Cavalry CADB Series User manual

User manual

Cavalry CADB Series external hard drive offers exceptional heat dissipation, near-silent operation, and compatibility with both PC and Mac. With its plug-and-play capability for Windows and USB 2.0 interface, the Cavalry CADB Series is easy to set up and use. Pre-formatted to NTFS, this external hard drive features LED light indicators for power and HDD activity.

Cavalry CADB Series external hard drive offers exceptional heat dissipation, near-silent operation, and compatibility with both PC and Mac. With its plug-and-play capability for Windows and USB 2.0 interface, the Cavalry CADB Series is easy to set up and use. Pre-formatted to NTFS, this external hard drive features LED light indicators for power and HDD activity.

Us e r's Manual
CADB Se rie s
Pre face
Copyrigh t
Ple as e re s pe ct copyrigh te d conte nt. Duplication or m odification of th is publication in w h ole or in
part is proh ibite d w ith out e xpre s s or w ritte n auth orization.
Us age
Strong im pacts or dropping th e product m ay caus e dam age . Only allow q ualifie d pe rs onne l to
re pair th is product. Dis as s e m bling or ope ning th is product w ill void your w arranty.
Dis claim e r
Cavalry is not liable for com pe ns ation for data los s w h ich m ay re s ult from a m alfunction of th e
product or from ch ange s due to im prope r us e , re pairs , de fe cts , or batte ry ch ange . Ple as e back
up your data to avoid une xpe cte d los s e s .
Cavalry re s e rve s th e righ t to m ak e ch ange s to th e conte nt of th is m anual w ith out notice .
2 2
Th ank you for ch oos ing Cavalry.
W e at Cavalry e xte nd our s ince re gratitude for your purch as e of th is product.
W e h ope our de dication to de live ring h igh q uality products w ith e xce lle nt
cus tom e r s e rvice w ill e ns ure your continue d inte re s t in our products .
Th is m anual w ill as s is t in th e ope ration of th e product. To optim iz e your
e xpe rie nce w ith th is product, w e re com m e nd re ading th is e ntire m anual
be fore us age . Ple as e k e e p th is m anual for future re fe re nce .
3 3
Table of Conte nts
Pre face .................................................................................................... 2
Lis t of Acce s s orie s ............................................................................. 5
Product Illus trations ........................................................................... 6
Fe ature s ............................................................................................. 8
Se tup Ins tructions .............................................................................. 9
Trouble s h ooting ................................................................................. 13
W arranty and Contact ........................................................................ 16
Lis t of Acce s s orie s
1. Exte rnal pow e r adapte r / pow e r cord (m ay vary w ith product)
2. USB 2.0 cable
3. Ste e lVine s oftw are CD
4. Th is Us e r's Manual
1. LED s tatus indicators
2. Ve ntilation fan
3. Pow e r s w itch
4. Pow e r jack
5. USB 2.0 port
Fe ature s
Plug-and-play for W indow s 2000/XP/Vis ta
USB 2.0 capability
Pre -form atte d to NTFS
Exce ptional h e at dis s ipating ability
LED ligh t indicators
Ne arly s ile nt ope ration
PC and Mac com patible
Se tup Ins tructions
Follow th e s te ps be low to s ucce s s fully s e t up your Cavalry Exte rnal H ard
Drive w ith your com pute r.
Ste p 1. Start your com pute r and w ait for W indow s to load com ple te ly.
Ste p 2. Conne ct th e pow e r adapte r to th e drive . Th e n
plug th e pow e r adapte r into an e le ctrical outle t.
Ste p 3. Conne ct th e s q uare e nd of th e USB cable to th e h ard drive . Th e n
conne ct th e flat e nd of th e USB cable to th e USB port on your com pute r.
Ste p 4. Turn th e pow e r s w itch on.
NOTE: Conne ct th e USB cable to th e drive be fore conne cting th e cable to
th e com pute r. To dis conne ct, re m ove th e cable from th e com pute r firs t.
USB Cable Plug
USB Port
Ste p 5. Ins talling drive rs for th e Cavalry Exte rnal H ard Drive .
W indow s 2000/XP/Vis ta
