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The Basic features:
Alpha Guard has been designed especially for:
o Protection of properties and cars
o Remote data collection
o Remote control of el. devices
o Alarm
o Remote signalization
The Basic technical parametres:
GSM module TC35 or MC35 900/1800 MHz
Power supply 9 to 15V ss
4 programmable ports of processor (inputs/outputs, pulses, etc. Up used
software) 5V/10mA
serial input and output of GSM modem with 3V level
voice input and output cca 100mV
restart of GSM module
at connector is possible connect optional modules (voice module,
monitoring (overhear) module, relay module etc.)
transmit DTMF tones after connecting
detection of tones after connecting (busy tone, ringing tone etc.)
Real time clock
Timer (alarm)
The type of application is limited by software in
o GSM invoker : inputs are not used. During ringing from „list of
permitted numbers“ stored on SIM card you make an alarm. Then are
progressively calling “invoking numbers“ stored on SIM card – invoking
call is free charge (Suitable for example: fire department).
o Alarm-Guard mode : device is equipped by 4 inputs (states) – for each
you can programm own SMS with telephone number. In case of state
changing is sent corresponding SMS to preprogrammed number.
Simoultenously (up setting) call (ringing – warning free charge) up 8
preprogrammed numbers. When you connect optional modules you can
monitor guarded area.
o Remote control mode: 2 inputs in Guard mode and 2 outputs can be
used for connection different types of devices (relay for switching). It can
be used for monitoring as well.