Product Name DIRECTV Account Overview
Product Functionality
Allows users to manage their DIRECTV account settin
gs, view and pay bills, upgrade services, and order ne
w equipment
Access Accessible via
Step 1: Sign in to DIRECTV account Step 2: Access C
urrent Balance section to pay bill, view statement, and
sign up for Auto Bill Pay and Paperless Billing Step 3:
Use My Snapshot section to view TV package and equ
ipment/receivers Step 4: Use Quick Links section to
upgrade programming, add channels, order equipment
, update account information, and view FAQs
Easy and convenient account management, step-by-st
ep instructions, quick overview of account, and access
to various account features
What is the account overview page?
The account overview page is a resource for managing DIRECTV account settings.
What can I do on the account overview page?
You can view and pay your bill, upgrade your service, or order new equipment.
How do I access my DIRECTV account on
You need to sign in to your DIRECTV account on the account overview page.
What can I do in the Current Balance section on the account overview page?
In the Current Balance section, you can pay your bill, view your statement (for Paperless Billing customers), and
sign up for Auto Bill Pay and Paperless Billing.
What is the My Snapshot section on the account overview page?
The My Snapshot section gives you a quick overview of your DIRECTV account.
How do I upgrade my TV package or equipment on the account overview page?
To upgrade your TV package, select View My Programming. To upgrade your equipment and receivers, choose
View My Equipment.
What is included in the Quick Links section on the account overview page?
The Quick Links section contains links to easily upgrade programming, add premium and sports channels, order
additional equipment, update account information, view FAQs, and more.