970 Copying and pasting lyrics
972 Exporting lyrics
972 Filters for lyrics
973 Positions of lyrics
979 Lyrics paragraph styles
981 Lyric text editing
983 Lyric hyphens and lyric extender lines
984 Lyric line numbers
987 Verse numbers
987 Elision slurs
989 Notes
989 Notehead sets
996 Assigning notes to strings
997 Changing the width of ledger lines
998 Hiding/Showing noteheads
999 Changing the consolidation of rhythm dots
1001 Viewing options for notes and rests
1003 Bracketed noteheads
1004 Showing brackets on noteheads
1006 Showing brackets around one/all noteheads in
tie chains
1007 Splitting brackets on chords
1008 Notehead brackets in Engrave mode
1011 Stems
1011 Stem direction
1015 Stem length
1016 Hiding/Showing stems
1018 Harmonics
1019 Turning notes into harmonics
1020 Changing the harmonic partial
1021 Hiding/Showing or parenthesizing harmonic
1022 Appearances/Styles of harmonics
1027 Ornaments
1027 Changing ornament intervals
1028 Positions of ornaments
1031 Trills
1031 Hiding/Showing trill marks
1032 Changing the speed of trills
1033 Hiding/Showing speed changes in trill
extension lines
1033 Hiding/Showing trill extension lines
1034 Trill intervals
1042 Trills in playback
1046 Arpeggio signs
1046 Types of arpeggio signs
1049 Length of arpeggio signs
1049 General placement conventions for arpeggio
1050 Arpeggios in playback
1053 Glissando lines
1054 Glissando lines across empty bars
1054 Changing the style of glissando lines
1055 Changing glissando line text
1056 Glissando lines in Engrave mode
1057 Glissando lines in playback
1059 Guitar bends
1061 Guitar pre-bends and pre-dives
1062 Guitar post-bends
1064 Vibrato bar dives and returns
1065 Bend intervals
1066 Hiding/Showing guitar bend hold lines
1066 Changing the direction of guitar pre-bends/
1067 Hiding/Showing accidentals on guitar pre-
1068 Deleting guitar pre-bends, pre-dives, and post-
1068 Guitar bends in Engrave mode
1074 Guitar techniques
1074 Vibrato bar techniques
1075 Tapping
1076 Hammer-ons and pull-offs
1078 Showing notes as dead notes
1079 Changing vibrato bar dip intervals
1079 Changing the staff-relative placement of guitar
1080 Deleting guitar techniques
1081 Jazz articulations
1082 Jazz ornaments
1083 Positions of jazz articulations
1083 Changing the type/length of existing jazz
1084 Changing the line style of smooth jazz
1085 Deleting jazz articulations
1086 Page numbers
1086 Page number paragraph styles
1087 Changing the page number numeral style
1087 Hiding/Showing page numbers
1089 Harp pedaling
1090 Changing the appearance of harp pedal
1091 Hiding/Showing harp pedaling in layouts
1093 Hiding/Showing borders on harp pedal
1095 Positions of harp pedal diagrams
1095 Partial harp pedaling
1097 Pedal lines
1098 Sustain pedal retakes and pedal level changes
1103 Positions of pedal lines
1105 Splitting pedal lines
1107 Pedal line start signs, hooks, and continuation
1112 Text pedal line signs
1114 Pedal lines in playback
1115 Pedal lines imported from MusicXML les
1116 Playing techniques
1117 Adding text to playing techniques
1118 Erasing the background of text playing
1119 Hiding/Showing playing techniques
1120 Positions of playing techniques
1122 Playing technique continuation lines
1127 Groups of playing techniques
1130 Lines
1132 Line components
1133 Positions of lines
1137 Length of lines
1140 Changing the body style of lines
1141 Changing the caps of lines
Table of Contents
Dorico Elements 5.0.10