LG KT520 | User Guide
Using options while video is paused ...... 40
Sending a video clip ............................. 40
Using a video clip as a ringtone ............ 40
Using the video options menu ............... 41
Games and applications ....................... 41
Playing a game .................................... 41
SVG contents ...................................... 41
Viewing an SWF/SVG fi le ...................... 41
Using options viewing the SWF/SVG
fi le ...................................................... 42
Others ................................................ 42
My memory card ................................. 42
Using your phone as a mass storage
device ................................................. 42
Multimedia ............................................ 44
Music ................................................. 44
Transferring music onto your phone ...... 44
Playing a song ..................................... 44
Creating a playlist ................................ 45
Playing a playlist .................................. 45
Editing a playlist .................................. 45
Deleting a playlist ................................ 45
Voice recorder ..................................... 46
Sending the voice recording ................ 46
Transferring a fi le to your phone ........... 46
Organiser ............................................... 47
Adding an event to your calendar .......... 47
Editing a calendar event ....................... 47
Sharing a calendar event ...................... 48
Adding a memo ................................... 48
Tools ...................................................... 49
Setting an alarm .................................. 49
Using the calculator ............................. 49
World time .......................................... 49
Converter ............................................ 50
Using the stopwatch ............................ 50
O2 Active ............................................... 51
Accessing the web............................... 51
Adding and accessing bookmarks ......... 51
Accessing a saved page ....................... 51
Viewing your browser history ................ 51
Changing the web browser settings ...... 51