AEG KT8403101M Recipe book

Recipe book

The AEG KT8403101M is a versatile kitchen appliance that offers a range of functions to make cooking easier and more efficient. With its steam cooking function, you can prepare healthy and flavorful dishes by preserving nutrients and flavors. The automatic programs provide optimal settings for various types of food, including poultry, fish, meat, desserts, casseroles, and terrines. The appliance also features a timer function, allowing you to set the cooking time and focus on other tasks while your food is being prepared.

The AEG KT8403101M is a versatile kitchen appliance that offers a range of functions to make cooking easier and more efficient. With its steam cooking function, you can prepare healthy and flavorful dishes by preserving nutrients and flavors. The automatic programs provide optimal settings for various types of food, including poultry, fish, meat, desserts, casseroles, and terrines. The appliance also features a timer function, allowing you to set the cooking time and focus on other tasks while your food is being prepared.

EN Recipe Book
Refer to Safety chapters.
1.1 Automatic programmes
The automatic programmes give
optimum settings for each type of meat
or other recipes.
Recipe Automatic (menu: Assisted
Cooking) — This function uses
predefined values for a dish. Prepare
the dish according to recipe from this
1.2 Categories
In the Assisted Cooking menu the dishes
are divided into several categories:
Side Dishes
2.1 Stuffed Chicken Breast
Served with spinach in saffron sauce
Serves 6
400 g spinach leaves, blanched
A pinch of salt
100 g double cream cheese with
green pepper
Freshly milled black pepper
6 chicken breasts
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon mustard
100 ml white wine
150 ml light chicken stock
1 bundle of saffron
150 ml double cream
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
Set aside 20 – 24 large leaves of spinach.
Squeeze the remaining leaves gently and
chop them coarsely with the rocking
knife. Then mix them with the double
cream cheese and add salt and pepper
to season. Slice a pocket along the
chicken breasts. Stuff this with the
spinach mix and seal the breasts with
cocktail sticks.
Drizzle on the lemon juice and rub in the
mustard. Then season lightly with salt
and pepper. Finally, wrap the breasts
with the spinach leaves which you had
set aside earlier. Place the breasts into
the perforated dish and steam with the
steam cooking function. Reduce the
white wine and the stock to about 100 ml
in a pan. Then add the saffron and the
double cream. Season the sauce with
lemon juice, adding salt and pepper if
necessary. Remove the cocktail sticks
from the chicken breasts. Slice the
breasts. Pour some sauce onto the plate
and arrange the chicken breasts on it.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 600 ml
Time in the appliance: 35 minutes
Shelf position: 1
2.2 Poached Chicken Breast
4 chicken breast fillets, boned
salt, pepper, paprika and curry
Season the chicken breasts and place in
a glass bowl in the appliance.
Time in the appliance: 35 minutes
Shelf position: 1
Add 450 ml of water into the water
3.1 Fish terrine
Serves 8
200 g smoked salmon
400 g salmon fillet
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 egg white
250 g cream
1 bunch of dill
Drizzle two tablespoons of the lemon
juice over the smoked salmon and
season with salt and pepper. Line the
terrine mould with the slices of smoked
salmon. The slices should hang over the
side of the terrine. Puree the salmon
fillets very finely with 1 tablespoon of
lemon juice and the egg white. Mix the
cream with the pureed salmon mix until
you obtain a creamy consistency. Season
with salt and pepper. Pour half of the
mixture into the prepared terrine mould.
Add the chopped dill to the remainder of
the mixture and pour this into the mould.
Cover the terrine with slices of the
salmon which were hanging over the
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 400 ml
Time in the appliance: 40 minutes
Shelf position: 1
3.2 Poached Fish (Trout)
1 lemon
Wash, dry and sprinkle with lemon juice
inside and outside. Leave to soak in for a
while and then season with salt and
pepper. Place the fish in a stainless steel
bowl with a perforated insert.
