PSM Generator Industrial HiVision
11/2023 7
1 Introduction
Manufacturers have defined various useful MIB variables for their devices
that are missing in a standard SNMP Get request. Therefore, Hirschmann
Automation and Control GmbH's HiFusion also allows you to integrate
manufacturer-specific MIB variables from third-party devices into the
Management-Software, Industrial HiVision. For this, you create Product-
Specific Modules (PSM). When creating a PSM, you name the device, define
a range of variables, and assign an image to the device. The execution of the
process is largely automated. If you integrate the finished PSM in Industrial
HiVision, the properties defined by you are available in Industrial HiVision.
HiFusion works as an independent application, regardless of whether
Industrial HiVision is installed. The program works without a license. The only
prerequisite for incorporating non-Hirschmann Automation and Control
GmbH MIB variables, is that the devices support version 1 or version 3 of the
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
In this user manual, you find the following release notes:
A guide to working with the software
A description of the program user interface and its functions
Step-by-step instructions for creating a PSM
The user manual teaches you the following skills:
Creating your own PSMs
Adapting existing PSMs
Testing PSMs
Note: For readability purposes, this documentation uses the classic
Windows view for screen shots.