Welcome to the extended sequencer
7User Manual 1177.6269.02 ─ 20
1 Welcome to the extended sequencer
The extended sequencer (R&S SMW-K501/-K502/-K503/-K504/-K506) is a firmware
application that allows the R&S SMW to generate complex signal sequences in real-
The signal sequences can be configured in one of the following ways:
●Manually in XML files (R&S SMW-K501, user mode)
●With the R&S Pulse Sequencer software (R&S SMW-K501/K502, pulse sequencer
or direction finding modes)
●Via an external simulation tool (R&S SMW-K503, real time control interface mode)
where the control words are streamed via 1 Gbit/s LAN (TCP or UDP).
●Via an external simulation tool (R&S SMW-K506, agile sequencing mode) where
the control words are streamed via 10 Gbit/s LAN (UDP) (HS DIG I/Q).
Supported operating modes and their key features
The extended sequencer options provide different operating modes for creating an
extended sequence and generating the signal in the R&S SMW.
●"User Mode"
The extended sequencing is specified by a set of xml based command lists. This
mode is only supported by the standard baseband R&S SMW.
The main features of this mode are:
– Multi-segment waveform sequencing with loops and nested loops
– Waveform segment signal generation with variable repetition intervals and rep-
etition count per segment
– Attenuation profiles with optional interpolation
– Frequency hopping with various phase options
– Reduced calculation time and file size compared to simple ARB file creation
– Support of up to two entities
– Long simulation times
●"Pulse Sequencer"and "Direction Finder" modes
These modes handle the signals configured with the R&S Pulse Sequencer soft-
The software enables you to configure pulse signals for test scenarios of any com-
plexity, e.g. to simulate the signals of different emitter and receiver configurations,
including antennas and antenna scanning. The "Direction Finder" mode supports
direction finding scenarios with multiple antennas and individual positioning to sim-
ulate dynamic antenna moving
●"Real Time Control Interface" mode
In this mode, the R&S SMW is enhanced by a dedicated 1 GBit/s LAN interface for
PDW streaming.
PDWs are streamed via an external LAN interface to control a real time sequencer
of the R&S SMW-B9. Either, precalculated waveform can be played back, or cer-
tain signals such as rectangular pulses, barker codes and chirps can be generated
in real time.