Time in the appliance: 30 minutes
Shelf position: 1
3.3 Small Pike dumplings
Served with lemon and thyme sauce
Serves 4
70 g white bread with the crusts
200 ml cream
1 onion
2 tablespoons butter
350 g fillet of pike
1 egg
1 pinch of nutmeg
1 teaspoon sugar
200 ml of white wine
2 sprigs of lemon thyme
200 ml double cream
1 ½ teaspoon (level) cornflour (starch)
1 lemon, a little zest and
approximately 2 tablespoons of juice
Preparing the dumplings:
Dice the white bread, soak it with the
cream and leave to chill. Chop the onion
finely and fry it in the butter until it
becomes transparent. Mix the fillet of
pike with the chopped onion, the diced
white bread and the cream. Add the egg
and spices and puree it. Leave it to chill
for a short time. Shape the fish mixture
into (long) dumplings using a tablespoon
which has been dipped in hot water and
cook them in the appliance. Serve with
rice or potatoes.
Preparing the sauce:
Caramelise the sugar, add the wine and
lemon thyme and bring to a boil. Mix the
cream and cornflour together. Add this
to the mix stirring continuously and bring
it to a boil. Add the lemon zest and juice
and then season. Remove the lemon
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 450 ml
Time in the appliance: 35 minutes
Shelf position: 1
3.4 Wiener
Place wiener into a steam dish.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 350 ml
Time in the appliance: 25 minutes
Shelf position: 1
4.1 Flan Caramel
Ingredients for the mixture:
100 g sugar
100 ml water
500 ml milk
1 vanilla pod
100 g sugar
2 eggs
4 egg yolks
6 small soufflé dishes
Place 100 g sugar in a saucepan and melt
to a light brown caramel. Then add the
water carefully (caution — there is the
risk of burns) and heat until it boils. Cook
to a syrup and immediately pour it into 6
small soufflé dishes, so that the bottom is
covered with caramel. Put the milk in a
saucepan, halve the vanilla pod and use
a knife to scrape out the seeds and add
these to the milk. Warm the milk to
about 90 °C. (Do not let it boil.) Mix eggs
and egg yolks with 100 g sugar. (Do not
cream.) Add the warm milk slowly to the
egg - sugar mixture. Then put into the
Time in the appliance: 30 minutes
Shelf position: 1
Add 500 ml of water into the water
4.2 Coconut Pudding
250 ml milk
370 g coconut milk
6 eggs
120 g sugar
1 tin mangos, drained and pureed
6 mini pudding basins
Mix milk coconut milk. Lightly beat eggs
and sugar and add to the coconut milk.
Fill the mini pudding basins with the
mixture. After cooking, turn out and
decorate with the mangos.
Time in the appliance: 30 minutes
Shelf position: 1
Add 500 ml of water into the water
4.3 Vanilla creme
Serves 4
1 egg
25 g sugar
100 ml cream
100 ml milk
1/2 vial of vanilla essence
Pulp of 1/2 vanilla pod
Beat the egg well. Add the sugar, milk,
cream, vanilla essence and vanilla pulp.
Mix all the ingredients well. Cook in the
appliance. After cooking, whisk the
creme thoroughly.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 400 ml
Time in the appliance: 30 minutes
Shelf position: 1
4.4 Vanilla flan
Serves 4
300 ml milk
150 ml cream
Pulp of 1 vanilla pod
4 eggs
1 egg yolk
75 g sugar
Grand Marnier sauce:
2 tablespoons vanilla ice cream
1 tablespoon Grand Marnier
2 tablespoons whipped cream
Preparing the flan:
Mix the milk, cream, vanilla pulp, eggs,
yolk and sugar together by stirring. Sieve
the mix and pour it into dishes lined with
clear film. Cook in the appliance and
leave to cool.
Preparing the sauce:
Mix 2 tablespoons of vanilla ice cream
with 1 tablespoon of Grand Marnier. Add
2 tablespoons of whipped cream.
Turn the flans out of the dishes and place
them on the sauce. Garnish with fruit.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 400 ml
Time in the appliance: 30 minutes
Shelf position: 1
4.5 Chocolate cream
Serves 4
1 egg
1 tablespoon sugar
100 ml cream
100 ml milk
70 g chocolate
Beat the egg well and add the sugar,
milk and cream. Mix well by stirring.
