Put the kettle onto the base, plug onto power, there is a beep sound, all display
light on for 2s, then come to standby stage, kettle shows the real water temperature.
5During water boiling stage, press on/off button, the kettle boiling stops and comes to
standby stage.
6Boil water to preset temperature, keep warm for 30min, then kettle comes to off stage.
7During keep warm stage, press on/off button, the kettle boiling stops and comes to
standby stage.
8During standby and working stage, press “+-”button, can change the temperature
between 50~100.
At standby stage, press on/off button, display shows 80°C or last selected or activated
temperature, kettle starts boiling, the LED display light on, after water reach to the
preset temperature, kettle comes to keep warm stage.