Multipoint Wireless Support for the Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router
Monitoring and Maintaining Multipoint Wireless Configurations
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)XM
Router# show interface radio alc
Displays the automatic level control (ALC) and
power ranging configuration information for the
Router# show interface radio downstream
Displays downstream port information for a
wireless modem card.
Router# show interface radio hist-data
Displays histogram data.
Router# show interface radio hist-spec
Displays histogram specifications.
Router# show interface radio led
on the wireless modem card and the events related
to the major and minor LEDs.
Router# show interface radio ranging
Displays ranging information.
Router# show interface radio rf-meas-interval
Displays the intervals of the ambient noise and the
calibration noise measurements of the radio card
for the specified slot and downstream port
Router# show interface radio sid
Displays information by service identifier (SID)
about each subscriber unit on the network.
Router# show interface radio snap-data
Displays the data captured for the snapshot
Router# show interface radio snap-spec
Displays the configured snapshot information.
Router# show interface radio thresholds
Displays the set of currently configured thresholds
on the radio modem card.
Router# show interface radio tl-data
Displays the timelines data collected for the
identified specifications.
Router# show interface radio tl-spec
Displays the details of the currently configured
timeline specifications.
Router# show interface radio upstream
Displays upstream port information for a wireless
modem card.
Router# show interface radio zero-burst
Displays zero-burst information for the
downstream port of a wireless modem card.
Router# show radio device
Displays the access group information for the
subscriber unit or the host behind the subscriber
Router# show radio errors
Displays error details for the radio interface.
Router# show radio flap-list
Displays the radio flap-list of a wireless modem
Router# show radio capability modulation-profile
Displays the modulation profiles supported by the
radio linecard.
Router# show radio modulation-profile
Displays modulation profile information for a
wireless modem card that the user specified.
Router# show radio privacy kek
Displays the key encryption life-time and
grace-time values that have been set.
Command Purpose