Troybilt 21A-634A766 User manual

  • Hello! I'm here to assist you with your Troy-Bilt Rear-Tine Tiller manual. I've reviewed the document, and it covers everything from assembly and safety procedures to detailed operation and maintenance instructions. I am ready to answer your questions about your 630C or 634A model, including information on engaging the tines, setting tilling depth, and using the clutch controls.
  • What should I do before using the tiller for the first time?
    How do I engage the tines?
    How do I adjust the tilling depth?
    What should I do if the tiller strikes an object?
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Operator's Manual
Rear-tine Tiller Models
634AmSuper BroncoTM
Mode1634A Shown
IMPORTANT: Read safety rules and instructions carefully before operating equipment.
Warning: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-
covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark attester meeting applicable local or state laws (if
any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator. In the State of California the above is required
by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark
arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest engine authorized service dealer or contact the service department, P.O. Box 361131
Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019.
Troy-Bilt LLC,P.O.BOX361131CLEVELAND,OHIO44136-0019
Content Page Content Page
Customer Support 2 Maintenance 17
Safety 3 Off-season Storage 21
Assembly 6 Troubleshooting 22
Features and Controls 10 Parts List 23
Operation 12 Warranty Back Cover
This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new lawn tractor. It will help you assemble, prepare and maintain the
unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says.
Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the equipment and
copy the information from it in the space provided below. A sample model plate is also given below. You can
locate the model plate by looking at the rear of the tine shield. This information will be necessary to use the
manufacturer's web site and/or help from the Customer Support Department or an authorized service dealer.
P. O. BOX 361131 CLEVELAND,OH44136
,. 1-800-520-552_
Copy the model number here:
Copy the serial number here:
PleasedoNOTreh/m thel/nit totheretailer withoutfirstcontactingCustomerSupport.
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance of
this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below:
Visit for many useful suggestions. Click on Customer Support button and you
will get the four options reproduced here. Click on the appropriate button and help is
immediately available.
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If you prefer to reach a Customer Support Representative, please call 1(800) 520-5520.
The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regard to
performance, power-rating, specifications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine
manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual, packed separately with your unit, for more
This machine meets voluntary safety stan-
dard B71.8-1996, which is sponsoredbythe
Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc.,
and is published by the American National
Standards Institute.
The engine exhaust from this productcontains
chemicals known to the State of California to
cause cancer, birth defects or other reproduc-
,_ This is a safety alert symbol. It is used
in this manual and on the unit to alert
you to potential hazards. When you see
this symbol, read and obey the
message that follows it. Failure to obey
safety messages could result in
personal injury or property damage.
ForwardClutchBail ReverseClutchControl
Figure 1-1: Tiller featuresand contre/s. See separateEngineOwner'sManua/ to
1. Carefully readthis Own-
er's Manual,the separate
Engine Owner'sManual,
and anyother literature you may receive.
Bethoroughly familiar with the controls
andthe proper useofthe tiller and its en-
gine. Knowhowto stop the unit and disen-
gagethe controls quickly.
2. Neverallowchildrento operatethetiller.
Neverallow adults to operatethe tiller
without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe area of operationclear of all
persons, particularly children and pets.
4. Keepin mindthat theoperatoror useris
responsible for accidents or hazardsoc-
curring to otherpeople,their property,and
1. Thoroughly inspect the areawherethe
tiller is to be usedand removeall foreign
2. Be sure all tiller controls are released
and bothwheels arein theWheelDrive po-
sition beforestarting the engine.
3. Donot operatethetiller without wearing
adequateoutergarments. Avoid loosegar-
ments or jewelry that could get caught in
moving parts.
4. Donot operatethe tiller when barefoot
or wearingsandals,sneakers,or light foot-
wear.Wear protective footwear that will
improve footing on slippery surfaces.
5. Donottill nearunderground electricca-
bles,telephone lines, pipes or hoses.If in
doubt, contact your telephoneor utility
6. Warning: Handlefuel with care; it is
highly flammableand its vapors areexplo-
sive.Takethe following precautions:
a. Storefuel in containers specifically
designedfor this purpose.
b. Thegascapshallneverberemovedor
Allowthe engineto coolforseveral
c. Keepmatches,cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, openflamesandsparks away
from thefueltank and fuelcontainer.
d. Fillfuel tank outdoors with extreme
care.Neverfill fueltank indoors. Use
a funnelor spout to preventspillage.
e. Replaceall fueltank and container
caps securely.
f. If fuel isspilled, do not attempt to
start the engine,but move the ma-
chineawayfrom the areaof spillage
and avoidcreating any source of ig-
nition until fuel vapors havedissi-
7. Nevermakeadjustmentswhenengineis
running (unless recommendedby manu-
1. Do not put hands or feet near or under
rotating parts.
2. Exerciseextremecaution when on or
crossing gravel drives,walks, or roads.
Stayalert for hiddenhazardsor traffic. Do
not carry passengers.
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine,removethe wire from the spark
plug wire and prevent it from touching the
spark plug. Thoroughly inspectthe ma-
chine for any damageand repairthe dam-
agebefore restarting and operatingthe
6. Stopthe engine, disconnectthe spark
plug wire and prevent it from touching the
spark plug,wheneveryou leavethe operat-
ing position, beforeunclogging thetines,
or whenmaking any repairs, adjustments
or inspections.
7. Takeall possible precautionswhenleav-
ing the machine unattended.Stopthe en-
gine. Disconnectthespark plug wire and
move it awayfrom thespark plug. Besure
that both wheelsarein theWheelDrive po-
8. Beforecleaning, repairing,or inspect-
ing, stop the engine and make certain all
moving parts havestopped. Disconnect
the spark plug wire and prevent it from
touching thespark plug to preventacci-
9. Theflapon thefine hood must bedown
when operatingthetiller.
10. Neverusethetiller unless proper
guards, plates,or other safety protective
devicesare in place.
11. Donot run the engine in an enclosed
area.Engineexhaust containscarbon
monoxide gas, a deadlypoison that is
odorless, colorless, and tasteless.
12. Keepchildren and pets away.
13. Never operate thetiller underengine
powerif thewheels arein theFreewheel
position.Inthe Freewheelposition, the
wheelswill not hold the tiller back andthe
revolvingtines could propel thetiller rapid-
ly,possibly causingloss ofcontrol. Always
engagethe wheels with the wheel drive
pins in theWheel Drive position before
starting the engine or engaging the
tines4Nheelswith the Forward Clutch Bail
(all models) or the ReverseClutchcontrol
(Models 634A only).
14. Beawarethatthe tiller may unex-
pectedlybounceupwardor jumpforward
if thetines shouldstrike extremelyhard
packedsoil, frozen ground,or buriedob-
stacleslike largestones,roots,or
If indoubtaboutthetilling conditions, al-
ways usethefollowing operating precau-
tionstoassistyouin maintainingcontrol
of thetiller:
a. Walk behindandto one side of the
tiller, usingone handon thehandle
barsRelax yourarm, but usea
b. Useshallowerdepthregulator
settings,working graduallydeeper
with eachpass.
¢. Useslowerenginespeeds.
d. Clearthetilling area of all large
stones,rootsor other debris.
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressureon
thehandlebars.If needbe, use
slight upwardpressuretokeepthe
tinesfrom diggingtoodeeply.
f. Beforecontacting hardpackedsoil
at the endofa row,reduceengine
speedand lift thehandlebarsto
raise thetines out of the soil.
g. In anemergency,stopthetinesand
wheels byreleasingwhichever
clutch controlis engaged.Do not
attemptto restrainthetiller.
15. Donot overloadthe tiller's capacityby
attempting to till too deeplyat too fast a
16. Neveroperatethetiller at high trans-
port speeds on hard or slippery surfaces.
