Description of basic system
The basic range of Uponor products
includes all system components de-
signed for different uses in a variety
of applications, e.g. tapwater and
radiator connection as well as radi-
ant heating/cooling.
Description pipe
The Uponor multi-layer composite
pipe (MLCP) is a pipe generation
that unites the advantages of a
plastic and metal pipe and therefore
offers a high degree of flexibility
and toughness, coupled with high
pressure and temperature resistance.
The Uponor MLC pipe consists of a
longitudinal safety welded alumini-
um pipe, to which an inner and out-
er layer of high temperature resist-
ant polyethylene is applied (in
accordance with DIN 16833). Owing
to the specific form of the octene
side chains in the molecular struc-
ture of the material, a similar effect
is achieved when polyethy lene is
All layers are permanently bounded
together by means of an intermedi-
ate adhesive layer. A special welding
technique guarantees a maximum of
safety. The thickness of the alumini-
um selected for the Uponor MLC
pipe is exactly adapted to the com-
pressive strength requirements as
well as the bending capability.
Smaller dimensions of MLC pipes are
designed so that the aluminium layer
neutralises the snap-back forces of
the plastic material, enabling easier
pipe installation with minimal effort.
Larger dimensions of MLC pipes and
straight lengths of pipes have a
greater aluminium layer thickness,
making them stiffer and suitable for
use as risers. The aluminium pipe is
important for heat expansion. Ow-
ing to the permanent bond between
plastic and aluminium, thermal ex-
pansion is determined by the expan-
sion factor of the aluminium and
roughly corresponds to that of a
metal pipe, i.e. only 1/7th of the
expansion of a pure plastic pipe.
This offers advantages for pipe in-
stallation, since the use of compen-
sating points is largely unnecessary.
The smoothness of the inner plastic
layer offers water no points of at-
tack. Incrustration and corrosion are
prevented in normal use. The trans-
mission of flow noise or noise, e.g.
emitted by circulating pumps, is re-
duced to a minimum due to the spe-
cific properties of the raw material.
The most important advantages of-
fered by MLC pipes are:
Absolutely diffusion-tight,
exceed the requirements of
DIN 4726
Hygienicly harmless
Minimal roughness k = 0.0004 mm
ensuring less pipe friction and
lower pressure losses
Form stable, by compensation
and reduction of snap-back forces
Highly flexible, making smaller
dimensions (up to 32 x 3 mm)
simple to bend by hand or with
the corresponding tool
Heat expansion similar to that of
metals, enabling larger pipe clip
Clean and easy to install, no
welding, soldering, thread cut-
ting or bonding
Corrosion-resistant, thanks to its
inner and outer plastic layer
Excellent long-time rupture
strength offers safety in daily use
Maximum temperature: 95 °C *
Maximum continuous operating
pressure: 10 bar at 70 °C continu-
ous operating temperature, with a
tested longtime rupture strength
of 50 years, safety factor 1.5 *
Low weight, easy handling
Coils and straight lengths in
numerous sizes
The DGVW approval permits the use
of Uponor MLC pipe for drinking
water supply systems according to
DIN 1988 TRWI. The approval in-
cludes a positive assessment of the
material according to the law gov-
erning plastic articles for food use in
drinking water supply, called KTW
recommendation for short.
* In case of different parameters please con-
sult Uponor.
50 m t 50 k
The Uponor
multilayer composite
pipe has a length
expansion close to
metal pipes because
of its tight connec-
tion between the
polyethylene and
the aluminium layer.
Longitudinally welded
Adhesive PE-RTPE-RT Adhesive
Structure of
MLC pipe with
outer diameter
of 14 - 110 mm
Uponor MLC pipe
Galvanized steel
Stainless steel