TETRA2 configuration and settings
14User Manual 1175.6810.02 ─ 18
"T1" Test signal T1 (TETRA wanted signal, phase modulated)
This test mode enables the generation of test signals that comply with
the TETRA air interface multiframe, frame and slot structure. The T1
test signal is generated according to EN 300 394-1V3.1.1 and is
intended to be the wanted signal transmitted by the test system dur-
ing frames 1 to 17 in all receiver tests.
The signal is pi/4-DQPSK or pi/8-D8PSK modulated. Frame 18 trans-
mits information for control purposes.
To enable configuration of the T1 signal for different receiver tests,
the channel type for the "T1" signal is user-selectable. Channel types
0 to 4, 21, 22 and 25 are available in the Downlink/Forward "Link
Direction" and channel types 7 to 11, 21, 23 and 24 for the Uplink/
Reverse direction.
The burst types Uplink/Reverse and Downlink/Forward are derived
from the channel types. The instrument generates the Tx data for
complete multiframes for the V+D service (voice and data). The con-
tents of data fields are automatically inserted according to the burst
type. The control block (cb), blocks 1 + 2 (bk), the synchronization
block (sb) and the broadcast block (bb) for test signal T1 are gener-
ated according to the frame number and the channel type.
"T4" Test signal T4 (TETRA wanted signal, QAM modulated)
The test signal T4 comply with the TETRA air interface multiframe,
frame and slot structure. The T4 test signal is intended to be the wan-
ted signal transmitted by the test system during frames 1 to 17 in all
receiver tests. Except form frame 18, the signal is 4-QAM, 16-QAM or
64-QAM modulated. Frame 18 transmits information for control pur-
poses and is QAM and phase modulated (QAM + pi/4-DQPSK); the
frame is generated according to EN 300 394-1.
"User Defined" Enables the generation of user-defined test signal.
"T2" Test signal T2 (TETRA interfere)
The T2 test signal is phase or QAM modulated, depending on the
selected Modulation Type.
"T3" Test signal T3 (unmodulated interferer)
The T3 test signal is an unmodulated continuous sinusoidal out-of-
band interfering signal.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:TETRa:TMODe on page 52
Link Direction
Selects the transmission direction.
This parameter determines the available "Channel Types".
The transmission direction selected is from the base station (BS) to
the terminal (MS). The signal corresponds to that of a BS.
The transmission direction selected is from MS to the BS. The signal
corresponds to that of a terminal.
Remote command:
[:SOURce<hw>]:BB:TETRa:LDIRection on page 49
General settings