Look behind and usecare when backing
17. Donot operatethetiller on aslopethat
is too steep for safety.When on slopes,
slow down and makesure you havegood
footing. Neverpermit thetillerto freewheel
down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.
19. Onlyuseattachmentsand accessories
that are approved bythe manufacturer of
the tiller.
20. Usetiller attachmentsand accessories
when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good
visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethe tiller ifyou aretired;
or underthe influence ofalcohol, drugs or
23. Operatorsshallnottamper with theen-
gine-governor settings onthe machine;
the governor controls the maximum safe
operatingspeedto protectthe engine and
all moving parts from damagecaused by
overspeed.Authorized serviceshall be
sought if a problem exists.
24. Do nottouch engine parts which may
behot from operation.Letparts cool down
25. Pleaseremember:Youcanalwaysstop
thetines and wheels by releasingthe For-
ward ClutchBail or on Model634Athe Re-
verseClutchcontrol, (whichevercontrol is
engaged),or bymoving the ignition switch
and/orthrottle control leveron the engine
to "OFF"or "STOP".
26. Toload or unloadthe tiller, seethe in-
structions in Section4 of this Manual.
27. Useextremecaution when reversing
or pulling the machinetowards you.
28. Startthe enginecarefully accordingto
instructions and with feet well away from
29. Neverpick up or carry a machinewhile
the engineis running.
1. Keepthe tiller, attachmentsand acces-
sories in safeworking condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws for
proper tightness to besurethe equipment
is in safeworking condition.
3. Neverstore thetiller with fuel in thefuel
tank insidea building whereignition sourc-
esare presentsuchashot waterandspace
heaters,furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves,
electric motors, etc.). Allow the engineto
cool beforestoring the unit in anyenclo-
4. Toreducethe chancesof a fire hazard,
keeptheenginefreeofgrass, leaves,or ex-
5. Storegasolinein acool, well-ventilated
area,safely awayfrom anyspark- or
flame-producing equipment. Store gaso-
line in an approvedcontainer,safelyaway
from the reachof children.
6. Referto the Maintenancesections of
this Manualand the separateEngineOwn-
er'sManualfor instructions ifthe unitis to
bestored for an extendedperiod.
7. Neverperform maintenancewhilethe
engineis running orthe spark plug wire is
connected,exceptwhen specifically in-
structed to do so.
8. Ifthe fueltank hasto be drained,dothis
Foryour safety and the safety of others, vari-
ous safety and operationaldecalsare located
on your unit (seeFigure 1-2).
Keepthe decalscleanand legible atall times.
Contactyour localservicedealeror thefactory
for replacementsif anydecalsaredamagedor
Referto the Parts List pagesin this Manualfor
decallocations, descriptions and part num-
Message(on engine)
ReverseClutch Control
(Models 634A)
Figure 1-2: Locationof safety and operatingdeca/s.
I"1 I*1 R
WARNING: Toprevent
personalinjury or property
damage,do notstartthe engine
until all assemblysteps are
completeandyou haveread
and understandthesafety and
operatinginstructions in this
Carefullyfollow these assemblysteps to
correctly prepareyour tiller for use. It is
recommendedthatyou readthis Sectionin
its entirety beforebeginning assembly.
NOTE: Various rifler models are
presented in this Manual. Use only the
information appropriate for your tiller
model. Engine styles vary by model, Your
engine may appear differently than those
illustrated in this manual
Inspect the unitand carton for damageim-
mediatelyafter delivery.Contactthe carrier
(trucking company) if you find or suspect
damage. Inform them of the damageand
request instructions for filing a claim. To
protect your rights, put your claim in writ-
ing and maila copyto the carrier within 15
days after the unit has beendelivered.
ContactTroy-Bilt LLCif you needassis-
tance in this matter.
(2) 1/2" open-end wrench*
(2) 9/16" open-endwrench*
(1) 3/8" open-endwrench*
(1) Largeadjustable wrench
(Models 634F/634A only)
(1) Scissors (totrim plasticties)
(1) Ruler (for belttension check)
(1) Block of wood (to support tiller when
removing wheels)
(1) Tirepressure gauge (for models with
(1) Cleanoil funnel
(1) Motor oil. Refertothe EngineOwner's
Manualfor oil specificationsand
* Adjustable wrenchesmay be used.
NOTE:While unpacking,do not severely
bend anycontrol cables.
1.Thetiller weighs approximately 133 Ibs.
Do notattempt to remove it from the ship-
ping platform until instructed to do so in
these Assembly steps.
2. Removeany packagingmaterial from
the carton. Removeany staplesfrom the
bottom of the carton and removethe car-
ton from the shipping platform.
3. Removeall unassembledparts andthe
separatehardwarebag from the carton.
Checkthat you havethe items listed in the
LooseParts List (contactyour localdealer
or the factory itemsare missing or dam-
NOTE: Use the screw length template
(Fig,2-1) to identify screws,
Qty. Description
1HandlebarSupport (seeA, Fig. 2-2)
1 HandlebarAssembly(seeK,Fig.2-2)
Hardwarebag contents:
4 Hexhd. screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2"
2 Hexhd. screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4"
2 FlatWasher,3/8"
4 Split lockwasher,5/16"
4 Hex nut, 5/16"-18
2HexIocknut, 34}"-16
*Model 634A only
IMPORTANT:Motor oil must beaddedto
the enginecrankcasebeforetheengine is
started. Followthe instructions inthis
Sectionand in the separateEngine
Owner's Manual.
NOTE: LEFTand RIGHTsides of thetiller
are as viewedfrom theoperator's position
behind thehandlebars.
1. Looselyattachthe legsof thehandlebar
support (A, Fig. 2-2) to the inner sides of
the tiller frame usingtwo 3/8"-16x3/4" hex
hd. screws (B), 3/8" flat washers(C), and
3/8"-16 hex Iocknuts (D).
Figure2-1: Toidentifylengthofscrews,place
2. Usingtwo 5/16"-18 x 1-1/2"screws (G),
5/16" split lock washers (H) and 5/16"-18
hexnuts (I), loosely attachthe handlebar
support (A) usingthe upperholes.Tighten
thetwo screws securely.
3. Therearethree heightadjustment holes
in the two handlebar support brackets (E
and F,Fig. 2-2). Usea setting that will po-
sition the handlebarsat approximately
waist levelwhenthetines are3"-4"intothe
soil. Looselyattachthesupport bracketsto
theoutsideofthe handlebarassembly (K)
usingtwo 5/16"-18x 1-1/2" screws (G),5/
16"split lockwashers(H)and5/16"-18 hex
nuts (I). NOTE:Ifa support bracketwill not
move, loosenattaching screw (J) and nut.
IMPORTANT:The support bracketsmust
4. Tightenall handlebarmounting hard-
Toroll the tiller off the shipping platform,
put the wheels in freewheel,asfollows:
1. Placeasturdy block underthetransmis-
sion to raiseone wheelabout 1" off the
2, Removethe hairpin cotter (L, Fig.2-3)
and wheeldrive pin (M) from the wheel
hub (0) and wheelshaft (N).
3. Slidethe wheelfully inwardonthewheel
shaft (N, Fig.2-3). Reinstallthe wheel
°-! °
Fig. 2-3: Wheel in FREEWHEELposition
1. Carefullyunwrapthe forward clutch ca-
ble(cablewithout an attachedknob) from
its shipping position and slide thethin ca-
blewire (T,Fig. 2-4) into the slot in the ca-
blebracket. Pushthe cableconnector (U,
Fig.2-4) upthrough the holein thebracket
untilthe groove in the connector snaps
into place.
2. Threadthe#10-24 hexnut (Z, Fig. 2-5)
halfway ontothe screw (V) which runs
through the spring (W, Fig.2-5).
