20 | Aruba Instant | User Guide
In the CLI 291
Integrating an IAP with an XMLAPIinterface 291
Integration with Instant 292
Configuring an IAP for XMLAPI integration 292
In the Instant UI 292
In the CLI 292
Creating an XML API Request 292
CALEA Integration and Lawful Intercept Compliance 294
CALEA Server Integration 294
Traffic Flow from IAP to CALEA Server 295
Traffic Flow from IAP to CALEA Server through VPN 295
Client Traffic Replication 296
Configuring an IAP for CALEAIntegration 296
Creating a CALEA Profile 296
In the Instant UI 297
In the CLI 297
Creating an Access Rule for CALEA 297
In the Instant UI 297
In the CLI 298
Verifying the configuration 298
Example 298
IAP Management and Monitoring 300
Managing an IAP from AirWave 300
Image Management 300
Resetting an IAP 300
IAP and Client Monitoring 300
Template-based Configuration 301
Trending Reports 301
Intrusion Detection System 301
Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) Event Reporting to AirWave 301
RF Visualization Support forInstant 302
PSK-based and Certificate-based Authentication 302
Configurable Port for IAP and AirWave Management Server Communication 302
Configuring Organization String 302