7.3 Control signal logic in Pump and Fan Control Application 203
7.4 Pump and Fan Control Application - Parameter lists 203
7.4.1 Monitoring values (Control keypad: Menu M1) 203
7.4.2 Basic parameters (Control keypad: Menu M2 -> G2.1) 206
7.4.3 Input signals 209
7.4.4 Output signals 217
7.4.5 Drive control parameters (Control keypad: Menu M2 -> G2.4 225
7.4.6 Prohibit frequency parameters (Control keypad: Menu M2 -> G2.5) 226
7.4.7 Motor control parameters (Control keypad: Menu M2 -> G2.6) 227
7.4.8 Protections (Control keypad: Menu M2 -> G2.7 229
7.4.9 Autorestart parameters (Control keypad: Menu M2 -> G2.8) 232
7.4.10 Pump and fan control parameters (Control keypad: Menu M2 -> G2.9)
7.4.11 Keypad control (Control keypad: Menu M3) 235
7.4.12 System menu (Control keypad: Menu M6) 236
7.4.13 Expander boards (Control keypad: Menu M7 236
8 Parameter descriptions 237
8.1 Keypad control parameters 371
8.2 Master/follower function (NXP only) 373
8.2.1 Master/follower link physical connections 373
8.2.2 Optical fibre connection between AC drives with OPTD2 373
8.3 External brake control with additional limits (IDs 315, 316, 346 to 349, 352, 353)
8.4 Parameters of motor thermal protection (IDs 704 to 708) 376
8.5 Parameters of stall protection (IDs 709 to 712) 377
8.6 Parameters of underload protection (IDs 713 to 716) 377
8.7 Fieldbus control parameters (IDs 850 to 859) 378
8.7.1 Process data out (slave -> master) 378
8.7.2 Current scaling in different size of units 378
8.7.3 Process data in (master -> slave) 379
8.8 Closed loop parameters (IDs 612 to 621) 380
8.9 "Terminal to function" (TTF) programming principle 381
8.9.1 Defining an input/output for a certain function on keypad 381
8.9.2 Defining a terminal for a certain function with NCDrive programming
tool 382
8.9.3 Defining unused inputs/outputs 383
8.10 Speed control parameters (application 6 only) 384
8.11 Automatic changing between drives (application 7 only) 385
8.12 Interlock selection (P2.9.23) 387
8.13 Examples of Autochange and Interlock selection 388
8.13.1 Pump and fan automatics with interlocks and no autochange 388
8.13.2 Pump and fan automatics with interlocks and autochange 388
9 Fault tracing 391
9.1 Fault codes 391
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