capture snapshots of students’ screens, take control of students’ desktops, temporarily
lock students’ computers, remotely shut down students’ computers, block Internet
access and block the use of specific applications.
You can also use SMART Sync to communicate with your entire class, a group of
students or an individual student. You can broadcast your desktop, conduct polls, send
messages to students and receive replies, send files to your students, organize student
collaboration and more.
If you’re using SMARTSync with a SMART Board™ interactive whiteboard, you can
write notes using a pen tray pen and your students will see your notes on their desktops.
If you’re working at a computer, you can write notes using the tools in SMART Sync.
Starting SMART Sync
When you first start SMARTSync, you create a teacher ID and class. Students can then
connect to the class (see Connecting to Students on next page).
Every class is unique. The only similarity between two classes may be the room in
which they’re taught. Everything else may be different, including the students, the
seating plan and more.
Teachers and classes can be administered, which means they’re centrally defined in a
SMART School file (see Setting the SMART School File Location on page 82), or
non-administered, which means they’re defined in your computer's installation of
l If you select a non-administered class when you start SMART Sync, you can
save changes to your class at any time.
l If you select an administered class, you can’t save changes to the original file, but
you can save it with a new name.
(Administered) appears beside administered classes in the Welcome to SMART
Sync dialog box.
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