Barco RLD (0.8) Installation guide

Installation guide

This manual is also suitable for

Barco RLD (0.8): The Ultimate Lens Kit for Stunning Visual Experiences

With the Barco RLD (0.8) Lens Kit, you now have the power to transform your projection setup and elevate your visual presentations. This versatile lens kit is meticulously crafted to deliver exceptional image quality, allowing you to captivate your audience with vibrant colors and sharp details.

Designed for use with Barco's RLM G5, G5+, and H5 projectors, the RLD (0.8) lens effortlessly adapts to various projection distances, ensuring a perfect fit for your specific needs. Say goodbye to image distortion and embrace the flexibility to position your projector at the optimal distance for a truly immersive viewing experience.

Barco RLD (0.8): The Ultimate Lens Kit for Stunning Visual Experiences

With the Barco RLD (0.8) Lens Kit, you now have the power to transform your projection setup and elevate your visual presentations. This versatile lens kit is meticulously crafted to deliver exceptional image quality, allowing you to captivate your audience with vibrant colors and sharp details.

Designed for use with Barco's RLM G5, G5+, and H5 projectors, the RLD (0.8) lens effortlessly adapts to various projection distances, ensuring a perfect fit for your specific needs. Say goodbye to image distortion and embrace the flexibility to position your projector at the optimal distance for a truly immersive viewing experience.

RLD (0.8:1) Lens Kit
Installation Manual
Barco nv Events
aan 5, B-8520 Kuurne
Phone: +32
Fax: +32
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Table of contents
1. RLD(0.8:1) LensInfo .............................................................................................. 3
1.1 Kit Contents .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Lens installation . . . ................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Direct Lens Adjustment (RCU)....................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Cleaning the lens. . ................................................................................................................... 4
2. RLD(0.8:1) LensFormula......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Projector Distance (PD).............................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Lens Formula.. . . . . ................................................................................................................... 5
R5976860 RLD (0.8:1) LENS KIT 22/12/2004
Table of contents
2 R5976860 RLD (0.8:1) LENS KIT 22/12/2004
1. RLD (0.8:1) Lens Info
1. RLD (0.8:1) LENS INFO
1.1 Kit Contents
Parts of the Kit
RLD (0.8:1) Lens.
Installation Manual.
1.2 Lens installation
The defa ult lens is standard mounted on th e projector when it arriv es on your location.
How to replace with another lens?
Follow the next procedure:
1. Move the handle (A) of the lens anchor system to the left and take out the lens.
2. Take the new lens assembly out of its packing material and remove the lens caps on both s ides.
3. Push the lens, motors at the top, in the lens block gap horizonta lly, lining up the motor connector on the lens with the connector
on the lens block (B). (image 1-1)
Caution: On a table mounted projector, hold the projector w hen pushing the lens into the lens block to avoid sliding off from
the table.
4. Move the handle (A) of the lens anchor system to the right (front view, table m
ount) to lock the lens.
Image 1-1
1.3 Direct Lens Adjustment (RCU)
Lens adjustment button on the Remote Control
On the Remote Contro l three buttons with double action are provided, allowing direct alignment for lens ZOO M, FOCUS and VER-
TICAL SHIFT. For Horizontal Shift, some projectors use the VOL button.
1. Press LENS ZOOM button [-] or [+] (A) for corr
ect image size on the screen.
2. Press LENS FOCUS button [-] or [+] (C) for an overall focus of the image.
3. Press LENS SHIFT button or (B) for correct vertical position of the image on the screen. (image 1-2)
4. Press VOL button [-] or [+] (D) for correct horizontal position of the image on the screen.
[-] button = lef t shift
[+] button = right s h ift
R5976860 RLD (0.8:1) LENS KIT 22/12/2004
1. RLD (0.8:1) Lens Info
Image 1-2
Lens adjustment with RCU
1.4 Cleaning the lens
To minimize the possibility of damaging the optical coati ng or scratching exposed lens surface, we have de-
veloped recommendations for clean ing the lens. FIRST, we reco mmend you try to remove any ma
terial from
the lens by blo wing it off with clean , dry deionized air. DO NOT use any liqu id t o clean the lenses.
Necessary tools
Toray s ee
cloth (delivered together with the lens kit). Order number : R3790
Proceed as follow :
1. Always wipe lenses with a CLEAN Toraysee
2. Always wipe lenses in a single direction.
Warning: Do not wipe back and forwards across the lens surface as this tends to grind dirt into the coating.
3. Do not leave cleaning cloth in either an open room or lab coat pocket, as doing so can contaminate the cloth.
4. If smears occur when cleaning lenses, replace the cl oth. Smears are the first indication of a dirty cloth .
WARNING: Do not use fabric softener when washing the cleaning cloth or so ftener sheets w hen drying the
Do no t use liq uid cleaners on the cloth a s doing so will contaminate the cloth.
CAUTION: Other lenses can also be cleaned safely with this Toraysee
4 R5976860 RLD (0.8:1) LENS KIT 22/12/2004
2. RLD (0.8:1) Lens Formula
2.1 Projector Distance (PD)
Measur ement of the PD
Image 2-1
Measurement of the PD
PD is the distance between the screen surface and the front bar of the rigging system, flat surface below the lens.
2.2 Lens Formula
Lens Formula for:
To calculate the distance betwe
en the projector front side and the screen (PD) for a given screen width (SW ), use th e following
RLM P rojector
Formula (in meter) Formula (in inches)
RLM G5 PD=0.82xSW+0.03 PD=0.82xSW+1.18
RLM G5+ PD=0.82xSW+0.03 PD=0.82xSW+1.18
PD=0.66xSW+0.03 PD=0.66xSW+1.18
RLM R6+ Lens can not be used Lens can not be used
R5976860 RLD (0.8:1) LENS KIT 22/12/2004 5
2. RLD (0.8:1) Lens Formula
6 R5976860 RLD (0.8:1) LENS KIT 22/12/2004
Revision Sheet
Barco nv Events/Docu m entation
Noordlaan 5, B-8520 Kuurn e
Phone: +32, Fax: +32
E-mail: antoo n.dejaegher@barco .com, Web: m
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Barco RLD (0.8) Installation guide

Installation guide
This manual is also suitable for

Barco RLD (0.8): The Ultimate Lens Kit for Stunning Visual Experiences

With the Barco RLD (0.8) Lens Kit, you now have the power to transform your projection setup and elevate your visual presentations. This versatile lens kit is meticulously crafted to deliver exceptional image quality, allowing you to captivate your audience with vibrant colors and sharp details.

Designed for use with Barco's RLM G5, G5+, and H5 projectors, the RLD (0.8) lens effortlessly adapts to various projection distances, ensuring a perfect fit for your specific needs. Say goodbye to image distortion and embrace the flexibility to position your projector at the optimal distance for a truly immersive viewing experience.

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