Nintendo Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo Owner's manual

  • Hello! I am a chat assistant, and I've carefully reviewed the user manual for Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo. The manual describes how to manage your town, interact with villagers, use amiibo, and connect with other players online. I'm ready to answer your questions about the game and its features.
  • How do I become mayor?
    Can I change my player's name or town's name?
    How do I use amiibo?
    What kind of multiplayer options are available?
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome amiibo
1Important Information
Basic Information
2Information-Sharing Precautions
3Internet Enhancements
4Note to Parents and Guardians
Getting Started
8Starting the Game
9Saving and Erasing Data
10 Using amiibo
Life in Town
11 Outdoors
12 Menus
13 Things to Do in Town
14 Town Features
15 Exploring Main Street 1
16 Exploring Main Street 2
17 Harvey's Campground
The Island
18 Things to Do on the Island
Connecting with Others
19 SpotPass
20 StreetPass
21 Nintendo 3DS Local Play
22 Internet
23 Importing Town Data
24 Artists and Sculptors
25 Support Information
1Important Information
Please read this manual carefully
before using the software. If the
software will be used by children,
the manual should be read and
explained to them by an adult.
Also, before using this software,
please sele in the HOME Menu
and carefully review content in
"Health and Safety Information." It
contains important information that
will help you enjoy this software.
You should also thoroughly read
your Operations Manual, including
the "Health and Safety Information"
section, before using this software.
Please note that except where
otherwise stated, "Nintendo 3DS"
refers to all devices in the
Nintendo 3DS family, including the
New Nintendo 3DS,
New Nintendo 3DS XL,
Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL,
and Nintendo 2DS™.
To avoid fatigue and discomfort
when using the stylus, do not grip it
tightly or press it hard against the
screen. Keep your fingers, hand,
wrist, and arm relaxed. Long, steady,
gentle strokes work just as well as
many short, hard strokes.
noitamrofnI tnatropmI
dna ,UE eht ni evitceriD ecremmoC cinortcelE eht ,SU eht ni tcA thgirypoC
muinnelliM latigiD eht htiw e
nI .emas eht od ot sredivorP
tnetnoC erawtfos SD3 odnetniN
ksa ew dna ,srehto fo ytreporp
elletni eht stcepser odnetniN
ton era seipoc "lavihcra" ro "pu-kcaB"
.swal ytreporp lautcell
etni lanoitanretni
dna citsemod yb detibihorp
yltcirts si dna lagelli si erawtfos odnetniN yna fo gniypo
c ,dezirohtua
sa tpecxE .yrossecca desnecilnu ro
ecived hcus fo esu eht yb desuac ssol
ro egamad yna rof
elbisnopser ton si
)rotubirtsid ro eesnecil odnetniN yna sa
llew sa( odnetniN .secivres detaler dna
sys SD3 odnetniN ruoy ot egamad ro/dna seussi ecnamrofrep esuac yam
dna srehto ro flesruoy ot yrujni ot
yam esu hcus ,rehtruF .tnemeergA
resU eht rednu snoitagilbo ruoy
fo hcaerb a si dna ,ytnarraw yna
,lagelli eb yam esu hcuS .yrossecca desnecilnu ro ecived dezirohtuanu yna
htiw esu rof dengised to
n era erawtfos
siht dna metsys SD3 odnetniN ruoY
© 2012-2016 Nintendo.
Trademarks are property of their
respective owners. Nintendo 3DS is
a trademark of Nintendo.
This product uses the LC Font
by Sharp Corporation. LCFONT,
LC Font and the LC logo mark are
trademarks of Sharp Corporation.
"QR Code reader" includes software
deliverables of Information System
Products Co., Ltd. and Institute of
Super Compression Technologies,
QR Code is a registered trademark of
JAPAN and other countries.
.sthgir ruoy dnatsrednu dna ycilop lluf
eht weiv ot yciloppi/moc.odnetnin.www
tisiv esaelp ,degnirfni g
era sthgir ytreporp lautcelletni ruoy
eveileb uoy fI .ytreporp lautcelletni s'esle enoyna egnirfni
ot sraeppa taht
erawtfos SD3 odnetniN yna ,noitercsid
elos ruo ta dna secnatsmucric
etairporppa ni ,gniv
omer fo ycilop a
detpoda evah ew ,wal elbacilppa rehto
2Information-Sharing Precautions
User-generated content, or UGC, is
content created by users, such as
messages, Mii™ characters, images,
photos, video, audio, etc.
Nintendo bears no responsibility
whatsoever for any problems that
result from the use of the Internet
(for example, the sending of
content over the Internet, or the
sending or receiving of content
with others).
Information-Sharing Precautions
The extent of UGC exchange
depends on the software.
3Internet Enhancements
To protect your privacy, do not
Protecting Your Privacy
Refer to your Operations Manual
for information about connecting
your system to the Internet.
Connect to the Internet with this
software to enjoy the following
features free of charge:
Visit friends' towns and interact
with them.
Share your town and home with
other players.
Invite special characters to visit.
