4.2 Removing and attaching of the seat unit
For removing fold the seat plate to the backrest (g. 5, no. 1) and
turn both together to the foot end (g. 6, no. 2). Slide the both re
lease buttons backwards (g. 6, no. 3) and pull the seat unit upwards
(g. 6, no. 4).
For attaching insert the both connector plugs of the seat unit on the
left and right support (g. 6, no. 5) on the chassis until it lock into place.
Pull the seat unit upwards to check if it is locked securely.
e seat unit can be placed in driving direction and against the driv
ing direction.
4.3 Adjustment of the handle bar
Turn the handle in the middle frontwards (g. 7, no. 1) and slide the
handle bar in the desired position (g. 7, a–b–c–d–e).
Release the handle in the middle and slide the handle bar until it locks
into place at both sides.
4.4 Folding the chassis
Turn the front wheels against the driving direction (g. 8, no. 1). Move
the sun canopy as explained at point 4.6 to the lowest position (g. 12, a).
Fold the seat plate to the backrest (g. 5, no. 1) and turn both togeth-
er backwards (g. 8, no. 2). Adjust the handle bar in lowest position
(g. 7, a). Turn the handle in the middle backwards (g. 8, no. 3) until
rear frame with the handle bar is collapsing downwards freely (g. 8 /
9, no. 4). Push the button at the handle in the middle of the basket
(g. 9, no. 5) and lift up simultaneously the handle (g. 9 / 10, no. 6)
until the chassis is collapsing (g. 10). Ensure that both folding locks
are closed (g. 10, no. 7 + 8).
4.5 Attaching and removing the sun canopy
For attaching connect at both sides the button on the backrest (g. 11,
no. 1). Push at both sides the lower clip of the sun canopy downwards
(g. 11, no. 2) and the upper clip upwards (g. 11, no. 3) into the intended