3. Threadthe screw (V) into the cablead-
juster (X).
Fig. 2.2: Attachhandlebar.
drive pin (M) through thewheelshaft only
(not through the wheelhub). Securethe
wheeldrive pin with the hairpin cotter (L),
pushingthe hairpincotter in asfarasit will
go. Thewheelshould now spin freely
(freewheel) on the wheelshaft. Repeat
with the other wheel.
4. Usethe handlebarto roll the tiller to a
flat area.
IMPORTANT: Beforestartingthe engine,
the wheels must beplacedin theWHEEL
DRIVEposition (pinsthrough wheelhubs
andwheelshaft). This procedureis
describedin WheelDrivePinsin Section3.
Fig. 2-4: Installingforward clutchcable bracketand cable.
4. Checkfor correcttension ontheforward
drive belt bytaking two measurementsof
the cablespring, as follows:
a.With the Forward Clutch Bail (Y,Fig. 2-
6) in an open (released)position, measure
the length ofthecablespring (W) from the
outermost coil to the outermost coil.
b. Squeezethe ForwardClutch Bailagainst
the handlebar(seeFig. 2-7) and re-mea-
surethe spring length. Thebelt tension is
correct if this second measurementis be-
tween 1/16"to 3/16" longer thanthe first
measurement.If so, turn the hexnut (Z,
Fig. 2-7) tightly against the cableadjuster
(X) while preventingthe cableadjuster
from turning.
c. If the spring lengthis incorrect, you
must adjustthe cabletension asdescribed
in Checkingand Adjusting Forward Drive
Belt Tensionin Section 5. Incorrect cable
tension can result in beltslippage (cable
tension too loose), or unintentional tine
movement whenthe clutch bail is in Neu-
tral (cabletension too tight).
Fig.2-5: Cable
Fig. 2-6: Attachforward
clutchcable spring to
forwardclutch bail.
Fig. 2-7: Tocheckforwardbelt tension,take twomeasurementsofthelengthof the coils inthe
spring-- first withthebail open, then withthe bail held against thehandlebar.
1. Unwrapthe reverseclutch cable (CC,
Fig.2-8 and Fig.2-9) from its shipping po-
sition and route it up to the handlebar.Be
surethat the cableis routedbeneaththe
Forward Clutch Bail.
2. Insertthecable(CC,Fig.2-8)through the
slot inthecablebracketandpositiontheflat
sideof thethreadedassemblynextto the
flat side ofthe hole.Slidethe hexnut (DD)
up thecable andtighten it securely.
3. Fastenthe reverseclutch cableto the
left sidehandlebarwith acabletie (EE,Fig.
4. Testthefunction ofthe reverseclutch by
pulling out and releasingthe cableknob.
Theknob should return to its neutral posi-
tion (resting against bracket). If it doesn't,
contact your local dealeror Troy-Bilt LLC
for technical assistance.
Flat Side
Fig. 2-8:/nsta//reverse cable bracketand
Fig. 2-9: Routereverse clutchcable (CC)as
shown. Attachwithcable tie (EE).
Thetransmission was filledwith gearoil at
thefactory. However,you shouldcheckthe
gear oil levelatthis time to makecertain it
is correct.
IMPORTANT:Donot operatethe tiller ifthe
gear oil level islow. Doingso will result in
severedamageto the transmission com-
1. With the tiller on levelground, pull the
Depth RegulatorLever(FF,Fig. 2-10) back
andthen all theway up until the lowest
notch in the lever isengaged.
2. Removethe oil fill plug (GG,Fig. 2-11)
from the transmission housing cover and
locatethe maindrive shaft situated inside
the housing.
3. Thegear oil level iscorrect ifthegear oil
isapproximately halfway upthe sideofthe
main driveshaft.
4. Ifthe oil levelislow, add gear oil by re-
ferring to A. ToCheckthe Transmission
dear 0il Levelin Section5.
Thetiller isshipped withoutoil in the en-
IMPORTANT:Donot start the engine with-
out first adding motor oil. Severeengine
damagewill result ifthe engineis run with-
out oil.
1. Referto the separateEngineOwner's
Manualfor engine oil specifications and
2. With thetiller on levelground, movethe
Depth RegulatorLever(FF,Fig.2-1O)up or
down until the engine is level.
3. Add motor oil as describedin the En-
gine Owner's Manual.
4. Movethe DepthRegulator Leverall the
way down untilthe highest notch is en-
gaged.This placesthe tines in the"travel"
position, which allows the tiller to be
moved without thetines touching the
_1 El-'8: I.;HEI.;K HAHUWAHE
Checkall nuts and screws for tightness.
TIRES (unitswithpneumatictires)
Checkthe air pressurewith a tire gauge.
Deflateor inflatethe tires equallyto be-
tween 15 PSIand 20 PSI (pounds per
squareinch). Besurethat bothtires arein-
flated equallyor the unit will pull to one
Fig. 2-10: AdjustDepthRegulatorLever.
Fig. 2-11: Removegear oil fill plug.
IMPORTANT: This completesthe assembly steps. Be-
fore operatingyour tiller, makesureyou readthefollow-
ing sections in this Manual,as well asthe
Section 1: Safety
Section 3: Featuresand Controls
Section 4: Operation
_ ARNING: Before
operatingyour machine,
carefully readand understand
all safety,controls and
operatinginstructions in this
Manual,the separateEngine
Owner's Manual,and on the
decalson the machine.
Failureto follow these
instructions can result in
serious personalinjury.
This Section describesthe location and
function ofthecontrols on yourtiller. Refer
to the following Section, Operationfor de-
tailed operatinginstructions.
Practice usingthese controls, with the en-
gine shut off, until you understandthe op-
eration ofthe controls and feelconfident
with eachof them.
ForwardClutch Bail ReverseClutchControl
(Model 634A)
HandlebarHeight Adjustment
Wheel Drive Pin
Referto the enginemanufacturer'sEngine
Owner'sManual(included in the tiller liter-
aturepackage)to identify the controls on
your engine.
IMPORTANT:Thecontrol for stopping the
engine is located onthe engine.
Eachwheelis equippedwith a wheeldrive
pin (A, Figures3-2 and 3-3) that secures
the wheelto the wheelshaft (B). The
wheelscan be positioned in either a
_ WARNING: Neverallow
either ofthewheelsto bein the
FREEWHEELposition whenthe
engineis running. Alwaysput
both wheelsin theWHEEL
DRIVEposition beforestarting
the engine.
Failureto comply could cause
loss of tiller control, property
damage,or personalinjury.
Beforestartingthe engine,put bothwheels
in the WHEELDRIVEposition byinserting
the wheel drive pins through the wheel
hubsandthewheelshaft. Doingso "locks"
the wheels to the wheelshaft, causing the
wheelsto turn when eitherthe
Figure3-1: Tiller features and controls.See separateEngineOwner's Manual toidentify
Forward ClutchBail (all models) or the Re-
verse ClutchControl (Model 634A) is en-
Usethe FREEWHEELmode only whenthe
engineis not running, in FREEWHEEL,the
wheeldrive pins are placedonly through
the holes in thewheelshaft (notthe wheel
hubs), thus allowing the wheels to turn
freely whenyou manually movethe tiller.
Toplacethewheels in WHEELDRIVEor
1. Stopengine,disconnectsparkplug wire
from sparkplug andallowengineto cool.
_ WARNING: Donotplace
tiller on its sidewhenchanging
wheeldrivepositions. Doingso
could result in gasolineleaking
from the fuel tank.
Failureto follow this instruction
could result in personalinjury
or property damage.
2. Raiseone wheelabout one inch off the
ground and placeasturdy support under
the transmission.
3. Removehairpin cotter (C,Figures3-2
and 3-3) from wheel drive pin (A).
