Crosswater PRO714DM User manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user manual for the Crosswater Kitchen Mixer PRO714Dx. This document provides detailed installation steps, maintenance instructions, and important warnings to ensure proper use and care of the mixer. I am ready to assist you with any questions you may have regarding installation, maintenance or specifications of the product.
  • What is the minimum working pressure for the tap?
    What should I do if the mains pressure is over 5 Bar?
    What should I use to clean the tap?
    Do I need to fit non return valve?
Side lever Kitchen Mixer
Mini mum/ Maximum working pressure
All taps ar e manufactured using mat erials tested and app roved und er the Water
Bylaws Sche me and comply wi th requirements of Eu ropean stand ard EN8 17 wher e
Before i nstal ling t he new mixe r, it is esse ntial that y ou thorou ghly flush
throug h the supply pip es in order to remove a ny remaining swarf, s older or
other impurit ies. Failure to carry out this simple pr ocedure could ca use
proble ms or damage to the working of the mixer.
These hints are p repared in y our guidance; you must exercise due care at all
times. We do not accept respon sibility f or any problem s that may occur throug h
incorr ect ins talla tion.
Please r ead these inst ruction s carefull y and kee p in a safe pl ace for f urthe r
referenc e.
General Installation Requirement
The instal lat ion must compl y with regulation s of the Local Water Author ity as
con tained in th eir byl aws. All of the taps in this range are sing le fl ow (the h ot an d
cold wat er mix in the body) and therefore should be supplied with hot and cold
water at balanc ed pressures. If th e tap s are n ot suppli ed bala nced pr essur es then
the mixer wil l not f unction correctly. It wi ll also be necessary to fit non -return
valves on bo th the hot and cold feeds. It is very imp ortan t that all pipework is
flushed thoroughly after install ati on to a v oi d damag ing the ceramic dis cs.
Preparations and b ylaw requ irements
These taps ar e singl e flo w so the hot and cold water mi x in the body. Wat er Bylaws
require tha t where hot water is suppl ied fro m tank and col d from mains, non r eturn
valves are fi tte d on both hot and cold pipes as close as possible to the tap. These
are not suppl ied. Wh ere c ombinat ion boi ler s are fit ted, it is only necessary to shut
off the incomin g mains and turn the boiler off an d non return valv es are not
These taps are suitable for high and low pressuren installations.They are fitted with
single lever cartridges which provide a smooth movement. The mininmum work
pressure is 0.5Bar.The maxinmum work pressure is 5Bar.if the mains pressure is
over 5Bar,a pressure reducing calve should be fitted.
102mm 248mm
194mm Max.55mm
Hex key
Mounting seat
Rubber washer
Metal washer
Flexible hose
First shut off your water heating system, then with your m ains stop cock
closed, open the lowest col d and hot taps in the house and all ow to run until
the cold storage tank and pipes are empty (t he hot storage cyl inder always
remains f ul l).
Fitting isolating valve to inlet feeds is recommended for ease of maintenance.
Note: Remem ber to turn of f mains water suppl y bef ore connecting to
any ex isting pipe work.
Once you have satisfied yourself that there are no leak s, switch on the water
Havi ng fi rst checked all new conn ections, turn on t he mains stop c ock , close
all taps except the new mixer and as system starts to r efi ll, check for leaks.
Place the O-ring into the groove at the bottom of mixer body.
Screw the bolt into the mixer body and fully hand tighten.
Screw the flexible hoses into the mixer body and fully hand tighten.
Locate the mixer assembly down through the tap hole upon the sink.
Slide the mounting seat, rubber washer, metal washer up to the bolt,
and secure by screwing the fixing nut finger tight.
Make sure the product is correctly positioned and fully tighten the fixing nut.
Connect water supplies with flexible hoses.
Turn the water supplies on and make sure there are no leaks on
connection points.
Finally switch on the water heating arrangements.
Unscrew the lever and then use a suitable hex key to loosen the grub screw,
but do not remove it. Pull off the handle and unscrew the cap.Unscrew the screw.
Remove the retaining cover using an adjustable spanner(not supplied).
Take the cartridge out and wash it with clean running water.Make sure
any trapped debris has been removed.Dry and lightly grease the seal
(bottom of cartridge,only use silicone grease).Refit the cartridge followed
by the retaining cover, cap, handle body, grub screw and lever.
To Remove the Cartridge
Cleaning the cartridge
The concealed car tridges should
give t roubl e f ree service, but in the
event of any problem, ser vice is
straight forward.
Grub screw
Handle body
Retaining cover
The chrome plate we use on our taps i s very durable, nevert heless care
should be taken when cleaning. It should be cleaned only with warm soapy
water followed by rinsing wit h clean water and drying with a soft cloth. All
finishes are vulnerable to acid attack and some strong substances such as
household cleaners, disinfectants, denture cleaners, hai r dyes, wine making
and photographic chemicals can cause sur face to go black or peel.
Th i s pro duct should on ly be fi tted by a q uali fied plumber t o NVQ (Na tion al
Voc a tion al Q ualific atio n) or S NVQ (Sc ottish N ati onal Voca tion a l Q ual ific atio n )
Le vel 3. Should the installa tion b e compl eted by a non -qua l ifi ed per son the n t he
gu arantee may be co nsi d ered i n valid.
Fo r a c laim ma d e under ou r w arr a nty w ritten cer tifi cati on of yo ur ins tall ers
cr e den t ial s c an be req uired. For fu rthe r i nfo r mati on or to fi n d a qual ifie d inst alle r i n
yo ur are a pl ease v isit t h e Ins t itute o f Plumb ers web site - www.i
At p r ese nt, to be a plum ber y ou need t o f ollow the Nat ional Vo cati onal
Qu alif ication (NV Q) rou t e (Sco ttis h National Vocatio nal Qua l ifi cati on - SNVQ - in
Sc otla nd). T hese qu alif ications are made up o f t heo r y and pr a ctical wor k in the
classr o om/purpo se built tra i nin g f acility a nd w ork b a sed ex p erie nce with a
wo rkin g plumb er. Coll eges s h ould h elp students fi nd a wor k p lace ment , a lthou gh
many st ude nts or g anis e i t t hems e lve s .
Th e S/NVQ qua lif icat ion wo r ks in le v els . All rece ntly q ualif ied pl umbe rs sho u ld
ho ld S/N V Q Level 2 as b a sic w i th Level 3 as the pr e fer red lev el. Le vel 2 will give
yo u t he found a tion y ou need f o r a care er in plu mbing a nd teach y ou dom esti c
pl umbing to a sat isfa ctory l evel. L evel 3 i s more co mprehen sive a n d deals w ith
do mestic, commercial and in dust ria l p lumbing along wit h a spects such a s gas - if
yo u want to on e day set u p y our ow n b usin ess, this is the level t o reach . The
In stit ute of Plum bing and H eati ng Eng inee r ing, a nd the in dust ry as a whol e
re c omme nds that all plumb ers re ach a minimum of Leve l 3 .
Re aching L eve l 3 h as othe r a dv an t ages. The In s titute run s a Maste r P lum ber
Ce rtif icat e, which only those at taining Lev el 3 or equivalent can r each a s lo ng as
th e y have the rele vant exp eri ence a s well. Th ose wit h S/NVQ Level 3 can ( once in
mem bers hip wit h t he In s titute for five ye a rs as a Memb er MIPH E) gain
En gineerin g Tec hnic ian En gTec h sta t us with t he Eng inee r ing Council (UK).
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modifications without prior notice