1. General safety tips 36
2. Unpacking 39
3. Adjustments 40
3.1 Unfolding the chassis 40
3.2 Folding the chassis 40
3.3 Attaching/removing the rear wheels 41
3.4 Attaching/removing the front wheels 41
3.5 Locking/releasing the swivel front wheels 42
3.6 Adjustment of the parking brake 42
3.7 Adjustment of the handle bar 42
4. Utilization of Kiddy Click’n Move 3 with push chair seat 42
4.1 Attaching/removing the pushchair seat at/from Chassis 42
4.2 Adjustment of the sun roof 44
4.3 Adjustment of the footrest 44
4.4 Adjustment of the reclined/upright position 44
4.5 Opening/Closing the bumper bar 44
4.6 Securing the child with the 5-point belt system 45
4.6.1 Opening and width adjustment of the 5-point belt system 45
4.6.2 Securing the child 45
4.7 Removing/re-installing the 5-point belt system 46
4.8 Removing/re-installing the cover of pushchair seat 47
5. Utilization of Kiddy Click’n Move 3 with pram body 48
5.1 Unfolding the pram body 48
5.2 Utilization as carrycot 49
5.3 Attaching/removing the pram body at/from Chassis 50
5.4 Adjustment of the sun roof 51
5.5 Removing/re-installing the cover of the pram body 51
6. Utilization of Kiddy Click’n Move 3 with Infant carrier 52
6.1 Attaching/removing the infant carrier adaptors 52
6.2 Attaching/removing the infant carrier 53
7. Care and maintenance 54
7.1 Care and maintenance of the chassis in general 54
7.2 Fabric care in general 54
8. Warranty 55