Slide wheeloutward and align holes in
Figure3-2: WHEELDRIVEposition.
wheelhub (D, Figure3-2) and wheel
shaft (B). Insertwheel drive pin (A)
through wheel hub (D) and wheel
shaft (B). Securewheeldrive pin with hair-
pin cotter (C) by pushing hairpin cotter in
asfar as it will go. Repeatwith the other
wheeland then removethe support from
beneaththe transmission.
drive pin (A, Figure3-3) onlythrough the
hole in the wheel shaft (B). Securewheel
drivepin with hairpincotter (C)bypushing
hairpin cotter in asfar asit will go. Repeat
for the other wheeland then removethe
support from beneaththetransmission.
_ WARNING: Useextreme
_-- _ caution whenreversing or
AYpulling the machinetowards
,,_- D you. Look behindto avoid
Neverattemptto till in reverse.
Failureto follow this warning
could result in personalinjury
or property damage.
Tooperatethe ReverseClutchControl:
1. Putwheels in WHEELDRIVEposition
(see"WARNING"statementat the left).
2. Stopall tiller motion by releasingthe
Figure3-3:FREEWHEELposition. Forward Clutch Bail.
WARNING: Beforestarting 3. Lift the handlebar untilthe tines clear
engine,besurethat both the ground, look behind you to avoid any
wheelsare inWHEELDRIVE obstacles,and then pull the control knob
position. SeeWheelsDrivePins (F,Figure3-4) out. Thewheels and tines
for instructions, will rotate in a reversedirection.
Engagingthe Forward Clutch 4. Releasethe control knobto disengage
Bail or ReverseClutchControl (stop) thewheels andtines (theenginewill
(if equipped) whenthe wheels continue to run).
arenot in WHEELDRIVEcould
allowthe tinesto rapidly propel
the tiller forward or backward.
Failureto comply could cause
loss of tiller control, property
damage,or personalinjury.
TheForward Clutch Bail(E, Figure3-4)
controls the engagementof forward drive F
to the wheelsand tines. E
Tooperate the ForwardClutchBail:
1. Put wheelsin WHEELDRIVEposition Figure3-4:AIImodelshavea ForwardClutch
(see"WARNING"statementabove). Bail(E).OnlyMode1634Ahavea Reverse
2. Lift and hold the clutch bail (E,Figure3-
4)againstthehandlebartostartthewheels DEPTH REGULATOR LEVER
andtines rotating in a forward direction. This lever (G,Figure3-5) controls the till-
3. Releasethe clutch bail to disengage ing depthof the tines. Pullthe leverback
(stop) thewheels andtines (theenginewill and slide it up or downto engagethe
continue to run). notched height settings.
REVERSECLUTCHCONTROL The"travel position" (highestnotch) raises
(Model 634A only) the tines approximately1-1/2"off the
ground, allowingthe tiller to be moved
TheReverseClutchControl (F,Figure3-4) without the tines contacting the ground.
controls the engagementof reversedrive This setting should also be usedwhen
to the wheelsandtines.The reversing fea- starting the engine.
ture isusedfor maneuveringthe tiller
only-- neverengagethetines in the Moving the leverupward will increasethe
tilling depth.Thelowest notch allows a till-
ground while operatingin reverse. ing depthof approximately6", depending
on soil conditions. Forbest results,always
begintilling atavery shallow depthsetting
and gradually increasethe tilling depth.
WARNING: Donotattempt
to till too deeplytoo quickly.
Graduallywork downto deeper
tilling depths.
Placethe DepthRegulator
Leverin the "travel" position
beforestarting theengine.This
position preventsthetines from
touching the ground untilyou
are readyto begintilling.
Failureto follow this warning
could result in personalinjury
or property damage.
Figure3-5: DepthRegulator Lever (G).
Thehandlebarheight isadjustabletothree
different settings (Figure3-6). In general,
adjust the handlebarssothey areat waist
levelwhenthe tines are3"-4"in the soil.
Toadjustthe handlebars:
1. Stopengine,disconnectspark plugwire
from spark plug and allow engineto cool.
2. Removehardware,reposition handle-
bars,and reinstall hardwaresecurely.
Figure3-6: Handlebarheightadjustment.
_ ARNING: Before
operatingyour machine,
carefully readand understand
all safety (Section 1),controls
(Section 3) and operating
instructions (Section4) inthis
Manual,the separateEngine
Owner's Manual,and on the
decalson the machine.
Failureto follow these
instructions can result in
serious personalinjury.
Readthis OperationSection andthe sepa-
rate EngineOwner'sManualbeforeyou
start the engine.Then,take thetime to fa-
miliarize yourself with the basic operation
of thetiller before usingit in the garden.
Findan open,levelareaand practice using
the tiller controls without thetines engag-
ing the soil (put tines in "travel" setting).
Onlyafter you've becomecompletely fa-
miliar with thetiller shouldyou beginusing
it in the garden.
Perform the following maintenanceafter
the first two (2) hours of new operation
(see MaintenanceSection in this manual
and in the Engine Owner'sManual).
1. Changeengine oil.
2. Checkfor looseor missinghardwareon
unit. Tighten or replaceas needed.
3. Checktension on forward drive belt.
4. Checktransmission gear oil level.
With the spark plug wire disconnected
from the sparkplug, perform the following
checksand services beforeeachuse:
1. Readthe Safetyand Controls Sections
in this manual. Readthe separateEngine
Owner's Manualprovidedwith the unit.
2. Putthe wheels inthe WHEELDRIVEpo-
sition (wheel pins must be through holes
in wheel hubs and wheelshaft).
3. Checkunit for loose or missing hard-
ware. Serviceas required.
4. Checkengineoil level.SeeEngineOwn-
er's Manual.
ClutchBail ,epthRegulator
Fig. 4-1
5. Checkthat all safety guards andcovers
are in place.
6. Checkair cleanerand engine cooling
system. SeeEngineOwner's Manual.
Followgasolinesafety rulesin
this Manual(seeSection 1)and
in theseparateEngineOwner's
Failureto follow gasolinesafety
instructions can result in
serious personalinjury and
property damage.
7. Fillthefueltank with gasolineaccording
to the directions inthe separate Engine
Owner's Manual.Follow all instructions
and safety rules carefully.
8. Attachspark plug wire to spark plug.
Startingthe Engine
Thefollowing steps describe how to start
and stop the engine.
,_ WARNING: Donotattempt
to engagethetines or wheels
until you havereadall ofthe
operatinginstructions in this
Section.Also, reviewthe safety
rules in Section 1:Safety,and
the tiller and enginecontrols
information in Section3:
Featuresand Controls.
1. Completethe Pre-StartChecklistonthis
2. Putthe wheels inthe WHEELDRIVEpo-
sition (seeWheelDrivePinsin Section3 of
this manual).
,_ WARNING: Tohelp
preventserious personalinjury
or damageto equipment:
• Before starting engine, put both
wheels in the WHEELDRIVEposition.
Never havewheels in FREEWHEELpo-
sition when engine is running. When
thewheels are in FREEWHEEL,theydo
not hold backthe tiller and the tines
couldpropelthetiller rapidly
forwardor backward.
Before starting engine, put Forward
Clutch Bail (all models) and Reverse
Clutch Control (Model 634A only) in
neutral (disengaged) positionsby re-
• Never run engine indoors or in en-
closed,poorlyventilatedareas. Engine
Temperaturesin these areas may ex-
ceed 150° F.
3. Movethe Depth RegulatorLeverall the
way down to the "travel" position, sothat
thetines clearthe ground.
4. Releaseall controls on the tiller.
5. Onengine's with a fuel shut-off valve,
turn valve to openposition, asinstructed
in the separateEngine Owner'sManual.
