FORM 100.50-NOM12
ISSUE DATE: 04/02/2019
Compressor Circuiting
The Series 100 is designed so that only two scroll com-
pressors are in tandem within one refrigeration circuit.
This means more reliable compressors, and less equip-
ment down time. With multiple circuits, if a compres-
sor should ever fail on one circuit, the other circuit/s
will remain operational to work to maintain occupied
loads. The Packaged Rooftop Unit system has two or
three circuits in the unit depending on the size.
Compressor Sound Blankets
Optional factory installed sound blankets can be in-
stalled to further reduce compressor sound attenuation.
Replaceable Core Filter Driers
The optional replaceable core filter driers provide a
convenient means for maintaining and optimizing the
unit's refrigeration system. Eliminating additional field
penetrations into the refrigerant circuit, which could
lead to potential problems, reduce the worry of refrig-
erant circuit contamination.
Low Ambient Operation
Head-pressure control is accomplished via a VFD
motor controller rather than an inefficient and noisy
condenser fan damper. By varying the speed of the
condenser fan, better control and quieter operation is
obtained during the colder months. Low ambient con-
trols are available on all systems offering higher roof-
top cooling capacity than competitive units.
Condenser Fan Motors
The condenser fan motors used on the Packaged Roof-
top Unit are Totally Enclosed Air Over (TEAO) to pro-
vide maximum durability through any season.
Condenser coils are microchannel type and made of a
single material to avoid galvanic corrosion due to dis-
similar metals. Coils and headers are brazed as one
piece. Integral sub cooling is included. The design
working pressure of the coil is 650 PSIG (45 bar).
Condenser Coil Protection
The Series 100 is available with either a wire mesh
covering or louvered panels for optimum coil protec-
tion. In applications where unauthorized personnel
may have access to the units, or the units may be sus-
ceptible to severe weather conditions such as hail, the
louvered panel provides protection around the entire
condensing section giving the maximum protection to
the coils and refrigerant components.
Hot Gas Reheat
The Series 100 units have the option to order a hot gas
reheat (HGRH) system. The HGRH is used to help
with dehumidification of the space.
Gas Heat Design and Control Options
Include an unsurpassed 24:1 turndown modulating gas
furnace, and staged heating control. A Staged furnace
is also available that allows up to six stages of capacity.
Staged Gas Heat
The rooftop gas furnace is an induced-draft gas furnace
designed for high efficiency and reliability. The fur-
nace uses an aluminized steel tubular heat exchanger
and operates at temperatures sufficient to prevent acid-
ic exhaust gases from condensing in the heat exchanger
at low fire rates, unlike drum and tube style furnaces
that generate condensation formation.
The Series 100 is also available with an electrical heat-
er that can range from 40kW up to 250kW. Depending
on the size of the heat required, the Packaged Rooftop
Unit can have three to six steps of control helping to
provide tighter control of the supply and zone condi-
tioned air. With the utilization of this multi-step func-
tion, the Series 100 can effectively reduce energy con-
sumption by bringing on smaller stages of heat while
maintaining the maximum level of comfort.
The FlexSys
underfloor air system provides a cutting
edge, cost competitive alternative to conventional over-
head air distribution systems based on the performance
and system flexibility benefits that it can provide. When
combined with a Packaged Rooftop Unit, the system
offers a completed package that provides an optimum
solution for building comfort control.
FlexSys technology uses the open space between the
structural concrete slab and the underside of a raised
access floor system to deliver conditioned air directly
into the occupied zones of office and other commercial
buildings. This underfloor plenum incorporates the air
distribution system with the building power, telecom,
and data cabling in one easily accessed service plenum.
The raised access floor concept is a proven design ideal
for office buildings that house today’s modern business
that relies on critical information technologies to main-