Jenn-Air JGS9900BDS Installation guide

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GasSlide-In Range
Cuisini_reb gazencastrableb circulationdescendanteJenn-Air
Estufadeslizantea gasdecorrientedescendenteJenn-Air
// / "J //
Printed in USA ©2005 MaytagCorporation REV0-10/05 8101P701-60
This manualis intendedto assist in the initial installation andadjustments ofthe range.
Onlyqualified personnelshouldinstall or service this range.
Read"Safety Instructions" in Use&Carebookbefore using range.
Improper installation, adjustment,alteration, service,maintenanceor useof range
can result in serious injury or property damage.
Installer,take care not to damageflooring.
Thisrangehasbeendesignedin accordancewith the
requirementsof varioussafety agencies andcomplieswith
the maximumallowablewood cabinettemperatures of 194°E
If this rangeis installed with cabinets that have a lower
working temperature than 194°F,discoloration, delamination
or melting may occur.
Placerange in a well lit area. Donot set rangeover holes in
the floor or other locationswhere it may be subject to strong
drafts. Anyopeningin the wall behind the rangeandin the
floor under the rangeshouldbe sealed. Makesurethe flow
of cooling/ventilation air is not obstructed belowthe range.
Note:A range should NOTbe installedover kitchen carpeting.
HighAltitudeNotice: Thespecified gasburner ratings
typically apply to elevations upto 2000feet. For higher
altitudes, the ratesmay needto be reducedto achieve
satisfactory operation.A local certified gasservicer will be
able to advise if a reductionis necessary
Arisk of rangetip-over existsif the appliance is not installedin
accordancewith the providedinstallationinstructions.Theproper use
of the ANTI-TIPdeviceminimizes the risk ofTIP-OVER.Inusing this
device the consumermust still observethe safety precautions as
stated in the USEand CAREMANUALandavoid usingthe ovendoors as
a step stool. Installationinstructions areprovidedfor wood andcement
in either floor or wall. Anyother type of construction may require
special installationtechniques as deemednecessaryto provide
adequatefastening ofthe ANTI-TIPbracket to the floor or wall. The
bracketmust be installed to engagethe RIGHTrear levelingfoot. Install
the bracket asshown in step 3.
Theinstallation of arangedesigned for mobile home installation must
conform with the ManufacturedHomeConstructionandSafety
Standard,Title 24 CFR,Part3280 (formerlythe FederalStandardfor
MobileHomeConstructionandSafety,Title 24 HUD,Part 280)or,when
such standard is not applicable, the Standardfor ManufacturedHome
InstallationsANSIA225.1/NFPA501A,or with localcodes.In Canada
the rangemust be installedin accordancewith the current CSA
StandardC22.1- CanadianElectrical CodePart 1and SectionZ240.4.1
- Installation Requirementsfor GasBurningAppliancesin MobilHomes
(CSAStandardCAN/CSA- Z240MH).
ElectricalGroundingInstructions_ Thisapplianceisequipped I
witha (three,prong)groundingplugforyourprotectionagainst I
shock hazardandshouldbe plugged directlyintoa properly
groundedrecePtac!e_Do notcutorremovethe groundingprong I
fromtbspug I
Theinstallation of a rangedesignedfor recreational parktrailers must
conform with stateor other codes or,in the absenceof such codes,
with the Standard for RecreationalParkTrailers,ANSIA119.5-latest
edition. In Canadathe rangemustbe installed in accordancewith
CAN/CSA- Z240.6.2- Electrical Requirementsfor R.V.'s(CSAStandard
CAN/CSA- Z240RVSeries)and SectionZ240.4.2- Installation
Requirementsfor PropaneAppliancesand Equipmentin R.V.'s(CSA
StandardCAN/CSA- Z240 RVSeries).
ii: 1:11
Electric Supply
Theappliance,when installed,mustbe electrically groundedin
accordancewith localcodesor,inthe absenceoflocal codes,with the
NationalElectricalCode,ANSI/NFPA70. InCanadathe rangemustbe
installedinaccordancewith thecurrentCSAStandard C22.1-
Electrical Supply Connection
Therange requires 120volts,60 cycle alternating current from a
dedicated groundedoutlet with a 15 ampcircuit breaker.Thekilowatt
ratingfor the rangeison the ratingplate.Seestep2 for locationof rating
plate.Usermay experienceoccasionalcircuit tripping if GroundFault
Circuit Interrupter (GFCl)outlet or breaker is in use.
