AR Series Ver.2.00 - Added Functions
WAV File Playback
With version 2.00, you can play WAV files created with the AR-3000R Ver.2.00 or [ARE-3000 Ver.2.00] software.
Take care to the following points when you use Ver.2.00 system program of AR series.
About WAV files
WAV files in the following formats can be recorded or played.
• Sampling frequency: 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 16 kHz, 8 kHz
• Bit depth: 16 bits
• Number of channels: 1 channel (mono), 2 channels (stereo)
About Compatibility with former versions
* If you load the newly created cards on AR-3000R Ver.2.00 or [ARE-3000 Ver.2.00] software to AR series units with former system program,
parameters like below or others are initialized. Even though the WAV files will remain (will not be erased), take care to this.
• Playback point
• Volume level
• Loop points
* In the following situations, the above problem will not occur.
• Not sharing one card with multiple units of AR installed with different versions (old and new) like transmitting files via FTP only.
• Not using WAV files.
AR-200R/200S Ver.2.00 - Added Functions
Notes on AR Series Ver.2.00
New version card
Old version card
New Version AR
Old Version AR
Not Compatible
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