General vacon • 3
heat exchanger application
This application is aimed to be used in the Vacon liquid-cooled frequency converter inside the Heat ex-
changer unit.
The idea with the application is to maintain a constant flow of coolant through the heat exchanger and
through the Vacon liquid-cooled drive.
The user sets a certain speed for the pump of the heat exchanger unit that produces a sufficient flow
through the Vacon liquid-cooled drives to keep them cooled. This speed is NOT regulated but fixed by a
parameter set value.
The Vacon Frequency converter also handles the temperature of the water in the heat exchanger unit by
regulating the valve that handles the coolant intake to the heat exchanger element (from the customer's
system). This regulation is based on the temperature of the water in the pipes between the outlet of the
heat exchanger pump and the inlet of the cooling element of the Vacon liquid-cooled drive.
The actual value of the temperature for the regulation comes from a sensor called FSA11. This is a type of
flow switch that measures both the temperature of the coolant and the flow in the pipes. If there is not
enough flow in the pipe the sensor gives a signal that tells the drive to stop due to insufficient flow.
Vacon NX frequency converters can be connected to the Profibus DP using a fieldbus board. The converter
can then be controlled, monitored and programmed from the Host system. Profibus fieldbus board (OPT-
C5) is normally included in the delivery of Vacon NX liquid-cooled drive Heat Exchanger Solution. The Profi-
bus fieldbus board shall be installed in slot E on the control board of the frequency converter. More infor-
mation on the Profibus fieldbus board in Vacon document ud00711.
The standard delivery also includes I/O boards OPT-A1 (placed in slot A), OPT-A2 (placed in slot B) and
OPT-B5 (placed in slot C or D). The application, however, offers you more signals than the standard set of
I/O boards allows you to connect. If you wish to use one additional analogue input signal and/or two addi-
tional analogue output signals, we recommend you to order Vacon I/O board OPT-B4 and place it in the last
free board slot (C or D).