
Rocstor Y10G006-B1 User manual

  • Hello! I'm here to help you with the Rocstor TrueReach KVM Point to Point Extender. I've reviewed the user manual and am ready to answer your questions about this HDMI extender, including its transmission capabilities, KVM functionality, and installation requirements.
  • What type of cable should I use for connecting the transmitter and receiver?
    What do the indicator lights on the transmitter and receiver mean?
    What should I do if there is no output on the screen?
    What should I do if the display shows unusual color or no sound?
K V M L ig ht
The left indicator lig h ts on when device connecte d
with co m p ute r. The right indicator lig h ts off whe n
there is no sig na l t ra ns m is s io n , flas h e s when there
is a sig na l t ra ns m issio n
H D M I o u tp ut
D C 5 V - 12 V i n p u t
W h en t h e re i s p o we r b ut n o H D M I s ig na l, t he
in d ic a to r w il l f la s h . W h e n t h e re i s H D M I s ig n al,
th e i n d ic ato r w ill l ig h t s o lid b lu e
C o nn ec t w ith H D M I d is p la y d e vice
C o nn e ct w ith D C 5 V - 12V p ower a d apter
H D M I i n pu t
Po w er / S ig n a l
i n d ic a t o r
C o nn ec t w ith n e two r k c a b le
R J4 5 s ig n a l o u tp u t
R es e t b u tto n P re s s t o r es ta r t t he d ev i c e
3 412
U S B - A p o r t C o nn e ct w ith c o mp u ter
K V M L ig ht T h e m ou s e/ key bo a rd / to uch s c r e en is co nn e cte d
to th e U S B po r t, t h e in dica to r lig ht is o n
D C 5 V - 12 V i n p u t
C o nn ec t w ith n e two r k c a b le
W h en t h e re i s p o we r b ut n o H D M I s ig na l, t h e
in d ic a to r w il l f la s h . W h e n t h e re i s H D M I s ig n al,
th e i n d ic ato r w ill l ig h t s o lid b lu e .
C o nn e ct w ith D C 5 V - 12V p ower a d apter
P re s s t o r es ta r t t he d ev i c e
H D M I o u tp ut C o nn ec t w ith H D M I d is p la y d e vice
C on n ect with k e ybo ard, m ous e a n d to uch s cre en
S / P D IF o u t O utp ut d ig ita l a u d io s ig na l
R J4 5 s ig n a l i n p u t
R es e t b u tto n
Po w er / S ig n a l
i n d ic a t o r
U S B - A p o r t
C o nn ec t w ith t h e s o u rc e d e v ic e
M ounting b racke ts
Tra ns m itte r u nit x 1 p c R e c eiv e r u n i t x 1 p c D C 5 V / 2 A x 2 p c s
U s er m a n u a l x 1 p c
Screw x10 pc s
US B Cable x1pc
:2 0 0 g
H21074AH1: 0106010021947
Important Safety Notice Package Contents Interfaces Interfaces
Installation Requirements
1. Do not mix up HDMI to RJ45 transmitter and RJ45 to HDMI receiver before
2. Do not hot plug when the unit is operational.
3. Use DC5V-12V power supply only. Make sure power specification is fully
matched, if using a 3rd party adapter.
4. Static electricity will cause damage to the device. Please do ESD protection
when using the device.
The Rocstor TrueReach HDMI Extender includes a transmitter unit and a receiver
unit. It allows HDMI signal to be transmitted up to 230 ft (70m) at 4K resolution
using a CAT6/6A/7 network cable. It is perfect for outdoor advertising, video clips,
monitor system, home entertainment, and conference, and more.
Provides Zero latency.
• 4K@60Hz HDMI signal can be transmitted 230 ft (70m) through a CAT6/6A/7
network cable.
• The receiver can extract the digital audio from the transmitter through the S/PDIF
• Supports multiple audio formats (LPCM/DTS-HD/DTS-Audio/Dolby Digital 5.1CH).
• Supports HDR(YUV4:4:4), EDID passback.
• Transmitter supports one HDMI loop-out.
• Supports KVM functions. Compatible with mouse, keyboard and touch screen
• Lighting protection, surge protection, ESD protection.
1. HDMI source device (compute graphics card, DVD, PS3, )HD monitoring equipment
2. HDMI display device like SDTV, HDTV, projector with HDMI port.
3. UTP/STP CAT6/CAT6A/CAT7 cable. Follow standard IEEE-568B, It is recommended
to select a network cable with less loss and crosstalk.