6. Put ignition switch and/or throttle con-
trol leverlocated on engine in the "ON",
"RUN", "FAST"or "START"position, asin-
structed in the EngineOwner's Manual.
7. Chokeor prime engine,as instructed in
EngineOwner's Manual.
8. Put one hand on fueltank to stabilize
unitwhen pulling starterrope handle.Then
userecoilstarter to start engine,as in-
structed in the EngineOwner's Manual.
Whenenginestarts, graduallymove choke
lever (if so equipped) to "NO CHOKE",
"CHOKEOFF"or "RUN" position.
9. Usethe "FAST"throttle speedsetting
Stopping the Engineand Tiller
1. Tostop thewheelsandtines, releasethe
Forward ClutchBail (all models) orthe Re-
verse ClutchControl (Model 634A) --
whichevercontrol is in use.
2. Tostop the engine,put the ignition
switch and/or thethrottle control leverin
the "OFF"or "STOP"position.
Thefollowing operatinginstructions pro-
videguidelinesto usingyour tiller effec-
tively and safely. Besure to read Tilling
Tips & Techniquesin this Section before
actually putting the tines into the soil.
NOTE:This is a traditional "Standard-Ro-
tating-Tine" (SRT)tiller with forward rotat-
ing tines,it operatescompletely differently
from "Counter-Rotating-Tine"(CRT)tillers
or from front-tine tillers.
1. Followthe Pre-Start Checklistatthe be-
ginning of this Section. Besurethat the
wheelsare in theWHEELDRIVEposition.
2. Movethe DepthRegulator Leverall the
way down, so that thetines clearthe
ground. Usethis position when practicing
with the tiller and when traveling between
tilling sites. Beforeactuallytilling, move
the leverto the desireddepth setting (see
Tilling Tips & Techniques).
3. Start engineand allow it to warm up.
Thenput throttle in "FAST"setting.
Fig.4-2:Useonehandtoguidetiller when
4. For forwardmotion ofthe wheels and
(a) Pull Forward Clutch Bail (Fig.4-1) up
against handlebar.Releasebail to stop for-
ward motion of wheels and tines.
(b) Whentilling, relaxand letthe wheels
pull the unit while thetines dig.Walk be-
hind anda little to onesideof the unit. Use
one hand,yet keepa light--but secure--
grip on the handlebar (while keepingyour
arm loose). SeeFig.4-2. Letthe unit move
at its own paceand do not push down on
the handlebarsto try and forcethe tines to
dig deeper-- this takesweight off the
wheels, reducestraction, andcausesthe
tines to try and propel the tiller.
,_ WARNING: Donotpush
down onthe handlebarsto try
to makethetiller till more
deeply.This preventsthe
wheelsfrom holding the tiller
backand canallowthe tines to
rapidly propelthetiller forward,
which could resultin loss of
control, property damage,or
5. Forreverse motion ofthe wheelsand
tines (Model634A only):
(a) Lookbehindand exercisecaution when
operating in reverse.Do not till while in
(b) Stopall forward motion. Lift handlebar
with one handuntiltines areoff the ground
andthen pull ReverseClutchControl knob
out (seeFig.4-3). Tostop reversing,letgo
of ReverseClutch Control knob.
(b) Swingthe handlebarto theleft so the
right wheeltakesa "step" backward.Next
swing the handlebarto the rightso theleft
wheel"steps" backward.Repeatasneeded.
(c) If longer distances needto becovered
in reverse,shut off the engine,then place
the two wheels in FREEWHEEL.
7. ToTurnthe Tiller Around:
(a) Practiceturning the tiller in a level,
openarea.Beverycarefulto keepyour feet
and legsaway from the tines.
(b) Tobeginaturn, lift thehandlebarsuntil
(c) With tiller balanced,pushsideways on
handlebarto steer in direction of turn (Fig.
4-5). After turning, slowly lower tines into
soil to resumetilling.
6. Tomovethe Model630Cin reversefor
short distances:
(a) Releaseforward ClutchBail.Thenlift
handlebaruntiltines are off theground.
Fig. 4-4: Tobegin turn,lift handlebarsuntil
tines are out of groundand unit is balanced.
Fig.4-5: Withtinesoutofground,pushhan-
1. Tostop thewheelsandtines, releasethe
Forward ClutchBail (all models) orthe Re-
verse ClutchControl (Model 634A) --
whichevercontrol is in use.
2. Tostop the engine,put the ignition
switch and/orthe throttle control leverin
the "OFF"or "STOP"position.
Tilling Depths
WAHNINL_: Before
tilling, contact your
telephoneor utilities
companyand inquire if
undergroundequipment or
lines are usedon your
property. Donottill near
buriedelectric cables,
telephonelines, pipesor
Avoidpushingdownon thehandlebarsinan attemptto forcethe tiller to dig deeper.Doing
sotakestheweightoff thepoweredwheels,causingthemto losetraction.Withoutthewheels
helpingto holdthetiller back,thetineswill attemptto propelthetiller- oftencausingthetiller
to skip rapidlyacrosstheground. (Sometimes,slight downwardpressureonthe handlebars
will helpgetthrougha particularlytoughsectionof sodor unbrokenground,butin mostcases
this won't benecessary.)
Avoidtrying todigtoo deeplytoo quickly,especiallywhenbustingsodorwhentilling soilthat
hasn'tbeentilledfor sometime.Useshallowdepthregulatorsettings(onlyan inchor two
deep)for thefirst passesthroughthesoil.Witheachsucceedingpass,diganotherinchortwo
deeper.(Wateringtheareaafew daysprior to tilling will maketilling easier,aswill letting the
newlyworkedsoil setfor a dayor two beforemakinga final, deeptilling pass.)
Whencultivating(breakingup surfacesoil aroundplantsto destroyweeds,seeFig.4-9), adjustthetinesto dig only1"to 2"deep.Using
shallowtilling depthshelpspreventinjury toplantswhose rootsoftengrowclosetothesurface,ifneeded,lift up onthehandlebarsslightly
to preventthetinesfrom diggingtoo deeply.(Cultivatingon a regularbasisnotonlyeliminatesweeds,it alsoloosensandaeratesthesoil
for bettermoistureabsorptionandfaster plantgrowth.)
ChoosingCorrectWheel& TineSpeeds With experience,you will find the "just right" tilling depthandtilling speedcombination
that is bestfor yourgarden.
Settheenginethrottleleverata speedto givetheengineadequatepowerandyetallowit tooperateattheslowestpossiblespeed...atleast
until youhaveachievedthe maximumtilling depthyoudesire.Fasterenginespeedsmaybe desirablewhenmakingfinal passesthrough
theseedbedor whencultivating.Selectionofthecorrectenginespeed,in relationtothetilling depth,will ensurea sufficientpowerlevelto
do thejobwithout causingtheenginetolabor.
Letthe Tiller Dothe Work
Whiletilling, relaxandletthewheelspullthe
tiller along while the tines do the digging.
Walkon thesidethat is notyet finished(to
avoidmakingfootprints in thefreshlytilled
soil) and lightly,but securelygrip the han-
dlebarwith just onehand.
Wheneverpossible, walk on the untilled
sideof theunitto avoidmakingfootprints in
your freshly tilled or cultivated soil. Foot-
prints causesoil compactionthat canham-
per root penetrationand contributeto soil
erosion. They can also "plant" unwanted
weed seeds back into the freshly tilled
AvoidTilling Soggy,WetSoil
Tilling wet soil often resultsin large,hard
clumpsof soil that caninterferewith plant-
ing.if time permits,wait a dayor two after
heavyrainsto allow the soil to dry before
tilling. Testsoil bysqueezingit intoa ball.if
itcompressestoo easily,it is toowet to till.
