Pairing the EZW1204 Leak Sensor with a Z-Wave Controller
Including or Pairing the EZW1204 to a Z-Wave Controller: Place the Z-Wave controller in pairing (learning) mode (Consult your controller
manual/user guide). Bring the EZW1204 close to your controller, within several feet and press inclusion switch 3 or more times rapidly (within
0.5 seconds). Once the controller has acknowledged the inclusion, the EZW1204 has been included in the Z-Wave network with the controller.
Exit the pairing mode in your controller and you should see the EZW1204 leak sensor in your list of devices. Depending on your Smart Home
Controller type and setup, the EZW1204 may appear as a leak sensor, a switch or a door/window sensor. Some devices (like the Vera
controller) require that you reload or refresh the controller so it polls, identifies, and configures the new device. Once the configuration is
complete, you can add the EZW1204 Leak Senor into your Smart Home automation for notification and activation of other devices such as the
EcoNet Valve Robot to shut off the water. Once in position, when the leak sensor probes, either on the bottom or on the wired disc probe, get
wet, it will send a “leak message” to your compatible Smart Home Controller.
Excluding or Un-Pairing the EZW1204 from a Z-Wave Controller: Place your Z-Wave controller in exclusion (un-learning) mode. Once the
controller is in exclusion mode, bring the EZW1204 close to the Z-Wave controller (several feet) and press the Power button 3 or more times
rapidly (within 0.5 seconds). Once the controller has acknowledged the exclusion, the EZW1204 has been cleared of any previous
inclusions/pairings. (It is recommended to keep the EZW1204 within 1M/3ft of the controller when pairing or un-pairing)
There can be a number of reasons that the EZW1204 does not work with your controller. If the inclusion process does not work the first time,
repeat the process but try “excluding” first and then complete the “inclusion” process.
If you have any questions or if you are experiencing any issues with the EZW1204,
For more details, please visit