Creating Maps
1. Launch the map Editor software by selecting Start->All Programs-
The Map Editor links with the NetVu ObserVer software, sharing certain information.
The window will show any servers stored in the NetVu ObserVer site database.
One main map can be created for every server shown. This map will be the one
displayed when connection is made to the site. Up to six sub-levels can be added to
each map. Each sub level can have cameras attached to it.
There are two methods of organising the viewing structure within the map editor.
For operator convenience, a single top level map can be created, with sub-maps that
link all servers under the operator’s control. This suits applications where multiple
servers are monitored by a single operator, and would result in quicker navigation and
easier operator access. However, this method will not automatically display the map
when an alarm is received.
Alternatively, maps can be created for each server. This means the operator will have
to use the site tree to navigate between different sites, but the operator benefits as
the relevant map is displayed when an alarm is raised. This facility will help operators
quickly familiarise themselves with the layout of a site when an alarm activation
These methods are not exclusive and can be combined.
Dedicated Micros 2005 4