Preparing Seedbeds
• Whenpreparingaseedbed,go overthesamepathtwiceinthefirst row,thenover-
lapone-halfthetiller width ontherest ofthepasses(seeFig.6).Whenfinishedin
onedirection,makea secondpassata rightangle,as shownin Fig.4-7. Overlap
eachpassfor best results(invery hardground,it maytakethreeor four passesto
if thegardensizewill not permitlengthwiseandthencrosswisetilling, thenover-
lapthefirst passesbyone-halfatiller
width,followedbysuccessivepasses ....................v .................................
at one-quarterwidth (seeFig.4-8). _ _
Fig. 4-8
Fig. 4-6 Fig.4-7
With planning, you can ==.._Vp. ==_._V_
allow enoughroom _" _ (_
betweenrows to cultivate _ _
(seeFig.4-9). Leaveroom _ _
for the hood width,
plus enough extra _ _'_'
roomfor future plant Fig.4-9
Powercompostingsimplymeanstilling underandburyingin thesoilall manneroforganic
mattersuchascrop residues,leaves,grassclippingsand covercrops.Thismaterialwillde-
composeduring thenon-growingseasonandadd importantnaturalnutrientstothe soil.
Thefirst placeto beginiswith cropresiduessuchasleftovervines,stalks,stemsandroots.
Powercompostthesecropresiduesassoonastheyfinish bearing.Thesoonerthis is done,
thebetter,astendergreenmatteris easiertotill under.Usethedeepestdepthregulatorset-
ting possiblewithoutcausingthe engineto laboror thetiller tojump ahead.
Standingcornstalksofreasonableheightcanbe powercomposted.Pushingover(butnot
uprooting)cornstalkswill often makeiteasierto chopupthe stalks.Keepthetines clearof
excessivetanglingby "fishtailing"or frequentlyusingreverse.Makeseveralpasses,thenre-
turna fewdays laterto finish off anyremainingstubble.
Aftertilling undercropresidues,addmoreorganicmattersuchasleaves,grassclippingsand
evenkitchenscraps.Whentilled intothesoil, this organicmatterwill decomposeandadd
evenmoreimportantnutrientsto thesoil.
WAHNIN(3: Whenpower
composting, do not keepthe
DepthRegulator Leverata
deepsetting ifthe tiller jumps
or bucks.
If jumping or bucking occurs,
movethe Depth Regulator
Leverdownto ashallow
setting andthen slowly
increasethetilling depthon
Failureto follow this warning
could result in personalinjury.
Afterpowercomposting,you maywant to planta "greenmanure"covercropto protectthe soilduringtheoff-season.Yousimplygrowa
cropof clover,alfalfa,buckwheat,peas,beans,ryegrass,grain,or kaleandthentill it into thesoil priorto theplantingseason.
Readthe followingrecommendationsbeforetilling onslopes:
Ifyou mustgardenon a moderateslope,pleasefollow two very importantguidelines:
1.Till onlyon moderateslopes,neveronsteepgroundwherefooting isdifficult (reviewsafe-
ty rulesin Section1:Safetyof this manual).
2. We recommendtilling up and down slopes ratherthan terracing.Tillingvertically on a
slopeallows maximumplantingareaandalsoleavesroomfor cultivating.
IMPORTANT:Whentilling onslopes,besurethecorrectoil levelis maintainedin theengine
(checkeveryone-halfhour of operation).Theinclineof the slopewill causethe oil to slant
awayfrom its normallevelandthis canstarveenginepartsof requiredlubrication.Keepthe
motor oil levelat thefull pointatall times!
Tilling Upand DownSlopes(VerticalTilling)
operatetiller on aslopetoo
steepfor safe operation.Till
slowly and besureyou have
good footing. Neverpermit
tiller to freewheeldown
slopes.Failureto follow this
warning could result in
Tokeepsoil erosionto aminimum, besureto addenoughorganicmatterto thesoil sothat it hasgoodmoisture-holdingtextureandtry
to avoidleavingfootprints or wheelmarks.
Whentilling vertically,tryto makethefirst passuphillasthetillerdigsmoredeeplygoing uphillthanitdoesdownhill.Insoftsoilor weeds,
youmayhaveto lift the handlebarsslightlywhilegoing uphill. Whengoingdownhill, overlapthefirst passby aboutone-halfthewidth of
TillingAcrossSlopes WithoutUsingTerraces(HorizontalTilling)
If verticalor terracinggardeningaren'tpracticalfor you,thenyoucantill laterallyacrossa slope.Wedon't recommendthis methodasit
cancreateunsurefooting and invitessoil erosion.
As interracegardening,startatthetopoftheslopeandoverlapthefirst passbyhalfthewidth ofthetiller.Foraddedstabilityof thetiller,
alwayskeeptheuphillwheelinthesoft, newlytilledsoil.
Whena slopeistoo steepor too shortfor verticaltilling, it may benecessaryto till acrossthe slopeand createterracedrows.Terraces
arerows thatarecut into thesideofa slope,creatinga narrow,butflat areaon whichto plant.
Ona long slope,youcan makeseveralterraces,onebelowthe other.
Terracesshouldbeonly2-t0-3feetwide.Diggingtoofar intothesideoftheslopewill exposepoor subsoilthat isunproductivefor plants.
Tocreateaterrace,startatthetopof theslopeandwork down.Gobackandforth
acrossthefirst row asshown in Fig.4-10.
Eachsucceedinglowerterraceisstartedbywalking belowtheterraceyou're pre-
ly tilled soil. Donot till the last 12"or more of thedownhill outsideedgeof each
terrace.This untilled strip helps preventsthe terracesfrom breakingapart and
washingdownhill. Italsoprovidesa walkingpathbetweenrows. _, REPEAT
Fig. 4-10
Clearingthe Tines
Thetines havea self-clearingactionwhich eliminatesmosttangling ofdebrisin
thetines.However,occasionallydry grass,stringystalksor toughvinesmaybe-
cometangled.Follow theseproceduresto helpavoidtanglingand to cleanthe
tines,if necessary.
It maybenecessaryto removethedebrisbyhand
(a pocketknifewill helpyouto cut awaythemate-
rial).Besureto stopthe engineanddisconnectthe
sparkplugwirebeforeclearingthetinesby hand.
Toreducetangling,setthedepthregulatordeepenoughto getmaximum"chop-
ping" actionasthetineschopthematerialagainsttheground.Also,try to till un-
dercrop residuesor covercropswhiletheyare green,moist andtender.
While powercomposting,try swayingthe handlebarsfrom sideto side(about
6"to 12").This"fishtailing" actionoften clearsthetines ofdebris.
Iftanglingoccurs,lift thetinesout ofthesoilandrun thetiller in reverse(if unit
isequippedwith poweredreverse)for afewfeet.Thisreversingactionshouldun-
winda gooddealof debris.
WARNING: Beforeclearingthe
tines byhand,stop theengine,allow
all moving parts to stop and
disconnectthespark plug wire.
Removethe ignition keyon electric
start models.
Failureto follow this warning could
result in personalinjury.
WARNING: Loadingand
unloading thetiller into a
vehicleis potentially hazardous
andwedon't recommenddoing
so unlessabsolutelynecessary,
asthis could result in personal
injury or property damage.
However,if you must load or
unloadthe tiller, follow the
Beforeloading or unloading,stop the en-
gine,wait for all parts to stop moving,
disconnect the spark plug wire and letthe
engineand muffler cool.
Thetiller istoo heavyand bulky to lift
safelyby one person. Twoor more people
should sharethe load.
Usesturdy ramps and manually (engine
shut off) roll thetiller into and out of the
vehicle.Twoor more peopleare neededto
do this.
Theramps must bestrong enoughto
support the combined weight of thetiller
and anyhandlers. The rampsshould pro-
videgoodtraction to preventslipping; they
should haveside rails to guide thetiller
along the ramps; andthey should havea
locking deviceto secure them to the
• Thehandlersshouldwearsturdyfootwear
that will helpto preventslipping.
