EN-US English
Choosing palette and temperature
range: To change the color palette and
the object temperature range, push the
Setup button (A10) and use the joystick.
Focusing the camera: To focus manu-
ally, move the Focus button (B3) left/right.
To autofocus the camera, push and re-
lease the center of the Focus button (B3).
Auto-adjusting the image:
• To manually adjust the image, push
the A/M button (A7) to display M in the
top right corner of the screen, then use
the joystick.
C1 To connect a headset to the camera
• To automatically adjust the image,
to record and listen to voice anno-
push the A/M button (A7) to display A.
tations, use a headset cable and
this socket.
Choosing mode: Push the Mode button
C2 To connect a video monitor to the
(A12) to choose between various modes
camera, use a CVBS (composite
of operation:
video) cable and this socket.
• Camera mode:This is the most com-
C3 To connect a computer to the cam-
monly used operation mode of the
era to move images and files to and
camera. You select this mode to save
from the camera, use a USB Mini-B
an infrared image to the SD memory
cable and this socket.
card. If you push the Preview/Save
C4 To connect an external USB device
button, the documentation toolbar will
to the camera, use a USB-A cable
be displayed.
and this socket.
• Video mode: If you select this mode,
you can record video clips with the
camera. You start and stop the re-
Changing the language: To change the
cording by pushing the Preview/Save
language, do the following:
1. Push the Setup button (A10).
• Simultaneous mode: If you select this
2. Move the joystick (A6) right to go to
mode, and push and hold down the
the Regional tab.
Preview/Save button (B2) for more
3. Move the joystick (A6) down to select
than 1 second, the camera will auto-
matically save a digital photo at the
4. Push the joystick (A6), then move the
same time as it saves the infrared
joystick up/down to select your
• Program mode: If you select this
5. Push the joystick (A6) to confirm your
mode, you can periodically save im-
ages at a specified time interval.
6. Push the Setup button (A10) to leave
• Panorama mode: If you select this
the set-up mode.
mode, you can create large images by
stitching normal images together.
© 2011, FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
Publ. no. 1558790, rev. 008