PINentry “##0” ThePINhasthreedigits.
PINchange “00” NewPIN<3digits>,repeatthePIN<3digits>
Diverttelephone1 “10” Enterthetelephonenumber,16digitsmaximum.
“11” Enterthetelephonenumber,16digitsmaximum.
“15” “0”:Disabled;“1”:Enabled.
Numberofdivert “16” “1”:Diverttooneph.;“2”:Diverttotwoph.;“3”:Diverttothreeph.
Call(divertmode) Callingorder:“1”;“2”;“3”.
Lockreleasetime “20” Between“01”and“60”seconds.
Auxiliaryrelay: Type “30”
Auxiliaryrelay:Monostabletime “31” Between“01”and“60”seconds.
Auxiliaryrelay:State “32”
Ringtype “40” “1”:Cadencetype;“2”:Cadencetype;“3”:Cadencetype.
Resetlocaltelephonevolume “51” Volumetodefaultvalue,localtelephone
Resetvolumeofdiverttelephone “52” Defaultvolume,diverttelephone“1”;“2”;“3”accordingtoph.
Doorentrysystemsensitivity “60” “1”:High;“2”:Medium;“3”:Low.
Systemcompatibilities “70” “0”:4+Nor4+NBusychannel;“1”:PlusSystem
Diverttype “71” “0”:NormalOperation;“1”:PABX,non-transparent.
Description of the programming fields:
PIN entry:
PIN change:
Divert telephone:
To access the programming menu enter “##0” followed by the PIN “123”.
This PIN has three digits.
This field stores the corresponding PIN.
The user can change the PIN in this field by accessing the programming mode and entering
the new PIN two times. If the new PIN is not repeated correctly the process will have to be
done again.
Each field stores a phone number which the audio door panel will call when the system has the
divert mode enabled.
Up to 16 digits from the sequence “0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,#, ”can be used
The “#” character creates a pause in the dialling (when calls are made via a PABX,
certain models may require this).
The “ ” character indicates the end of the programmed telephone number.
If the call is not answered, the next programmed telephone number is called,
and so on until a maximum of three numbers is reached.
Calls can be diverted to telephones on fixed-line or cellular networks, or to extensions on private
telephone networks, with this last option requiring the PABX to be installed in the same system as
the telephone interface
Pickupdetection “72” “0”:Automatic;“1”:Manual.