www.pulsar.pl MSC1512
1.4. Specifications:
- electrical specifications (tab.3)
- mechanical specifications (tab.4)
- operating specifications (tab.5)
Electrical specifications (tab. 3).
16V÷30V/AC or 22V÷42V/DC @ AUX=12VDC
24V÷30V/AC or 33V÷42V/DC @ AUX=24VDC
(measured at the ~AC~ terminals of the module)
1.9A@16V/AC–1A@30V/AC max. for AUX=12V/1,5A
1.6A@24V/AC–1.3A@30V/AC max. for AUX=24V/1A
18W max. for AUX=12VDC
24W max. for AUX=24VDC
86% max(AUX=12VDC), 90% max (AUX=24VDC)
12V DC or 24V DC, J-Uout jumper selectable
1,5A for AUX=12VDC
1A for AUX=24VDC
Output voltage escalation, decrease, and
keeping time
50ms/10ms/20ms (@12VDC/1,5A, AC=12V/AC)
50ms/50ms/10ms (@24VDC/1A, AC=24V/AC)
Current consumption by the module’s
Short-circuit protection SCP
AUX: 200% ÷ 300% of the module’s power - current limitation,
automatic return
AUX: F 2A fuse, damage requires fuse-element replacement
Mechanical specifications (tab. 4).
L=70, W=70, H=28, L
=92 [+/- 2 mm]
Mounting holes x 2 (fi=3 mm)
AC: Ф0,41÷1,63 (AWG 26-14)
AUX: connectors Ф0,41÷1,63 (AWG 26-14)
or plug DC-5,5mm/100cm (provided)
Operating specifications (tab.5).
20%...90%, without condensation
Vibrations during operation
Impulse waves during operation
Vibrations and impulse waves during transport
2. Installation.
2.1 Requirements
The PSU module is to be mounted by a qualified installer, holding relevant permits and licenses (applicable
and required for a given country) for 230V/AC interference and low-voltage installations. The unit should be
mounted in accordance with the 2nd environmental class, with normal relative humidity (RH=90% maximum,
without condensation) and temperature from -10°C to +40°C.
Before mounting the PSU module, perform a load balance. During normal operation, total current drawn by
the receivers cannot exceed the maximum parameters.
As the PSU module is designed for a continuous operation and is not equipped with a power-switch,
therefore an appropriate overload protection shall be guaranteed in the power supply circuit. Moreover, the user
shall be informed about the method of unplugging (most frequently through separating and assigning an
appropriate fuse in the fuse-box). The electrical system shall follow valid standards and regulations.
The PSU module requires AC or DC power supply with galvanic insolation (II insolation class), short-circuit
and overload protections. The power of the source can be calculated with the following formula: