_C_ _'TDP_I_¢ _ _'_'_ _,.,v_ ,_ .........._, _ _
The air ¢oe_i_ion÷_wi_ibe s_led whe_ _ isenergized
O_wf[! be stupid whe_ _t_ _ opera_on_ if you press
_e batten
_ch _ime Mode bu_on ispressed, the o_e_atioa
mode is cha_ged #_sequence:
Coe_ingi with fa_ speed Lo,_,, b'led High}_Comp_eseo_
cycles te ma ntail_ Temperature, Set Point, F_n remsir_s
on at se!_ted s#e¢_ dudng e_pt'e5_; OFF @tie,
CeaSing (_4e _a_i S[_d)_ Cempresse_ cycles te a'_am_eir_
Tempe{a_ure Set Pio_t_ _a#'_spee_ ie cereuses3 from ream
t_perat&ire _a_ remsir_s _ dur_#g eornFess£ OF_ c_s_e,
Fan Only: G_rcula_as a_qd_ilterss _oom air at sei_e_ speed,
Energy Saving (with _S#_sp_d Low, Mad, Hgh):
Fan cycles ON and OFF vdth compresses over a wider
E_e_y _v}ag with Auto Fan Speed); Fen ey_bs ON a_d
OFF wi_h cam p_*es_r _t e wide_ range O_tem_a_u_e .:Fae
speed dur[eg ON eyrie e de_r_dee_ on _oem tempe[a_re
I_dic_ion symbo_ _ LED e_ coatml pane|:
L_ on _,,_ro! panel _flhe en w_en _e re e'v;@em<_#_s n _ls_d
NOT_: After se{ti_s9 ,the mode a_!ow three 4:3minutes before _w _c_ing to ar_,other mode, In the FAN ONLY Mode.
Room Temperature display range ie from _':'C (32'T) to SS'_C19_F}. Room Temperature below 32K the
Tempe_s_e display L0, ROO_ Temperature above 99':% the TemperEAu_e dis_ley N1.
Fee Spee_ Butto_; Used _o selec_ On#speed _'_seqeeeee auto, low, medium, a_d high
H_8_ H ghentfa_ speed for maximum oool_ng
_edium N_rmat _en speed for a_e_age ceol#_g
Le_ ho'¢,_'e_arid q_jietest sp_e_ 9_'@ate¢dehum[dificabo_'_
A_te Wowke ih ©0@[mge_d E_rgy-S_vi_ mode t.o _a_yJa_ epe_J based on room _e_q_bJre,
Time_ B#t|on: Used [o eel or caz_cei _imer operation
W_'mn _he unA [s in operates0 you can set: OFF T_MER. When tl_e uni_ is OFK you ca# set ON TIMER. Timer
sort{rig range is 0 _e 24 hours.
_fthe OFF T_MER _s set, the time LEO _isp_ays the remeia_Bg time to turn off the unit for or'_y 12 secor_ds,
then LED shifts to disp!:ay set temperalum. !_you press T_MER button within the 12 se¢0eds, OFF TIMER
w_li be ceecelied
_fthe ON TIMER is set _he timer LED displays tl_e _eme[_in9 time to turn or_ the uniL ff you want to
canoe! ON TIMER, press TIMER buth)_°l.
_ Button
Used to set room temperature ta COOUNG mode e_ used to set time }r_T_MER mede_
NOTE: 'l_mpeta_ure settii_g r_nge is from 19 C ,B6 F) to 31 _C (BSF)