Gas Supply
Installationofthisrange must conformwith localcodesor,in the
absenceoflocalcodes,with the NationalFuelGasCode,ANSIZ223.t-
latestedition.InCanadathe rangemustbe installedin accordance
withthe currentCGAStandardCAN/CGA-Bt49- InstallationCodesfor
GasBurningAppliancesand Equipmentand/orlocalcodes.
In TheCommonwealthOfMassachusetts
Thisproductmust be installedbya licensedplumberorgasfitter when
installedwithinthe CommonwealthofMassachusetts,A "T" handle
type manual gas valvemust be installed in the gas supply line to this
appliance.Aflexible gasconnector,when used,must not exceeda
length of three (3)feet / 36 inches.
Gas leaksmay occurin yoursystem and result in a dangerous
situation. Gasleaks may not be detected bysmell alone,Gas
suppliers recommendyou purchaseand install an ULapproved
gas detector. Install and use in accordancewith manufacturer,s
appliance shall be conducted by the installer according to the
instructions given in Step 9,
Applya non-corrosiveleak detectionfluid to all joints andfittings in
the gas connectionbetween the supply line shut-off valve andthe
range.Includegas fittings and joints in the range if connectionswere
disturbed duringinstallation. Checkfor leaks! Bubblesappearing
aroundfittings andconnectionswill indicate aleak. If aleak appears,
turn off supply line gasshut-off valve,tighten connections,turn onthe
supply line gasshut off valve,andretest for leaks.
Gassupply pressurefor testingregulatormustbe at least1" water
Check Pressure of House Piping System
1.The appliance andits individualshutoff valvemust be
disconnectedfrom the gassupply pipingsystemduringany
pressuretestingofthatsystem attest pressuresinexcessof
1/2 Ibs./sq.in. (3.5 kPa)(13,8 in.water column).
2.The appliance mustbe isolatedfrom the gassupply piping
systemby closingitsindividualmanualshutoff valveduringany
pressuretestingofthe gassupply pipingsystemat test
pressuresequal toor lessthan 1/2 Ibs,/sq.in. (3.5 kPa)
(13.8 in.water column).
Thehouse piping and/or rangeconnector usedto connect the range to
the maingas supply must beclean,free of metalshavings,rust, dirt
andliquids (oilor water). Dirt,etc. inthe supply lines canwork its way
into the range manifold andin turn causefailure of the gasvalves or
controls and clog burners and/or pilot orifices.
NOTE:It isrecommendedtousea newCSAcertified 1/2" flexible connectornolongerthan36" (91.4 cm) with a minimumBTU/HRrating of
60,000be used.Rigidpipe may alsobe used.
I i[llf l ill ;t LvAiliVl;L*I i =11;!,'t ;tviililijc
Follow these procedures to remove appliance for servicing:
1. Sliderangeforward todisengagerangefrom the anti-tipbracket,
2. Shutoff gassupply toappliance.
3. Disconnectelectrical supply to appliance,if equipped.
4. Disconnectgassupply tubingtoappliance.
5. Reverseproceduretoreinstall, If gaslinehasbeendisconnected, THE APPLIANCE.
checkfor gas leaksafter reconnection.
6.Topreventrangefrom accidentally tipping,rangemustbe securedtothe floor by sliding rearlevelingleg intothe anti-tip bracket,
NOTE:A qualified servicer should disconnect andreconnect the gas supply. Theservicer MUSTfollow installation instructions provided with the gas
appliance connector andthe warning label attached to the connector.
:!II/.'Iii 11lvi /[Ill]
Whenyour rangerequires service or replacement parts,contact your dealer or authorizedservice agency.Pleasegivethe complete modelandserial
number of the range which is locatedon front frame behindstorage drawer.
JYour not be equippedwith someof the features referred to in this manual.
NOTE:Figuremay notbe representativeof actual unit./REMARQUE:L'Ulustrationpeut ne pas pr6senter rappareil actuel./NOTA:La
figura puede no set exacta a la unidad.
Rangemaybe installedwith zeroinchesclearanceadjacentto (against)combustibleconstructionattherear andonthe sidesbelowthe cooktop.
Forcompleteinformationinregard tothe installationof wall cabinetsabovethe rangeandclearancesto combustiblewall abovethecooking
topsee theinstallationdrawings. ForSAFETYCONSIDERATIONSdo not installa rangein anycombustiblecabinetrywhich isnotin accordwith
the installationdrawings.
