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Global Panel: Located at the top of the Iris 2 UI, this panel contains basic controls for
loading, saving, and displaying Patches, as well as voice modes and master controls for
Glide (portamento), Intensity, and Output. From here, you can also navigate between
Sample Pool views and access the most important mix controls for each sample, like Solo,
Mute, and Gain.
Sample Panel: This panel oers parameters for control over whatever sample you are
viewing in the spectrogram area. It is represented not only as a collapsible panel in the
Main UI, but also in the Mix Window. In here are many of the important Sample Playback
controls (direction, pitch mode, loop, and retrigger) as well as modulatable tuning
adjustments (Coarse and Fine), mix controls (Pan and Gain), and eects sends.
Master Panel: Another collapsible panel that is replicated in the Mix Window, this provides
modulatable master controls for Pan and Gain, the Multimode Master Filter section, and
Dry/Wet controls for the Master Eects.
Modulation Panel: Both collapsible and undockable, this provides access to the controls
and drag-and-drop assignment buttons for the five LFOs, five Envelopes, MIDI Expression
Controllers, and Macro Controls.
Keyboard Panel: A playable keyboard for auditioning sounds, this section also contains
the controls for setting sample mapping/split points and pitch bend range.
Spectrogram Area: The heart of Iris 2’s Spectral Filtering, this is where you can view your
sample as a Spectrogram (Frequency/Time), Waveform (Amplitude/Time), or combination
of both. This is also the area where you can draw filter shapes and modify sample
playback options like loop points and crossfades between those loop points, as well as
playback oset and delay.
Tools Panel: Always open at the left side of the main UI, these are the tools used to Zoom,
Draw, and Preview spectral filter selections made on the Spectrogram.
There are over 100 modulatable parameters in Iris 2, and they share a specific knob
type, each with three modulation target slots/range adjustments. There are only 13 other
parameters in Iris 2 which are not modulatable, and they use a slightly dierent knob type
that omits the three modulation target circles. Finally, there are five non-modulatable text
controls located in each Spectrogram area. For each of these controls, there are multiple
dierent ways to adjust parameter values with varying degrees of control. For more
information on assigning, visualizing, and setting ranges of modulators, see the chapter on
Modulation Routing.