
1.The sal tcon tai ner must onl y be r efilled w hen the salt wa rning light inthe control panel comes on.
Depend ing on how well thes alt dissolve s,th es alt warnin glight may st ill be on even though the
salt contai ner is fi lled .
If ther eisn osalt w arning light in the con tr olpanel (fo rso me Mode ls) ,you c an estimate wh ent o f ill
the s altint othe softener by the cycles that the dishw asher has run.
2. If th ereare spills ofthe salt ,a soak or a r apid pro gramshoul d be run to remo vethe exce ssive salt.
Always use thesalt intende dfor use w ith di shwasher.
The salt c o ntain er i slocated beneath the lower basket and shoul db efill edas explaine d
int he f oll ow ing :
Only us e salt spe cifi cally desi gne dfort he usei nd ishwa shers! E very other type of
salt n ot speci fical ly de signed fo r theu se in ad ishwas her, espe cial lyt able salt, wi ll
damage the w ater sof tener. In case of dama ges caused by the use o funsuit able
salt t he ma nufact ure rdoes not g ive anywa rranty no r is li able for a ny damag es cau sed.
Only fil lwi thsal tjust b efore star ting one of th eco mp let e washingp rograms.
This wi llp revent anyg rains of sa ltor sa lty wate r, w hi ch ma yhave b een spill ed,
remain ing on the bo ttom o fthe machi nef or anype riod oftime , which may cau se
c o rrosion.
Th er i nse aid isrel eas edd uri ngthe final rin seto pr event water fro m forming dr oplets o ny o ur dis he s, w hic h can
leave spots ands treaks. It also improve sdry ingby allowing wate rtor oll offt he di shes. Your dishwasheri s
designedtouseliquidrins eaids.The rinsea iddispenser islocated insidethedoornext tothe detergentdispenser.
To fil l the di spe ns er, op en the cap a nd pour the r inse ai din to th e dispens er until t hele vel i n dicator t urns com pletel y
black. Thev olume oft he ri nseai dc ontaineris about 110ml .
RinseAid Dispenser
Function of RinseAid
Rinse ai d is aut om at ic ally a dded during the l ast r inse, ensuring thorough rinsi ng, and spo tan dst reakfree dryi ng.
Only usebranded rinseaid for dishwasher.Never fill therinseaiddispenser withanyothersubstances
(e.g. Di shwasher cleani ng ag ent, liq uid d eterge nt) .Th is wou lddamag e the app liance .
3.I fthe mach ine needs to be dum ped f or ther easo nsof tra nsit, r ep airand s o on , pleas e u set hebi bul ouscloth or
analog toblotup thewaterin the salt container,andscrew thecaptightly,afterward, transitor repairthemachine.
Af tertr ansi ting orre pairi ng th em ach inean dc onfirmin git inorde r, load the salt into thes ofte nera ccor dingto t he
proces sof B. Loadi ng the salt int ot heS oft en er .O ther wise , itc ould b em ake the big da mage to the ma chin e,for
examp le,rustiness,conkand so on. Such problemsareoutof theguaranteeran ge.
Fullfillthesaltcontainerwithwater,Itis normalfora smallamountofwatertocome outofthe
salt contai ner.
A Afterthelowerbasket hasbeenremoved,unscrewandremovethecap from thesaltcontainer.
D Af ter f illing t he contai ner, scre w the c apti ght ly bac kcl ockwise.
E T he salt war ning light will st op bei ng aft er the salt contai ner h asb eenfi lled with s alt.
F Immediatelyafter fillingthesaltinto thesaltcontainer,a washingprogramshould bestarted
p rogr am Otherw ise t he filt er syste m, pump or othe r import ant par ts of t he machine ma yb eda maged
by salty w at er. This i sout of w arrant y.
(We s uggest to us ea short
B Place the end of t he fu nnel (sup plied) in to th e h ole a nd intro du ce a bout 1 .5kg o f di shwas her sa lt.