Receive items and letters from
Post screenshots to social
odnetniN stroppus erawtfos sihT
.tenretnI eht aiv tnetnoc rehto dna
semag yojne o
t sresu selbane
taht ecivres krowten sodnetniN fo eman eht si krowteN odnetniN
give out personal information,
such as last name, phone number,
birth date, age, school, e-mail, or
home address when
communicating with others.
Friend codes are a part of a
system that allows you to play
with people you know. If you
exchange friend codes with
strangers, there is a risk you
could share information with
people you do not know or
exchange messages that contain
offensive language. We therefore
recommend that you do not give
your friend codes to people you
don't know.
4Note to Parents and Guardians
You can restrict use of the following
features by adjusting the options in
Parental Controls.
Access to this game (as well as
other games) can also be
restricted through the Software
Rating item in Parental Controls.
Refer to your Operations Manual
for information on how to set up
Parental Controls.
Internet Browser
Restricts the use of Nintendo 3DS
Image Share.
● Online Interaction
Restricts the visiting of friends'
towns via the Internet.
Restricts the sending and receiving
of houses or furniture between
players via StreetPass.
Sharing Images / Audio / Video /
Long Text Data
Restricts the visiting of friends'
towns via local wireless or the
Friend Registration
Restricts the ability to add new
This software support .
You can use compatible amiibo
accessories by touching them to the
lower screen of your
New Nintendo 3DS or
New Nintendo 3DS XL system.
Data stored on amiibo can be read
by multiple compatible games.
Using near-field communication
(NFC), amiibo can connect to
compatible software to open brand-
new ways to interact with your
favorite Nintendo games. For more
information, please visit Nintendo's
official website at
Precaution about amiibo
Just a light touch on the lower
screen is enough for the system
to detect your amiibo. Do not
press the amiibo into the screen
or forcefully drag it across the
.yrossecca retirW
/redaeR CFN SD3 odnetniN eht seriuqer metsys SD2 odnetniN ro
,LX SD3 odnetniN ,S
D3 odnetniN
a htiw obiima gnisU
Become the mayor or a resident of a
sleepy town in Animal Crossing:
New Leaf - Welcome amiiboand
bring that town to life! Interact with
other residents, and discover new
ways to make your town more
interesting every day.
Note: Only the first player to create
a character in the game can become
the town mayor. Additional players
will become residents.
This game works with your
system's calendar and clock. If
you adjust these settings and
they do not match your saved
data, it may lead to unintended
in-game side effects. For
instance, there may be more
weeds in your town or your
turnips (page 14) may rot and
lose their value.
Basic Control
loot yawa tuP
wodniw stekcop esolc/nepO
)eloh a gnicaf nehw(
eloh a ni lliF
)srewolf gnicaf nehw(
lf kciP
)meti na gnicaf nehw(
meti pu kciP
)ytpme si dnah eno
tsael ta nehw(
eert ekahS
).cte ,ngis
a gnicaf nehw(
gnidloh nehw(
loot esU
)retcarahc rehtona
+ //nuR
Unlock the ability to move
furniture using the Touch Screen
by adding a second floor to your
house and completing the secret
storeroom expansion.
nwod dloHerutinruf barG
erutinruf esU
moor a ni elihw elgna
gniweiv egnahC
snoitpo hguorht llorc
noitceles unem lecnaC
noitceles unem mrifnoC
) nwod
gnidloh elihw(
) nwod
gnidloh elihw(
erutinruf etatoR
sgnidliub retnE
gnicaf nehw(
yawa tuP
Note: Writing text, creating a custom
design (page 12), choosing an item
from the pockets window, and some
other functions can be performed on
the Touch Screen.
You can view the pictures you take
with Nintendo 3DS Camera.
To swim or dive in the ocean, you'll
need to make progress in the game
and obtain a wet suit on the island.
)gnivid nehw(
drawrof miwS
emit emas eht ta dna sserP
erutcip ekaT
eht ni nehw(
eht ni nehw(
drawrof miwS
eht fo egde eht
ta ro enilerohs eht ta nehw(
naeco eht
ni miws a rof oG
8Starting the Game
New Save Fil
Choose one of th
following from th
title menu. Dependin
on the circumstance
the options displaye
may change.
Decide the player name and town
name, and begin playing the game.
The mayor decides the town
Up to four players can live in one
Only the player who initially
creates the town can become
mayor. Any additional players are
The player's name and town
name cannot be changed while
the game is in progress.
Continue from where you left off.
Choose your player name from the
list that appears.
Start-Up Options
When you start a game, Isabelle will
have a few words for you. If you
want to set the time, demolish your
home (page 9), or re-create your
town, select I need help first... while
speaking with Isabelle.
Note: Only resident players can
move. The mayor player cannot.
obiima emocleW
- faeL weN :gnissorC laminA
rehtona ot atad emoh dna
reyalp evom nac
uoy ,)12 egap( noit
sseleriw lacol a gnisU
.nwot rehtona ot evoM
.atad lla teseR
.nwot eht etaerc-eR
.royam nwot eht ton
uoy fi noitpo
siht htiw hguorht wollof ylno
nac uoY .atad reyalp esarE
.emoh ym hsilomeD
.emag eht ni desu e
tad dna
kcolc eht teS
.emit eht teS