Position the loading vehicle so that the
ramp angle is asflat aspossible (the less
incline to the ramp, the better). Turnthe
vehicle's engine off and apply its parking
Whengoing up ramps,stand in the
normal operating position and push the
tiller aheadofyou. Havea person ateach
sideto turn the wheels.
• Whengoing down ramps,walkbackward
with thetiller following you. Keepalertfor
anyobstacles behind you. Position a per-
son ateachwheelto control the speedof
thetiller. Nevergo down ramps tiller-first,
asthe tiller could tip forward.
Placewoodenblocksonthedownhill side
of the wheels if you needto stop the tiller
from rolling downthe ramp. Also, usethe
blocksto temporarily keepthe tiller in
placeon the ramps (if necessary),and to
chockthe wheels in placeafter the tiller is
in the vehicle.
After loading the tiller, prevent it from
rolling by engagingthe wheels in the
WHEELDRIVEposition. Chockthe wheels
with blocksandsecurelytiethetiller down.
inspecting, cleaningor servicing
the machine,shut off engine,
wait for all moving parts to come
to acompletestop, disconnect
spark plug wire and movewire
awayfrom spark plug. Remove
ignition keyon electricstart
Failureto follow these
instructions can result in serious
personalinjury or property
Checkmotor oil level
Checkdrive belttension
Checknuts and bolts
Changemotor oil
Serviceengine air cleaner system
Checkgearoil levelin transmission
Checktines for wear
Checkair pressure in tires
(if unit haspneumatic tires)
Servicespark plug
1Checkafter first 2 hours of break-in operation.
2Beforeeach use.
3 Every5 operating hours.
4 Every 10operating hours.
5 Every30 operating hours,
6Changemore frequently in dusty conditions.
7-See EngineOwner's Manual forservice
8 - Whichever time interval occurs firsL
g - Changeafter first 2 hours of break-in
After every 10 operating hours, oil or
greasethe lubrication points shown in
Figure5-1 and described below.
Usecleanlubricating oil (#30weight motor
oil is suitable) and cleangeneralpurpose
grease(greasecontaining a metallubricant
is preferred, if available).
Removethe wheels,cleanthe wheelshaft
(A,Fig. 5-1) and applya thin coating of
greaseto the wheelshaft.
Greasethe back,front and sides of the
depthregulator lever (B, Fig.5-1).
Removethetines andcleanthetine shaft
(C,Fig.5-1). Usea file or sandpaperto gen-
tly removeany rust, burrs or rough spots
(especiallyaround holes in shaft). Apply
greaseto ends of shaft beforeinstalling
Oil thethreads on the handlebar height
adjustment screws and the handlebar
attaching screws (D, Fig.5-1).
Beforeeachuse,checkthetiller for signs of
an oil leak-- usually a dirty, oily accumu-
lation eitheron the unit or on the floor.
A little seepagearound a cover or an oil
sealis usually not a causefor alarm. How-
ever,if the oil drips overnight, then imme-
diateattention is needed.Ignoring an oil
leakcanresult in severetransmission
If acover is leaking,check for loose
screws. If the screws aretight, a new
gasket or oil seal may be required.
If the leakisfrom around a shaftand oil
seal, the oil sealprobably needsto be
replaced.Seeyour authorized dealeror
contact the factory for serviceor advice.
IMPORTANT:Neveroperatethe tiller if
thetransmission islow on oil.Checkthe
oil levelafter every 30 hours of
operationand wheneverthere is anyoil
Checkfor looseor missing hardwareaf-
ter every 10 operatinghoursandtighten
or replace(asneeded)beforereusing
Besureto checkthe screws underneath
thetiller hoodthat securethe transmis-
to thetransmission.
(Models with pneumatictires)
Checkthe air pressurein bothtires. The
air pressure should be between 15 PSi
and 20 PSi (pounds per squareinch).
Keepbothtires equally inflated to help
prevent machinefrom pulling to one
Checkthe transmission gear oil level
after every 30 hours of operationor
wheneveryou notice anyoil leak.Oper-
ating thetiller when thetransmission is
low on oil can result in severedamage.
A. To Checkthe Transmission
GearOil Level:
1. Checkthe gear oil levelwhenthe
transmission is cool. Gearoil will
expandin warm operatingtemperatures
and this expansionwill providean incor-
rect oil level reading.
2. With thetiller onlevelground, pullthe
Depth Regulator Leverall the way up.
3. Removethe oil fill plug (A,Fig. 5-2)
from thetransmission housingandlook
insidethe oil fill hole to locatethe main
driveshaft situated belowthe hole.
WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaningor servicing the machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a completestop, disconnect spark plug wireand move wireawayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions canresult in serious personalinjury or property
4. Thegear oil leveliscorrect ifthegear oil
isapproximately halfway upthe sideofthe
main driveshaft.
5. Ifthe gearoil levelislow, addgear oil as
described next.If the gearoil levelisokay,
securely replacethe oil fill plug.
IMPORTANT:Donot operatethe tiller ifthe
gear oil level islow. Doingso will result in
severedamageto the transmission com-
Figure 5-2: Remove oil fill p/ug (,4)to check
gear oil level and toaddgear oil. Remove
fourcoverscrews(B) to drain gear oil.
6. If adding only a few ounces of gear oil,
useAPIratedGL-4or GL-5gearoil having
a viscosity of SAE140, SAE85W-140 or
SAE80W-90. If refilling an emptytrans-
mission, useonly GL-4gear oil having a
viscosity of SAE85W-140 or SAE140.
IMPORTANT:Donot useautomatic trans-
mission fluid or motor oil inthe transmis-
7. Whilecheckingfrequentlyto avoidover-
filling, slowly add gear oil into the oil fill
hole until it reachesthe halfwaypoint on
the driveshaft.
8. Securely replacethe oil fill plug.
B. ToDrain theTransmissionGearOil:
Thetransmission gear oil doesnotneedto
bechangedunless it hasbeencontaminat-
ed with dirt, sand or metal particles.
1. Draingasolinefrom thefuel tank or run
the engine until thefuel tank is empty.See
"DANGER"statement below.
WARNING: Gasolineis
highlyflammableandits vapors
areexplosive. Followthese
safety practicesto prevent
personalinjury or property
damagefrom fire or explosion.
Allow the engine and muffler to cool
for at least two minutesbeforedrain-
ingtheUller's gasolinetank.
Do not allow open flames, sparks,
matchesorsmokingin thearea.
Wipe away spills and pushtiller away
Use only an approvedfuel container
and store it safelyout of the reach of
Do notstoregasolinein an area where
its vaporscould reach an openflame
orspark,orwhere ignitionsourcesare
present(suchas hot water and space
heaters, furnaces, clothes dryers,
2. Drainthe oil from the engine.
3. Removefour screws (B,Figure5-2) and
4. Removethe left-side wheel.
5. Tilt the left-side wheelshaft into a drain
panand allowthe gearoil to drainthrough
the top of thetransmission.
6. Reinstallthe wheel.
7. Install a newgasket (do not reuseold
gasket)and reinstall thetransmission cov-
8. Refill thetransmission using GL-4gear
oil (SAE85W-140 or SAE140).
9. Refill the enginewith motor oil and re-
plenishthe fuel tank with gasoline.
Thebolo tines will wearwith useand
should be inspectedat the beginning of
eachtilling seasonand after every30 oper-
ating hours. Thetines can be replacedei-
ther individually or as a completeset. See
the Parts List pagesfor tine identification
and part numbers.
A. Tine Inspection:
With use,the tines will becomeshorter,
narrower and pointed. Badlyworn tines
will result in a loss of tilling depth, and re-
ducedeffectivenesswhenchopping up
andturning under organic matter.