Break the chocolate into small pieces
and add. Cook in the appliance. After
cooking, whisk the creme thoroughly
until the chocolate has dissolved.
The mix should not be any deeper than 5
cm in the bowl. If you are preparing a
double quantity, use a wide dish.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 400 ml
Time in the appliance: 30 minutes
Shelf position: 1
4.6 Espresso flan
Serves 8
300 ml milk
200 ml cream
3 tablespoons espresso coffee
powder (instant)
2 eggs
4 egg yolks
80 g sugar
Mix the milk, cream, coffee powder,
eggs, egg yolk and sugar together well
by stirring. Pour the creme into 8 dishes
or small cups and place them onto an
wire shelf. Poach and leave to cool for at
least three hours. Serve the flans in their
dishes. You may wish to serve them with
whipped cream.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 350 ml
Time in the appliance: 25 minutes
Shelf position: 1
4.7 Cappuccino Cake
For the mixture:
100 g softened butter
90 g sugar
2 egg yolks
the seeds of one vanilla pod
2 tablespoons instant coffee
(dissolved in 50 ml hot water)
2 egg whites
50 g flour
50 g cornflour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
For the sauce:
250 ml orange juice
50 g sugar
1 pinch of cinnamon
20 ml orange liqueur
To finish:
200 ml whipped cream to decorate
6 small dishes or cups greased with
Cream together butter, sugar, egg yolks,
the seeds of one vanilla pod and then
mix in the dissolved coffee. Beat egg
whites. Sieve flour, cornflour and baking
powder and add to the mixture in layers
with the egg whites and fold in. Put the
mixture into small dishes or cups greased
with butter.
Time in the appliance: 30 minutes
Shelf position: 1
Add 600 ml of water into the water
After baking:
Place orange juice, sugar, cinnamon and
orange liqueur in a saucepan and reduce
on the ring until the sauce is syrupy. Turn
warm cakes out onto a dessert plate,
decorate with sauce and cream.
5.1 Stuffed lettuce
Serves 4
16 – 20 lettuce leaves (romaine
lettuce), blanched
75 g lettuce (romaine)
1 onion
1 tablespoon butter
Milled pepper
400 g minced veal
3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
1 egg
100 g grated cheese
For braising:
50 ml strong stock
100 ml double cream
Cut the bottom third of the midrib of the
large lettuce leaves flat. Cut the lettuce
into thin strips for the filling. Prepare the
onions and chop them finely. Heat the
butter. Braise the onion and strips of
lettuce for 2 - 3 minutes, stirring
constantly. Allow any liquid that forms to
be evaporated completely. Season with
salt and pepper. Leave to cool.
Place the lettuce strips, minced veal,
breadcrumbs and egg into a bowl. Add
the cheese. Mix everything well and
season with salt and pepper. Scoop one
tablespoon of the filling onto each leaf
and seal to make a parcel. Place the
parcels, sealed-side facing down, into a
gratin dish. Pour the stock and cream
over them. Cook the stuffed lettuce
using the steam cooking function. Serve
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 600 ml
Time in the appliance: 40 minutes
Shelf position: 1
5.2 Stuffed Swiss chard
Serves 4
40 chard leaves or 16 – 20 chard
stems, blanched
300 g flour
1 tablespoon salt
3 eggs
150 ml whey
1 bunch of chives, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
50 g lardons
100 g diced Swiss Salsiz or Landjäger
sausage (or air-dried beef)
For braising:
1 tablespoon butter
100 ml vegetable stock
100 ml cream
Remove the ribs from the chard leaves.
Cut the leaves in half lengthways,
possibly quarter them crossways. Mix all
the ingredients well for the filling and
leave it to stand for about a half an hour.
Spread the filling onto the individual
leaves with a teaspoon and make parcels
out of them. Fry them in portions in the
hot butter. Pour the stock and cream
over them and season. Steam them.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 550 ml
Time in the appliance: 35 minutes
Shelf position: 1
5.3 Cauliflower flan
Serves 4
300 g Cauliflower, divided into florets
and boiled
50 g Sbrinz (hard cheese), grated
2 eggs
50 ml cream, possibly add salt,
Butter for the dishes
Chervil sauce:
100 ml cream
2 bundles of chervil, finely chopped
Cayenne pepper
8 – 12 boiled king prawns, shelled
Preparing the cauliflower flan::
Blend the cauliflower in the mixer. Add
the Sbrinz, eggs and cream and then
season. Pour the mixture into four dishes
which are well-greased with butter.
