This device has been tested according to al l
relevant current CE guidelines, su ch as
electromagnetic compatibilit y and l ow vo lta ge
directives, and has been construct ed in a cco rd
-ance with the latest safety regulation s.
Subject to technical changes witho ut pr ior n oti ce!
Guar antee
The device supplied by our Company is cover ed
by a 24 month guarantee starting on the date of
During the life of the guarantee any fault of
the device or its accessories ascribabl e to
material or manufacturing defect s wil l be
eliminated free of charge by repairing or ,at
our discretion,by replacing it. The gua ran tee
services do not entail an extension of the li fe
of the guarantee nor do they give rise to an y
right to a new guarantee!
Proof of the guarantee is provided by the pro of
of purchase.
Without proof of purchase no free replace men t
or repair will be carried out.
If you wish to make a claim under the guarantee
please return the entire machine in the ori gin al
packaging to your dealer together wi th th e rec eip t.
Defects to consumables or parts subject t o wea rin g
as well as cleaning, maintenance or the rep lac eme nt
of said parts are not covered by the guara nte e and
hence are to be paid!
The guarantee lapses in case of unauthori zed
Afte r the exp iry of th e guara ntee
After the expiry of the guarantee repa irs
can be carried by the competent dealer o r
repair service against the payment o f the
ensuing costs.
Mean ing of th e “Dustb in”Symb ol
Protect our environment: Do not disp ose o f
electrical equipment in the domest ic wa ste .
Please return any electrical equip men t tha t
you will no longer use to the collection
points provided for their disposal .
This helps avoid the potential effec ts of
incorrect disposal on the environm ent a nd
human health.
This will contribute to the recyclin g and
other forms of reutilisation of elec tri cal
and electronic equipment.
Information concerning where the e qui pme nt
can be disposed of can be obtained from yo ur
local authority.