Transmitter (TX) Receiver (RX)
KVM Point to Point Extender
User Manual
1 5 3.0 ( L ) x 1 0 5. 5 (W ) x 2 2 .0 ( H ) m m
T X : 3 48 .0 g R X : 3 4 8 .0 g
D C 5 V - 1 2 V
T X 4 W R X 4 W
Tr an sm is s io n
D i s t a n c e C A T 6 / 6 A / 7 7 0 m
480i@ 60Hz 480p@ 60Hz 576i@ 50Hz
5 7 6p @ 5 0 H z 7 20 p @ 5 0 / 60 H z
1080i@ 50/60Hz 1080p@ 50/60Hz
3840x2160@ 24/25/30/50/60Hz
4096x2160@ 24/25Hz 1280x960
1280x800 1280x768 1680x1050
1360x768 1366x768 1600x900
1024x768 800x600
H D M I 2 .0
H D C P 2 .2
1a C o nta ct disch arg e le vel 2
1b A ir dis cha rg e le ve l 3 I m p lem ent atio n
of the s ta n d ard : IE C 6 1 0 0 0 - 4- 2
0 . 7 ~ 1 . 2 V p - p ( T M D S )
Ite m s Sp ec ific ation
- 2 0 ~ 6 0°C
- 3 0 ~ 7 0 °C
09 0 % R H
W o r k in g t e m pe r atu r e
Sto ra g e t e m pe r atu r e
H u m id ity (no cond e nsa tio n)
V o l ta g e / C u r r e n t
Po we r c o n s um p t io n
H D M I c o m pli a nc e
H D C P c o m p lia n ce
H D M I r e so lu ti o n
S up p o r ts a u d i o f o rm a t s
Input and output TMDS signal
In p u t and o utput D DC signal
In p ut c a bl e l e n g t h
O utp u t c a b le l e ng th
Ele c t r o sta t ic p r o te c t i o n o f
th e w h o le m a ch in e
D i m e n s i o n
W e i g h t
M a te r i a l
C o lo r
LP C M / DT S - H D / D T S - A u d io /
D o l b y D ig it a l 5 .1 C H
H D M I Dis play
N e tw o r k c ab le
C ap ac it iv e
To uc h S c re en
S p e a k e r
R es is ti ve
To uc h S c re en
H D M I Dis play
N e tw o r k c ab le
H D M I Dis play
K e y b o a rd / m o u s e
S p e a k e r
I ro n
Installation Procedures Installation Procedures
©2023 Rocstroge, Inc. Rocstor is registered trademark of Rocstorage, Inc. The terms
HDMI, HDMI High-Denition Multimedia Interface, HDMI Trade dress and the HDMI
Logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.
The product name and brand name may be registered trademark of related
manufactures. ™ and ® may be omitted on the user manual. The pictures in this user
manual are just for reference. We reserve the rights to make changes without further
notice to a product or system described herein to improve reliability, function or
1- Touch screen connection
2- Mouse and keyboard connection
3- Mouse and keyboard connection
Follow the standard of IEEE-568B, It is recommended to
select a network cable with less loss and crosstalk.
1 ) Connect the source device to the HDMI in-port of the transmitter with an HDMI
cable, and connect the HDMI out-port of the receiver to the display device with
another HDMI cable.
2 ) Connect the CAT out-port of the transmitter and the CAT in port of the receiver
via a network cable (CAT6/CAT6A/CAT7).
3 ) If using HDMI loop out, connect the display device to the HDMI OUT port of the
4 ) It takes about 25 seconds to display the image after the product is successfully
[NOTE]: It is recommended to use a length range within 6.5~230ft (2~70m) network
cable. If the cable is too short, there may be no display output because the signal is
too strong. If the cable is too long, the output may be with poor quality.
FAQ Specication
Q: There is no output on screen when all connections are correct?
A: 1) Please make sure the HDMI cables supports 4K×2K if the output signal from the
source device is 4K×2K resolution.
2) Please check and make sure the network cable is inserted to the RJ45 port
3) Restart the transmitter or receiver by pressing the reset button.
Q: Black screen happened on the display/monitor?
A: 1) Make sure the network cable is length range is within 6.5~230ft (2~70m).
2) Reset the transmitter to re-built the connection.
Q: The display shows unusual color or no sound?
A: 1) Reset the transmitter or receiver to re-built the connection.
2) Check if the HDMI cables are connected well.
3) Reconnect the network cable.
Technical Support / RMA
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Fax: +1 (818) 875-0002
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information please contact the appropriate department below or call us at +1 (818) 727-7000.
General sales information: sales@Rocstor.com
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Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm PST
Mon - Fri (excluding holidays)
Tell: +1 (818) 727-7000 (DOM/INTL)
Fax: +1 (818) 875-0002
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12979 Arroyo Ave
San Fernando, CA 91340 - USA
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Email: info@Rocstor.com
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