Preparing the sauce:
Blend the cream and chervil in the mixer,
pour into a pan, heat and season. Heat
the king prawns in the sauce. Turn the
flan out onto warmed plates and garnish
with the king prawns and the sauce.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 400 ml
Time in the appliance: 35 minutes
Shelf position: 1
5.4 Mushroom terrine
Serves 4
100 g white bread, with crusts
100 ml milk
400 g mixed mushrooms, chopped
30 g butter
100 g champignons mushrooms,
1 egg
50 ml cream
Cut up the white bread and soak it in the
milk. Braise the chopped mushrooms in
half of the butter and allow any juice that
forms to evaporate off completely. Puree
the soaked bread with the mushrooms.
Braise the sliced button mushrooms in
the rest of the button and, once again,
evaporate off any juice that forms. Put a
few nice slices to the side. Mix the rest of
the button mushrooms with the
mushroom puree. Whisk the egg and
cream and add this to the mix. Season
the mixture with salt and pepper.
Grease four soufflé dishes with butter.
Take the sliced button mushrooms which
you had set aside earlier and spread
them over the bottom of each of the
dishes for decoration. Pour in the
mushroom mix and steam.
To serve, turn out the terrines and
arrange them on leaves of lettuce. This
recipe also goes well served with a
yogurt and herb sauce.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 450 ml
Time in the appliance: 40 minutes
Shelf position: 1
5.5 Aspargus flan
Serves 6
6 large green asparagus stems, boiled
2 small tomatoes, peeled
6 eggs
300 ml milk
300 ml double cream
Milled pepper
De-seed the tomatoes and dice them
finely. Whisk the eggs with the cream,
salt, pepper and nutmeg. Grease six
porcelain or glass dishes with butter and
spread the asparagus and tomatoes in
them. Pour the egg/milk mix over them.
Place the dishes onto a wire shelf in the
top half of the appliance. Poach the flans
until the mixture sets. Serve them in their
dishes lukewarm or cold.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 450 ml
Time in the appliance: 40 minutes
Shelf position: 1
5.6 Spinach terrine
Serves 4 – 6
1 shallot
Butter for frying
150 g peppered Boursin (double
cream cheese with pepper)
500 g frozen spinach leaves (250 g
2 egg yolks
2 eggs
2 tablespoons cream
Freshly ground pepper
4 – 6 slices of Parma ham
Truffle oil
Crumble the peppered Boursin slightly
and mix it in a bowl with the egg yolks,
eggs and cream. Chop the shallot finely,
sweat it with butter and leave it to cool.
Squeeze the defrosted spinach well and
chop it coarsely with a large knife. Add it
to the egg/cheese mix along with the
cooked shallot and mix it well again.
Season it well.
Line a terrine dish (capacity of about 7.5
dl) with cling film or grease six soufflé
dishes well with butter and pour in the
spinach mix. Steam it. Slice the terrine or
turn the soufflé dishes out onto plates
and drizzle lightly with truffle oil. Serve
each with a slice of Parma ham.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 450 ml
Time in the appliance: 45 minutes
Shelf position: 1
6.1 Vegetables, mediterranean
200 g courgettes
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 yellow pepper
100 g mushrooms
2 onions
150 g cherry tomatoes
green and black olives
Wash and cut the vegetables into pieces.
Peel onions and cut into strips. Put the
vegetables in the glass dish. Put the dish
in the appliance. Slice olives. After
cooking, season the vegetables with salt,
pepper, basil and oregano according to
Time in the appliance: 25 minutes
Shelf position: 1
Add 600 ml of water into the water
6.2 Vegetables, traditional
Ingredients / Method:
Put together the following vegetables to
taste, about 750 g in total.
kohlrabi, peeled and cut into strips
carrots, peeled and diced
cauliflower, washed and divided in
onions, peeled and sliced
fennel, peeled and sliced
celery, cleaned and diced
leeks, cleaned and sliced
After cooking:
50 g butter
if desired, pepper and salt
Arrange vegetables in a stainless steel or
glass bowl with perforated insert. After
cooking, pour over melted butter and
sprinkle with pepper and salt, if required.