* NOTE:30 inch(76.2 cm) dimensionbetween cookingtopand wall cabinetshown onillustrationdoesnot apply to rangeswith an elevated
ovenor microwave.Theinstallationinstructionsofthe elevatedovenwill specify theminimum acceptable dimensionbetween thecooktop
andelevated oven.The30 inch(76.2cm)dimensionmay be reducedto notlessthan24 inches(61cm)when the wall cabinetsin adomestic
homeare protectedwith fireproof materials in accordancewith AmericanNationalStandards - National FuelGasCodeor in mobilehomes
when they are protectedwith fireproofmaterialsinaccordancewith the FederalStandardfor MobileHomeConstructionandSafety.
Toeliminatethe risk ofburns orfire byreachingoverheatedsurface units, cabinetstoragespacelocatedabovethesurface units shouldbe
avoided. If cabinetstorage isto be provided,the risk canbereducedbyinstallinga rangehoodthatprojectshorizontally aminimumof 5
inches(t 3 cm)beyondthe bottom of the cabinets
Lacuisiniere peut_tra installbeavecun dbgagementnulcontre des matbriauxcombustibles aI'arriereetsur lescStesen dessousde latable
de cuisson.Pourdes renseignementscomplets concernantI'installationdes armoires au-dessusde la cuisiniere et les d_gagementsaux
paroiscombustibles au-dessusde la surface de cuisson,consultezles schemassur I'installation. Pourdes RAISONSDESECURITE,n'installez
pasune cuisini_re dartsdes armoires en mat_riaux combustiblesnon conformes auxschemas de I'installation.
* REMARQUE:Ladimensionde76,2cm(30po)entrela surfacedecuissonetles armoiresmuralespresenteessur I'illustrationneconcernepasles
cuisini_resavecun foursur_lev_ ouun micro-ondes.Lesinstructionsd'installationdu four surelevepr_cisentla dimensionminimale acceptable
entre la surfacede cuissonet le foursur_leve.Ladimensionde76,2cm (30po)peut_trereduite apasmoinsde 61cm (24po)Iorsqueles armoires
muralesd'une residencesont protegeespardesmat_riauxignifugesconform_mentaux normesdeI'AmericanNationalStandards- NationalFuel
GasCode(Codenational des combustibles gazeux),ou Iorsqueles armoires muralesd'une maisonmobile sont protegeespar des materiaux
ignifugesselon la normefed_rale : MobileHomeconstruction and Safety(norme de s_curit_ et de construction des maisonsmobiles).
Poureliminerle risquede br_lureoud'incendie,en passantlamainau-dessusdes _lementsdesurfacechauffes,I'espacede rangementdansles
armoires situees au-dessusdeselementsde surfacedoit _tre_vit_. Si unearmoire de rangementexiste,le risquepeut _.trereduit en installant
unehotte d'extraction quid_passehorizontalementd'un minimum de 13 cm(5 po)de la partie inf_rieuredesarmoires.
Estaestufase puedeinstalar sinespaciosde despejecontra superficies combustiblesen la parte trasera y a los costadosde la misma per
debajo de la cubierta. Paraobtener informaci_ncompleta sobre lainstalaciSnde losarmarios sobre la cubierta y los espaciosdedespeje
paralas paredescombustibles sobre la cubierta yea lasfiguras de instalacion. PorRAZONESDESEGURIDAD,no instale una estufa en ninguna
ubicaciSncon armarios combustiblesque no concuerdenconlas figuras de instalaciSn.
* NOTA:Eldespejede 30 pulgadas(76,2 cm) entre la cubierta de cocci_n y el armario quese muestraen la figura no seaplica alas estufas
con hornoselevadoso alos microondas.Lasinstrucciones de instalacion delhomo elevadoespecificaranel espaciominimo entre la cubierta
y el homo elevado.Eldespejede 30 pulgadas(76,2cm)puedeser reducidoa no mendsde24 pulgadas(61cm)cuando los armarios del hogar
estanprotegidoscon materialesapruebadefuego de acuerdocon lasNormasNacionalesde EstadosUnidos(ANS)y el C_digoNacionaldeGas
o enlas casasrodantescuandolas mismasestanprotegidascon materialesapraebadefuego deacuerdoconla NormaFederaldeConstraccion
y SeguridaddeViviendasMOviles.