Plug-and-play. No de vice drive rs or configuration re q uire d. Th e
com pute r w ill de te ct th e USB Exte rnal H ard Drive as a ne w USB
de vice and dis play m e s s age s on th e bottom -righ t corne r re ading
"USB Mas s Storage De vice De te cte d" and "Your ne w h ardw are is
ins talle d and re ady to us e "
W indow s 9 8/Me
1. Mak e s ure W indow s 9 8/Me is fully update d
2. Dow nload drive rs from w w w .cavalrys torage .com by click ing on
"Dow nload W indow s 9 8 Drive rs ". Extract th e file .
3. Navigate th e de vice m anage r.
4. Righ t-click on th e ye llow q ue s tion m ark indicating an unk now n
e xte rnal s torage de vice .
5. W h e n th e de vice drive r w izard s tarts , click on th e "Brow s e " button
to s e le ct th e s e arch dire ctory to find drive rs .
6. Find th e USB 2.0-9 8 drive r in th e e xtracte d file .
7. Click "Ne xt" to continue .
Mac OS X
Re form at th e e xte rnal h ard drive us ing Dis k Utility on th e OS.
Ste p 6. Your e xte rnal h ard drive is now re ady to us e .
NOTE: W h e n th e h ard drive is on, th e re d "Pow e r" LED ligh t w ill appe ar on
th e front of th e drive . Th e gre e n "H DDI" and "H DDII" ligh ts w ill turn on w h e n
th e com pute r is acce s s ing th e s e drive s .
12 13
Trouble s h ooting
LED ligh t indicator doe s not turn on
Mak e s ure th e pow e r adapte r is s e cure ly conne cte d to a w ork ing e le ctrical
outle t. Se condly, m ak e s ure th e USB cable is ins e rte d corre ctly into th e h ard
drive and th e com pute r. Turn on th e pow e r s w itch (page 7).
Com pute r doe s not de te ct h ard drive
Mak e s ure th e USB cable is s e cure ly conne cte d. If th is s till doe s not w ork ,
attach anoth e r k now n w ork ing de vice and w ork ing cable into th e USB port
on th e com pute r. If th e k now n w ork ing de vice is not de te cte d, th e proble m
could be your com pute r's USB port. If th e port and cable both w ork , and th e
h ard drive is s till not be ing de te cte d, contact cus tom e r s upport.
Loud nois e s com ing from e xte rnal h ard drive
In m os t cas e s , loud nois e s com ing from th e drive s ugge s t a de fe ctive drive or
a loos e part. W e apologiz e for any inconve nie nce th is m ay caus e . Ple as e
contact cus tom e r s e rvice for as s is tance .
"H DDI" or "H DDII" LED ligh ts be com e re d
Th is indicate s one of th e drive s m ay ne e d re placing. Th e h ard drive m us t be
re place d by anoth e r h ard drive of th e s am e capacity, brand, and m ode l
num be r. Ope n th e e nclos ure , re m ove th e faile d h ard drive and re place w ith
th e ne w drive . Clos e th e unit.
H ard drive w ill not w ork w ith m y Mac
Macs re q uire s pe cial form atting. Form at th e h ard drive according to th e
ins tructions provide d by your Mac.
If you h ave m ore q ue s tions , ple as e re fe r to th e Fre q ue ntly As k e d
Que s tions s e ction online at: w w w .cavalrys torage .com /faq .as px. For furth e r
inq uirie s , you m ay contact Bas on/Cavalry te ch s upport at
cus tom e rs upport@ cavalrys torage .com or (800) 238-4453, 9 :00am - 5:30pm
PST w e e k days , e xce pt h olidays .
W arranty
Th is product com e s w ith a one ye ar w arranty from th e date of purch as e .
Ple as e re gis te r your product at w w w .cavalrys torage .com and click on
"Product Re gis tration" to activate th e w arranty. Ple as e h ave your Se rial
Num be r and Mode l Num be r re ady. W e are not re s pons ible for any los s of
data. Ple as e back up your data ofte n to avoid une xpe cte d los s e s .
Cavalry Storage , Inc.
555 E. Eas y St.
Sim i Valle y, CA 9 3065
cus tom e rs upport@ cavalrys torage .com
(800) 238-4453 (9 :00am - 5:30pm PST w e e k days )
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Cavalry CADB Series User manual

User manual

Cavalry CADB Series external hard drive offers exceptional heat dissipation, near-silent operation, and compatibility with both PC and Mac. With its plug-and-play capability for Windows and USB 2.0 interface, the Cavalry CADB Series is easy to set up and use. Pre-formatted to NTFS, this external hard drive features LED light indicators for power and HDD activity.

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