 •Adjustthecamerapositionasdescribedabove
 •Whenatthedesiredlocation,pressandhold0-9onthekeypad
 •Thecameralocationwillnowbeassignedthatpresetnumber
 •Toreassignapreset,re-aimthecamera,thenpress0-9.Thiswilloverridetheexistingpreset.
 •ToclearallstoredPresets,pressNear,thenselect“delete.”
 •Whenyoupoweronthesystem,itwilldefaulttopresetposition0
Using Camera Presets
 •Toviewyourpresets,pressthePresetbuttonontheremote
 •Duringaconference,press0-9tomovethecameratoitspresetposition
 •Thecameracanbecontrolledwiththearrowsandzoombuttonafterbeingmovedtoapreset
location. This will not affect or change your preset assignments.
Displaying a Document Camera or DVD/VCR
 •IfyouhavepurchasedadocumentcameraorDVD/VCR,itcanbeusedduringvideoconferences
 •Pressthecamerabuttonontheremote
 •ArrowtotheDocumentCameraorDVD/VCRicon,thenpressenter
 •Toreturntothemaincamera,repeattheabovesteps,selectingthefirsticon
9 (800) 882-7779
Sharing PC Content
Connecting a Laptop or PC
You can connect your PC directly to the back of the HDX 8000 series system, allowing you to share live PC
graphics during a videoconference. This is called “content sharing.”
To Send PC Content
 •MakesureyourlaptopissetuptosharefromtheVGAout(monitor)port
 •YoumayneedtoenableyourVGAportwithakeyboardcommand,commonlyFunction+F5or
 +F8.ConsultyourITdepartmentforinstructionsspecifictoyourPC.
 •IdealPCscreenresolutionis1024x768;800x600willsometimeswork
 •PresstheContentbuttonontheremotecontrol
 •YourvideofeedwillbereplacedwithlivegraphicsfromtheconnectedPC
 •FarsiteswillviewyourPCcontentwhilecontentsharingisactivated.
Sending Content During MultiPoint Calls with 2 Monitors
By default, you will see content on monitor 1 and the speaking remote site on monitor 2. If you would like to
see all remote sites while sharing PC content, open the administrative settings on the HDX. In the monitor sec-
tion, select:
Monitor 1 screen: check Near, check Far, uncheck Content
Monitor 2 screen: check Near, check Far, check Content.
To Stop PC Content & Return to Video Conference
 •PresstheContentbuttonontheremotecontrol.Yourvideofeedwillresume.
 •Youcandisconnectthecablewithoutanyharmtoyourcomputer,opendocuments,oropen
from any Windows XP or Windows 2000 computer that is connected to the network. To download this
application, go to, or contact your SKC representative at (800) 882-7779.
People On Content
The People On Content option allows you to show yourself on top of content that you are sharing. The
effect is similar to a weather person standing in front of a map during a local newscast. Contact your SKC
representative or technical support for information about enabling or configuring People On Content.
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Full Screen & Picture-in-Picture Viewing
Single Monitor Video Viewing
When dialing from the home screen, you will see the near end video view in a small window. Upon
connecting, the far end will automatically switch to full-monitor view. Most users prefer to view their local
video as well, so they know what the far end is seeing during the conference. The HDX 8000 series has built-
in Picture-in-Picture support, as well as Dual Monitor Emulation (described on the next page).
Using Picture-In-Picture with Single Monitor Viewing
 •Whilethisyellowborderison,pushtheDisplaybuttontomovethe
viewing window between the four corners of the screen.
 •ThePIPborderwillturnbluewhenithaslockedintoposition
 •ThePIPwindowdisplayswhatyourmaincameraissendingtothefarend
 •Ifafarsitesendsanytypeofcontent,youwillseetheircontentinthemainpartofthescreen,and
the people on the far end in your PIP window. You will lose local view of your room.
 •Tohidepicture-in-picture,settheremotedown,orlaytheremoteonitssidetokeepPIPviewing.
Using Picture In Picture with Dual Monitor Viewing
 •Duringvideoconferences,onemonitorwillshowthenearend,whiletheothershowsthefarend
 •IfafarsitesendsPCcontent,thecontentisdisplayedononemonitor,whilethefarendvideo
displays on the other monitor. Local video can be viewed in PIP on the monitor with the far end.
Swapping PIP Image with Full Screen Image
 •Occasionally,youwillwanttoswaptheimagesseeninthesmallandlargewindows
 •PresstheCamerabuttonontheremotecontrol
 •Selectthecameraalreadybeingusedtoswaptheimages
 •Repeatthesestepstoswaptheimagesback
Ending Picture in Picture Display
 •ToendPicture-in-Picturedisplay,pushtheDisplaybuttonontheremotecontrolorplacetheremote
on the table.
11 (800) 882-7779
Dual Monitor Emulation
What is Dual Monitor Emulation?
providing dual monitor-type display on a single monitor. With DME,
users will see near & far end video simultaneously on the same
monitor. During content presentations, the content will display on
a single, large viewing area, while near & far end video appear in
smaller windows.