Paraeliminar el riesgode quemadurasode incendioscuandose intenta alcanzaralgBnobjetosobre loselementossuperiores,evite almacenar
articulos enlos armariosque estansobrela estufa.Si seinstala un armariosobrela cubierta,sepuedereducirel riesgoinstalandouna campana
de ventilacion quese proyectehorizontalmenteen un minimo de 5 pulgadas(13cm) mas alia de labasede los armarios.
I I] I ii [_ i_,1[I] i_,'_'JI] Iii [_ i_,1[I] i_,'_'JI] I ii [_ i[,.'][I] i[_
If endcabinet is not presenLside
panel kit UXA1100AA(B= black,
W= white, S= Stainless)may be
ordered from dealer
S'il n'y a pas d'armoire2, ".. /
l'extremite, l'snsemble de ganneau ".. jL*.._
lat_ral UXAlOOOAA(B = nsir W= blasc, "..
S = acierinsxydabls)peut _tre cemmande ""
aupres de vstre detaillanL
Si no hay an gabinets lateral,pcede pedir el kit
de panel lateral UXAI OOOAA(B=negrs,O=s/o
asmalts, W=blance, S=Acersianxidable)a ea
NOTE: Forcountertops with
formed front edge shave
raisedsect on to cear top.
REMARQUE: Pourleahauts
de cemptsir avec an rebsrd
avant msul#, rabstsz la
sectionrelev#e pourdegagsr
le haul
NUTA: Para losmsstradsras
con bsrds delastsrs formads,
cepille la sasci6n elevada
paraqce la parts superior
Some whiteEuropeanstyle
cabinetsare equipped with
delicate white vinyl drawer
anddoor fronts, Thevinyl
may not be designedto
withstand the heat
producedby the normal
safe operationsf a ceif-clean
range.Discolorationor delaminat/on
may sccur Toavoid possibledamage,
we recommend increasing the 30" cabinet
openingto 31 heat
shield (CABKITV),Theceantsrtsl
Certaioeaarmsiras de ceu/sur blanchest de style eursp_ensant
#gaip_asde fa_adasde pstts st de tiroir en vinylsblanc fragile,
Le vinylspeut ne gas#trs cen_upour resister 2,lacbaleur
prsduite par anautanettsyage normal, IIpeut ce produirs ane
coloration su anedestratificat/on, Pour #viter le dsqus de
dsmmagas,anus vsusrscemmandansd'agrandir l'suvsrture
dartslas armsiras de 30 ps (76,2 cm) a 31 1/4ps (79,4 cm)
minimum st d'utilicer un ensembled'#cran thermigae (CABKITV).
Lbuverture dartsle plan de travail dsit tsujsurs #tre de 30ps
A/ganasarmar/os de astils eurspan visnensquigadas can
superficies del/oadasde vinils blance en los cajanasy pusrtas. El
v/oils pceds no habsr sids dicefiads para anpsrtarel ca/or
prsducids psr anaastufaautslimpiants durantsan uan normaly
cegurs. Pceds scurdr decs/oraciSns delaminacion,Paraevitar
pasiblasdafias, recemsndamasaumsntar la absrtura delgab/oete
a an minims de 31 1/4" (80 cm)y usaran protectorterm/oo
(CABKITV).El certe de la encimera debepermanecer de 30"
Nots:Gasl/oas MUSTbe installedwithin the dark shaded
andhatched areato ensureproper alignmentsf this oven
with your cabinets,It is recommendedto havegas and
electricsupplies 6" apart.
Remarqce:Las cenduitasde gaz DOIVENT#trs /ostalleas
daanlas limitas de la zonesmbreeet hacbures pour bien
alignerce four avas vss armsirea.II astrscemmande gas
leacanduitas de gaz et d'#lastdcite anientsegar6asde 6
ps (15,2 cm) l'ane de l'autrs,
Nsta:Las tuberias de gas DEBENear instaladasdsntrs dsl
_,reaanmbreaday rayadaparaacegurar elalineamients
cerrscts delhomo can raspects a los gabinetas. Se
recemiendamantsner los suministrss electr/osy de gasa
6" (15,24cm) de cegaracion,
Nots:Drill on centsdine 1 1/4inches from rear waftfor gas supply/ins.