B. Removin_nstalling a Single Tine:
1. With the engineshut off andthe spark
plug wire disconnected,remove thetwo
screws (A,Figure5-3), lock washers (E)
and nuts (B) that attacha singletine to a
tine holder. If needed,use penetrating oil
on the nuts.
2. When installing a singletine, besureto
position it so that its cutting edge (sharp)
will enter thesoft first asthe tiller moves
C. Removin_nstalling a TineAssembly:
1. Atine assemblyconsists of eighttines
mounted on atine holder.
2. If removing both tine assemblies,mark
them "left" and "right" beforeremoval. Re-
movethe screw (C,Figure5-3), lock wash-
er (E)and Iocknut (D) that secure thetine
assemblyto thetine shaft. If necessary,
usea rubber mallet to tap thetine assem-
blyoutward off the shaft.
3. Beforereinstallingthetine assembly,in-
spectthe tineshaftfor rust, roughspots or
burrs. Lightly file or sand, asneeded.Ap-
ply a thin coat of greaseto the shaft.
4. Install eachtine assemblyso that the
cutting (sharp) edge of thetines will enter
thesoftfirst whenthetillermovesforward.
Securethe tine assemblyto the tine shaft
usingthe screwand Iocknut
,_ WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaningor servicing the machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a completestop, disconnectspark plug wireand move wireawayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions canresult in serious personalinjury or property
Figure5-3: Instafl tinesso that cuttingedge of tines enter soft first when tiller movesforward.
It is important to maintain correct tension
on the forward drive belt. A loosebeltwill
causethetinesandwheelsto slow down--
or stop completely -- eventhough the en-
gine is running at full speed.A too tight
belt can result in unintentional tine move-
ment whenthe clutch bail isin the Neutral
Checkbelt tension after the first two
hours ofbreak-inoperationandafter every
10 operatinghours.
Atthe end of eachtilling season,check
the beltfor cracks,cuts or frayededges
and replaceit as soon as possible.
tension is correct if this second measure-
ment isbetween1/6"-to- 3/16"longer than
the first measurement.
4. If the spring is too short (lessthan
1/16"), the tension istoo loose. If the
spring istoo long (morethan 3/16"), the
tension is too tight.
5. Toadjust the length ofthe spring:
a. Releasethe Forward Clutch Bail.
b Unthreadthe hexnut (C,Figure5-4)
halfway up the adjustment screw (D).
c. Unhookthetop ofthe springfrom the
Forward Clutch Bail.
d. Usepliersto preventthe adjuster (B)
from turning andturn the slotted screwlo-
cated insidethe spring clockwise (viewed
from operator'sposition) to increaseten-
sion onthespring. Turnthescrewcounter-
clockwiseto decreasetension. Once
adjusted, reattachthe spring to the For-
ward Clutch Bail.
e.RepeatSteps2and3to re-measurethe
surementis between1/16"-to-3/16"longer
thanthefirst measurement,retightenthehex
nut (C)againstthetop oftheadjuster(B).
ReplacementBelt Information
If the drive belt needsto be replaced,see
your local authorizeddealeror referto the
Parts List for ordering information. Use
only afactory-authorized belt asan "over-
the-counter" belt may not perform satis-
factorily. Theprocedure requiresaverage
mechanicalability andcommonly available
1. Stopengine,wait for all parts to stop
moving and disconnect spark plug wire.
2. With the ForwardClutchBailinan open
(released)position, measureand notethe
overalllengthofthecablespring (A,Figure
5-4) by measuringfrom the outermost coil
to the outermost coil.
3. SqueezetheForwardClutchBailagainst
the handlebar(seeFigure5-4) and re-
measurethe length of the coils. Thebelt
Figure5-4: Tocheckforwardbelt tension,taketwomeasurementsof the
overa///engthof thecoils inthespring-- first withthedutch bail open,
thenwith thedutch bail closedagainstthe handlebar.
,_ WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaningor servicing the machine,shut off engine,wait for all
moving partsto come to a completestop, disconnectspark plug wireand move wireawayfrom
spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions canresult in serious personalinjury or property
If the Forward Clutch Baildoes notfunc-
tion properly,first checkthat the forward
drive belt is adjusted properly (see Check-
ing andAdjusting Forward Drive Belt Ten-
sion). If this fails to correct the problem,
contact Troy-Bilt LLCor your authorized
dealerfor serviceadvice.
(Model634A only)
It is important to maintain correct tension
on the reversedrive belt. A loosebeltwill
causethetines andwheelsto slow down-
or stop completely - eventhough the en-
gine is running at full speed.
Whencheckingbelttension, alsocheckthe
belt for cracks, cuts or frayed edgesand
replaceit as soonas possible.
Checkbelt tension after the first two
hours ofbreak-inoperationandafter every
10 operatinghours.
1. Stopengine,wait for all parts to stop
moving and disconnect spark plug wire.
2. Removescrew in plastic beltcover and
slide beltcover (which is attachedto for-
ward clutch cable) out of the way.
3. Haveanassistant pull the Reverse
Clutch Control knob all the way out and
hold it inthat position. Measurethelength
of the cablewire betweenthe end of the
threadedcableadjuster (A,Figure5-5) and
the end of the Z-fitting (B)to which the ca-
ble wire is attached.
4. Thebelttension is idealif the cablewire
lengthmeasuresbetween1/8"to 1/4".If it is
lessthan 1/8"(andif there isno reverseac-
tion whenthe tiller is running),thenmake
the following adjustments
NOTE:Ifthe lengthis morethan 1/4",noad-
justment is needed--as long asthe reverse
actionfunctions properly.
5. Releasethe ReverseClutchControl
knob.andthen unthreadthe inner jam nut
(C, Figure5-6) oneto two turns. Pull the
threaded cableadjuster (A, Figure5-6) to
the left untilthe innerjam nut (C)touches
the bracket.
6. Preventthe inner jam nut (C)from turn-
ing and tighten the outer jam nut (D)
againstthe bracket. Preventthe outer jam
nut (D)from turning and tighten the inner
jam nut (C)againstthe bracket.
7. Measurethe gap by repeatingStep3.
Readjustasneededby repeatingSteps 5
and 6.
8. Reinstallthe belt cover.
Figure5-5: Measure cable wire lengthto
checkforcorrectreversebelt tension.
Replacement Belt Information
If the drive belt needsto be replaced,see
your local authorizeddealeror referto the
Parts List for ordering information. Use
only a factory-authorized belt asan "over-
the-counter" belt may not perform satis-
factorily. Theprocedure requiresaverage
mechanicalability andcommonly available
Keepingthe enginecleanwill help to en-
sure smooth operation and prevent dam-
agefrom overheating.Referto the Engine
Owner's Manualfor enginecleaning ser-
vice intervals and instructions. Besure
thatthe muffler iscool beforeservicingthe
Theair cleanerfilters dirt and dust out of
the air before it enters the carburetor.Op-
eratingthe enginewith a dirty, cloggedair
filter can causepoor performanceand
damageto the engine. Neveroperatethe
enginewithout theair cleanerinstalled. In-
spectand service the air cleanermore of-
ten if operating in very dusty or dirty
conditions. Referto the engine Owner's
Manualfor air cleanerserviceintervalsand
Checkthe engine oil level beforeeachuse
and after every five hours of continuous
operation. Runningthe engine when it is
low on oil will quickly ruin theengine.
It is recommendedthat you changethe
motor oil after every 10hours of operation
and evensoonerwhen operating in ex-
tremely dirty or dustyconditions. Referto
the EngineOwner'sManualfor detailed
A. ToChecktheEngineOil Level:
1. Parkthetiller ona levelareaandshut off
the engine.
2. Leveltheengine (usethe Depth Regula-
tor Leverto adjust the engineangle).