Instr 9929592 Rev 01 2019-01 Page 13 of 15
1. Carefully lift panels Jand Kup and away from
tabs and install dashboard top Dinto place by
tilting rear section up and installing front section
first, then lower rear section into place.
Have a second person to hold panels up.
2. Ensure that tabs on panels Jand Kare aligned
in slots on dashboard top D. (Only panel K
shown. Panel Jis similar.
3. Ensure that both right Mand left Nrubber boots
are properly installed. Only upper lip should be
visible, as shown with inset.
4. Reinstall two retained screws Ginto front edge of
dashboard top Dand two retained pushpin rivets
H. Torque screws to specification.
Screw G:
88 in-lbs (10 N·m)