Rsmargas:Percezan trsu anr laligne centralea 3,18 cm (1-1/4 ps) du tour
ardere pour le passage de la canduite d'alimentat/on en gaz
Nsta:Taladrsan agujsrs en la linea central a 1 1/4"(3,18 cm)de la pared
traserapara la tuberia de suministro de gas.
If cabinet backsplashbehindunit is ant present,
kit UXAgtO7A4(B= black,S=stainlass, W=
white) may be ordered
from dealer
S'il n'y a gas de dascerst dsrriers l'apgareil,le
n#ceasairsde f/oitian UXA9107AA
(B= anir, S= acisr insxydabls, W= blanc)peat
#tre cemmandeaopres de vstredetaillanL
Si el protector trasers detras de la unidadns
ast,'_prasents, puede psdir el kit de rellens
UXA9107AA(B=negrs,S=Acers ianxidable,
W=blasce) a andistdbuidsr
Whenreplacingan existingunit,a maximumsf 23 1/2" is
acceptabls. If the cut depthexceeds23 1/2", use filler kit
K71FILL(B= black, W= white, S= Stainless)may be
ordered from dealsr
Si vsanremplacsz un apgareil existant,un maximum de
59,7 cm (23 ps) astacceptable.Si la prsfandear excede
59,7 cm (23- ps),utilicez Is n#ceasairede finit/on K71FILL
(B = anir W= blanc,S= acier insxydable)peut #tre
cemmande aupres de vstre detaillant,
Cuandsrssmplace uanunidad existsnts,an m#,ximsde 23
1/2" (59 cm)as aceptabls. Sila prsfundidad de certs
sxcede las 23 1/2" (59 cm), use el kit de rsllsan K71FILL
(B=negrs, Q=sin asmalte, W=blance, S=Acersianxidable)a
an distdbuidsr
120 VoltGroundedElectrical Outletin the hatched area.
OutletMUSTbe flush. Nothing locatedin hatchedarea can
extendmore than 2" from waftsr range will notslide aft the
Price#lsctdgas miss2,la tsrrs de 120Vdaanla zone
hacbures,La priceDOIT#tre sn affleuremenLRiende ce qui
astsitu# darts la zonehachureene psut degascer de plus
de2 ps (5,1 cm)du tour - s/oan la cuisini#rsne psurra pas
#trepsuas#ejusqu'au fasc_
Tsmacerrisntsde 120 Vpuasts a tierra el?el area rayada.
Eltsmacsrdente DEBEastaral ras dela parsd, N/oguna
pieza qce ce enccentre en el #,tearayadadebe sxtsndercea
masde 2" (5,08 cm)dasde la pareds la astufa noce
daslizar#,cempletamentehasta atr#,s.
NOTE:Asan optiontomake gasva/veaccessible,itcan be I
tocat_tot_adjacantc_to_t" I
REMARQUE:Pourqus Isrobtoetde gazSo#accessible,il peut I
_trssi_ dans!'armoirsadjacents.
NOT_:.4modoopciana!parafacilitarel acceaoa la vatvulade I
gas.la mismapuedeset instaladaan elgabinetsadyacante. 1
Important: Becauseofcontinuing product improvements,Maytag reservesthe right to change specificationswithout notice, Dimensionalspecificationsare providedfor planning purposesonly,
Important: Enraison de I'amelioration continue de ses produits,Maytag se reservele droit de changerleaspecificationssans pr6avis.Leadimensionsne sont fournies qu'&titre indicatif.
Inlportante: Debidoa las mejorascontinuasdel producto,Maytag se reservael derechode cambiar sus especificacionessinavisoprevio. Las especificacionesdimensionalesse proporcionanparapropositosde
Not Inclnded./Noninclus./Nose
ToolsNeeded./Ontils n_cessaires./
I installation.Le n_cessairede conversionsetrouveb I'arri_redela cuisini_re./SiutilizagasLP(pr0pano),
se recomiendaque inicielaconversi6nantesderealizarla instalaci6n.Puedeencontrare! kit deinstruccionesde
NOTE:Thefollowingsectionon VENTINGBLOWERMOTORshouldbe considered"recommendations". Dueto the many variablesof the potentialindividual
locationsand requirements(localbuildingcodes,plumbingand electrical lines,yourbuilding's structuraldetails),the installationdetails maychange or
haveto beadjustedfor yourparticularsituaUon./REMARQOE:Lasectionsnivantesur leMOTEURDOVENTILATEURdolt_tre consid_r_ecomme un
ensemblede _<recommandations,,. Enraisondes nombrensesvariablesprovenantdespossiblesemplacementset exigencesdes individns(hermes
localesde s_curit_de construction,plomberieet l/goes_lectriques, d_tails destructurede votre immenble),lesd_tails d'installaUonpeuventchangerou
n_cessiter un ajustementenfoncUondevotre situationparticuli_re./NOTA:La signientesecci6nsobreelMOTORDELVENTILADORdebeser considerada
come "recomendaciones".Debidoalas mnchasvariables de lasposiblesubicacionesyreqnerimientosindividuales(c6digos localesde vivienda,tuber/as
y cableadoel_ctrico,detallesestructuralesde su vivienda),los detallesde instalaci6npuedencambiaro deben ser ajnstadosa su sitnaci6nparticular.