Time in the appliance: 35 minutes
Shelf position: 1
Add 650 ml of water into the water
6.3 Blanch vegetables
Put vegetables into a steam dish with a
perforated insert.
After blanching, cool down vegetables
with ice-cold water.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 400 ml
Time in the appliance: 15 minutes
Shelf position: 1
6.4 Peeling Tomatoes
Cut a cross in the top of the tomatoes,
place in the steam dish and put into the
appliance. After the end of the cooking
time, remove the skin from the tomatoes.
Time in the appliance: 10 minutes
Shelf position: 1
Add 150 ml of water into the water
6.5 Potatoes in their jacket
1000 g medium-sized potatoes
Wash the potatoes and place in a steam
Time in the appliance: 50 minutes.
Shelf position: 1
Add 800 + 200 ml of water into the
water drawer
6.6 Boiled Potatoes
1000 g potatoes
Peel the potatoes and cut into equal
sized quarters. Put the potatoes into the
steam dish and season with salt.
Time in the appliance: 40 minutes.
Shelf position: 1
Add 800 ml of water into the water
6.7 Rice with Vegetables
200 g long grain rice
50 g wild rice
salt and pepper
1 small red pepper
400 ml stock
After cooking:
1 small tin sweetcorn (150 g)
Put long grain rice, wild rice, salt,
pepper, vegetable stock and water in a
bowl half an hour before cooking.
Prepare pepper, cut into small dice and
add to the rice and then cook.
Time in the appliance: 40
Shelf position: 1
Add 800 ml of water into the water
After cooking: Drain sweetcorn and add
to the cooked rice.
6.8 Egg Custard
3 eggs
100 ml milk
50 ml cream
salt, pepper, nutmeg
parsley, chopped
Mix eggs, milk and cream well. Do not
beat. Then season and add the chopped
parsley. Pour into greased glass or
porcelain dishes.
Time in the appliance: 20 minutes
Shelf position: 1
Add 400 ml of water into the water
After cooking: remove egg royale from
the dishes and cut into small dice or
diamond shapes.
6.9 Gnocchi
Serves 4
500 g boiled potatoes, cooled
160 g finely ground wheat flour
30 g grated Parmesan
1 egg yolk
40 g butter
80 g onions, finely chopped
100 ml white wine
100 ml cream
A few sage leaves, chopped
Lemon juice
White pepper
60 g Parmesan (served separately)
1 slice of lemon and 2 sage leaves for
each serving
Preparing the gnocchi dough:
Puree the potatoes and work them into a
firm dough together with the specified
ingredients. Let it stand for 5 minutes
and then continue to work it briskly to
prevent the potato dough from
becoming too soft. Separate the potato
dough into small portions and roll them
out into noodles as wide as your thumb.
They can then be cut into small chunks.
Steam them. Prepare the sauce while
they are steaming.
Preparing the sauce:
Sweat the chopped onions in the melted
butter until they are a golden yellow
colour and then add white wine. Pour in
the cream. Reduce it slightly. Add the
chopped sages leaves and spices. If the
sauce becomes too thick, thin it with a
little vegetable stock and cream.
Amount of water to be put into the
water drawer: 500 ml
Time in the appliance: 25 minutes
Shelf position: 1
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AEG KT8403101M Recipe book

Recipe book

The AEG KT8403101M is a versatile kitchen appliance that offers a range of functions to make cooking easier and more efficient. With its steam cooking function, you can prepare healthy and flavorful dishes by preserving nutrients and flavors. The automatic programs provide optimal settings for various types of food, including poultry, fish, meat, desserts, casseroles, and terrines. The appliance also features a timer function, allowing you to set the cooking time and focus on other tasks while your food is being prepared.

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