Turning On Dual Monitor Emulation
 •PushtheHomebuttonontheremotecontrol
 •ArrowtotheSystembuttoninthelowerleftcornerofthescreen,andpressenter
 •SelectAdminSettings
 •SelectMonitors
 •SelectMonitors
 •ArrowtoDualMonitorEmulationatthebottomofthepage,andpressentertocheckthebox
 •PushtheHomebuttonontheremotecontrolagain,andproceedwithyourvideocall
 •Ifinacall,presstheblueNearbuttontoreturntoyourvideocall
Turning Off Dual Monitor Emulation
 •RepeatthestepsabovetoaccesstheDualMonitorEmulationsetting
 •Pressentertoun-checkthesetting
Dual Monitor Emulation Settings & Controls
 •Bydefault,twoequalsized,sidebysideviewingareaswillappear
 •PresstheDisplaybuttononce,andthefarendvideowillappearfullscreen(nolocalview)
 •PressDisplayasecondtime,andthefarendwillappearinalargeviewingwindow,whilethelocal
view will open in a small window in the corner of the monitor
 •IfsendingorreceivingPCgraphics,thecontentwillappearinalargewindow,whilethelocaland
far video view will appear in two smaller windows.
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Do Not Disturb Setting
About Do Not Disturb
By default, your HDX 8000 series system will automatically accept incoming video calls. This can be changed
by your system administrator, or you can utilize the Do Not Disturb setting. When you have your HDX 8000
series set to Do Not Disturb, callers will hear a busy signal when trying to connect with your system, and you
will not receive an on-screen notification of any incoming call attempts. You will be able to make outgoing
Turning On Do Not Disturb
 •PushtheHomebuttonontheremotecontrol
•OntheHomescreen,select in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
 •SelectONtosettheDoNotDisturbsetting
 •WhileDoNotDisturbisturnedon,aniconwillappearinthelowerrightcornerofyourmonitor
 •ThisiconwilldisappearwhenDoNotDisturbisturnedoff
Turning Off Do Not Disturb
 •PushtheHomebuttonontheremotecontrol
 •Inthelowerrighthandcorner,selectthisbutton:
 •SelectOFFtoendtheDoNotDisturbsession
 •Callerswillagainbeabletodialinandconnecttoyourvideoconferencingsystem
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Tips for Effective Video Conferences
Before Your Video Call
 •Taketimetoexperimentandpracticewiththeequipmentbeforeyourconference
 •Learnhowtouseanyaccessoriesorperipherals,suchasdocumentcamerasandDVD/VCRs
 •Arrangeatestconferencebeforehand,eithertoanothersiteinyourcompany,ortoanSKCtestsite.
 •Appointaleader/facilitatorforeachsite
 •Distributeanyneededmaterialsbeforethemeeting
During Your Video Call
 •Beginontimeandstayfocusedonthegoalsofyourmeeting
 •Introducetheconferenceparticipants,asyouwouldinaface-to-facemeeting
 •Allowforabriefdelayaseachsidespeaks.Doubleyourusualwaittimeafteraskingaquestion.
 •Maintaineyecontactbylookingdirectlyatthecamera
Clothes & Lighting
 •Closeanydrapesorblinds,asdaylightmayconflictwithroomlighting
 •Lightpastels&mutedcolorslookbestinvideoconferences
 •Avoidbrightcoloredclothing,solidblackorred,andbusypatterns(iechecksornarrowstripes)
 •Ifyouwearwhite,ajacketorsweaterwillimprovecontrast
 •Avoidclothesthatmatchthewallcolor
 •Beawareofanyjewelrythatjingles,asthenoisewillbepickedupbythemicrophone(s)
 •Redlipstickanddarkeyeshadowarenotidealinvideoconferences
Speak & Act Naturally
 •Usenaturalgestureswhenyouspeak,justasyouwouldifyouwereinthesameroom
 •Speaknormally,anddon’tshout.Themicsaredesignedtopickupyourvoiceatnormalvolumes.
 •Askquestionsandencourageparticipationbyallconferenceattendees,nearandfar
 •Talkabitslowerthannormaltoensureyouareheardclearly
 •Avoidinterruptinganotherspeaker
Cameras & Microphones
 •Positionmicsinthecenterofthetable,anduseadditionalmicsinlargerrooms
 •Usemute,especiallywhenmovingthemicrophones
 •Avoidrustlingpapers,tapping,andotherdistractingnoises,especiallynearthemics
 •Beawareoflivemicrophonesatalltimes.Evenifyouthinkyouaremuted,actasifyou’renot
 •Limitsideconversations.Themicspickupevenquietconversationsandwhispering.
 •Fillthescreenwiththepeopleintheconference,ratherthantables,chairs,wallsorfloorspace
 •Setanduseyourcamerapresetsforquick,easycameraplacement
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© 2008 SKC Communication Products, Inc.