f. Drill same hole with 7/32" drill bit with hex head
attached to driver extension. Repeat for second
clearance hole. d. Drill pilot hole with 1/16" drill bit with hex head
g. Drill same hole with 1/2" Drill bit. Repeat for second attached to driver extension. Drill depth stop can be
clearance hole. marked on drill bit at 3/16" with tape from the cutting
h. Using the clearance hole for easy access, drill pilot edge. Wrap tape around drill bit 10 times. Repeat for
hole with 1/16” drill bit with hex head attached to second hole. Use clip hole template to confirm hole
driver extension. Drill depth stop can be marked on location is accurate, 13mm (1/2") from top edge of
drill bit at 3/16” with tape from the cutting edge. Wrap cavity. Repeat for second hole.
tape around drill bit 10 times. Use clip hole template to
confirm hole location is accurate, 13mm (1/2”) from top
edge of cavity. Repeat for second hole. e. Use cordless drill and 7/32" drill bit with hex head
attached to driver extension to cut full size hole. Drill
depth stop can be marked on drill bit at 3/16" with
tape from the cutting edge. Wrap tape around drill
i. Use cordless drill and 7/32" drill bit with hex head bit 10 times. Repeat for second hole.
attached to driver extension to cut full size hole. Drill
depth stop can be marked on drill bit at 3/16" with tape
from the cutting edge. Wrap tape around drill bit 10
times. Repeat for second hole.
ou must use protective tape on front of sunglass bin
opening to prevent damage from drill.
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