VentLocationOptions(Followthe letteredsequenceof stepsthat applyto your choice:A, B,C)/OpUonsd'emplacement de I'_vent(SuivezI'ensembledes
_tapes qni correspondent_ votrechoixportantles lettres:A,B,C)/Opcionesde ubicaci6nde laventilaci6n(siga la secnenciade letrasde los pasosque
seapliqnen a sn selecci6n:A,B,C)
...F_ / Reducer5"-8"/
90° Elbow/Cootiede90°/ _ ,J_ Raccordde r_daction
C°d°degO° _\ _ J deh_Spo
_,\ / ) Y (de12,7_1_,_cm)/
_J Reductorde5" a6"
90° Transition/ (12,7 cm a15,24 cm)
Raccordde transition de 90°t
Concrete Anchors/
Ancragesen b_too/
Anclajesde concrete
Rubaoadh_sif en toUe/
Ciotaadhesiva para conductos
Not includedand maynotbe neededfor your iestallaUon./Nooincluset pentnepas _tre o_cessairepourvotre installatiooJNose iocluyey puede no ser
necesariopara la instalaci6o.
Mark centerof cabinet openieg./Marquezlecentrede I'ouverturede
I'armoireJMarqoe elcentro de laaberturadel gabieete.
Mark and choosevent holelocation.Checkfor obstructions(studs) in
walL/Marqoez et choisissezI'emplacemeetdo troo de I'_vent.Assurez-
vous qo'il o'ya pasd'obstructionsdaes lemur (poteaox)JMarquey
elijala obicacibndel agujerodeventilaci_o.Busqueposibles
obstrucciones(travesa_os)eo la pared.
Cot6 1/4" diameterhole./Faites uetroo de 6 1/4 po (15,9cm) de
diam_tre./Corteon agujerode 6 1/4" (15,88 cm) de diametro.
Position blower motorincabinet openingandvent throughwall./Placez
le moteor du veetilateordans I'ooverturede I'armoire et a_rezpar le
morJColoqoe elmotordel ventiladoreo la abertoradelgabinete y
veotilea trav_s de la pared.
0nly qualified personnelshouldinstall range.Must be installed in
accordancewith localcodes.Seeinstructionsin frontof this
mannaL/Seuldu personnelqualifi_doltinstallerla cuisini_re.Elledolt_tre
install_esolon lescodesIocaux.Voyezlesinstructionsan d_bntde ce
manuel./La estufa s61odebeser instaladapor personalcalificado.La
estnfadebe instalarsede acnerdoconlos c6digoslocales.Vea las
instrnccionesen la partedelantera de estemanual.
Checkallgas connectionjointsand fittings for leakswith a non-corrosive
leak detectionfluid,thenwipe off./V_rifiezI'absencedefnite _ tousles
raccordementsde gazavecnn liqnidede d_tectiondesfuitesnon corrosif,
puisessuyez-le./Verifiqnetodaslasconexionesyjuntas delsuministrode
gas a la estufausandoun tiqnido dedetecci6nde escapesno corrosivo
para asegurarsede qne no hayanescapes.Limpie el liqnidocnando
Plugin rangeand blower./Branchezla cuisini_re
et le ventilateur./Enchufelaestufa y elventilador.
Sliderange intopositionJRepoussezla cuisini_reen place/Deslicela Finishconnectingductwork to range./Finissezde raccorderlesconduits
estufaasn lugardefinitivo. _ la cnisini_re./Completela conexi6ndel conductoa la estufa.