Re symbl
If a crd hs a re symbl in the crne, the symbl show yu
something you mst have dn before yu can ply tha crd.
Lok out fr the symbls a you play.
For example:
To clerat your Gldn
Aniversay, ou ned to
b marie (.e have
Weding card in your
life story). Just like n
real ife!
You can’t make Hom
Improvemnts uil
you have home!
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Any Time
Chek the o right crne of a crd to se if t has
symbl. If not, g ahed an play it no yur life story
on ay turn!
Sometis you ned to
play card fom ne
dck befor yu can
cmplet a Life vent
from a diff ernt dck.
For example, you ned to play Bot card fom the Walth dck
into yur life story bfore yu can ply a ‘Sil so arund the
world’ card fom the Advnture dck!
Cards with an row in the crne hlp you
ad to yur wn life story b swaping cards
or taking cards fom ther players!
For example, us a Mid-Lfe Cris card to
swap your whole and with another player!
Always give th card with e arow t he or player
to pu in their lfe story. It’s like cmpnsation!
Care lader
Get a jo! If a Cre cad
has crol in the crne, you
ned a gre bfore yu
can d it o yur life story.
As on as you have Care, you
can build p your pints by puting
Payd crds into yur life story!
You can hve up to 3 Payd crds
pr Caer.
Just like ral ife!
You can oly have ONE Pasprt and
ONE Weding card in your life story
at ny oe tim. If you ‘Lse Your
Pasprt,’ you can relac it wh
another on later in the gam.
The cards
Lok at your cads bfore yu star playing. Her’s what ech typ of card es:
+10 cards & ending the game
Ther a 8 of thes cards in the gam.
Each one show tha 10 years hve fl own
by! The gam ends afer 60 years. (For a
shorte or lnger ame, play for 40 or
80 years!)
When you draw +10 card of any clor:
1. Show evryon ad put i to the sid of the playing are.
2. Take nw card fom any pile and d it o yur hand.
Your tn is over.
3. As on as omen draws the sixth +10 card, 60 years
have pse and the gam is over!
4. Al ad up the pints o the cards in your life story.
Don’t cunt ay crds til n your hand.
5. The player with e most pints win! Congratulions
a wondrful ife!
If ther’s a tie, h player with e most cards win.
Tip! If it’s ricky untig up yor pints, group yr
cards into se of 10 pints fi rt, hen ad the
set ogehr!
Nothing to play?
If you have no cards you want o play, chose on to lse! Put i
facup next o he dck it came from t sart discard pile.
Pick up a new card s ual.
Other players can pick up the cards you’ve discard, so think
carefuly abut wha you throw ay!
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