Installation Example
Vapor Bypass
First Stage
Burner Supply
Relief Valve
To Load
600 WOG
600 WOG
600 WOG
Vaporizer Installation Best Practices
Distances from vaporizer
Storage tank
Storage shutoffs
Point of transfer
10 feet
15 feet
15 feet
25 feet
All piping must follow the guidelines of NFPA 58.
The liquid tank opening shows an internal valve
allowing two-way liquid flow. The boiling liquid and
expanding vapor in the vaporizer chamber requires
this two-way flow capability.
The system has a first stage regulator on the dis-
charge of the vaporizer and a vapor bypass regulator
on the tank vapor outlet valve. The bypass regulator
is normally set slightly lower and only delivers vapor
to the system if the vaporizer quits functioning.
The vaporizer burner supply line is optional but
highly recommended. Pulling cold vapor directly from
the storage tank greatly alleviates clogged controls,
pilots etc. in the vaporizer from oily heavy ends.
The oil separator shown piped in after the first stage
regulator removes the oily mist from the vapor stream
before it can enter the load piping. To avoid reconden-
sation of the propane vapor, the separator must be
piped after the first stage regulator.
The supplemental relief valve shown is required
to protect the downstream system from over-
pressure conditions and liquid formation in the first
stage piping. Because most industrial first stage
regulators do not provide adequate relief protection,
this relief is nearly always mandatory.
Vaporizer Repair and Maintenance Guide
The following sketch depicts a typical vaporizer installation. The vaporizer system, when
piped as shown, will provide long trouble free vapor service. The vaporizer can be
isolated for maintenence or repair without interrupting the load.
Although some of the components such as the vapor bypass regulator, the burner supply
line and the oil separator are optional, they are all highly recommended as "Best Practice
Piping" for direct fired vaporizers.