• Keep the are.a undcrnc_h mid around your
ap[:ilimlces free o[ eombusfiblc materials, (lint,
pawx, rags, etc.), g,,-_soline, chonicJs and othex
flammable _,-_po_ and liquids.
• Keep the floor around your applian cos de.an mid
dry to reduce the [:v_sibili_ o[ slipping,
• Close supexvision is necess,_" i[ this appliance is
used _" or near childreal, Do not allow childl_n
to play on, _Jth, or inside this or _1_, other
• Kecp all Laund D"aids (such a deteagoltL
ble.ac,hes, cte.) out o[ the re_h o[ chil&_n,
pre[e.mbly in a lockcd cabinct Obscx_ all
_ling_ on eontaincr labcls to avoid inju_,
•Ncvcr climb on or stand on thc &ycr top.
• Nc_:z re.ac,h into thc &3vz _41ile thc drum is
mo_Jng. Bcforc leading, unloading or _ding
clothes, wait until thc drum h_ complctely
• Clean the lint filter be[ore each lc_qd to prevent
llnt _cumuLafion infide the dx3_z or in the
• Do not _v_sh or d_y articles that have bceal
cle.ancd in, _v_shcd in, sc_ked in, or spotted
wkh combusdblc or ex[:;losi_ substances (_ch
_x, oil, [),`tint, g,,-_soline, dcgrcr_wxs, d_<Jcaning
solvents, kexoseam, cte.). These _bstanccs gi_
off_,lpors that may ignite or explodc. Do not,add
these subshances to the _sh watex. Do not use or
placc thcse subsh'mces around your waahcr or
d_:x during owxufion.
• Do not place irons exposed to cooking oils in
?_ur dD_:z. Items conhmninatcd wkh cooking oils
may eon_butc to a che_nical reaction that could
cause a clothes lc_ad to catch fire.
• ,_.y ardde on which you ha_ used a clcaning
sol_cnt or that cx_ntains flmmnablc materials
(such _ dcaning cloth_ mops, to_.ls used in
beau_" s_alons, restaurants, or b,acber shops, etc.)
must not bc placed in or ncar thc &ycr until
sol_cnts or flammable mateMMs h,a_ bceal
rcmovcd, Thcre m_c rmmy high_ flmm'mable
irons u_ed in homes such m ,.acetone, denatorcd
alcohol, gasoline, kea'oseam, some household
cle_'llle]_, So,he spot reano_s, tortxalt[n e_
_A_'_eS_ _Arax r_d(nov_ and p_oduet_ con_aillillg
petroleum distillates.
• The laund_" proce_ cm_ reduce the flame
rehac&_ncy of 5_bfica To avoid such a rcsulL
carefully follow thc ganncnt manu_acmrez's
cam instructions.
• Do not d_" artidcs containing rubbc_; pl_tlc_
or similar materials such _ _'_ldcd b_, teamis
shoc_ galoshcs, bath mats, rugs, bibs, baby l_mlts,
plastic bag_, pillo_, etc. that may tacit or bum.
Somc mbbcr m,qtorials, whcn he.ated, c_n undcr
c_aln cire_lns_:alceS p_du_e fire by
spontaneous combustion,
• Do not store pl_tie, pa[x'x or clothing that may
burn or melt on top o[the dD'cr during
• Garmolr_ labcJed Dr/Away#ore Heator Do Not
Tumble Oq/(such ,_ lifej_kets con Wdning _apok)
must not bc put in _ur &3"c_:
• Do not dQ"flbexglmos m_des in _ur dD_:x.
Skin i_Titafion could result from thc rcm_ning
D'wfielcs that m_" bc pickcd up by clothing
during subsequent &ycr u_cs,
• To minimizc thc possibili_" o[ dec:trie shock,
unplug this appliance from the _,_cr supply
or disconnect the &yer at the houseliold
disuJbution pand by rono_ting thc fuse or
_,itching off the ciratit brc.akez be[ore
atteanpting m_y m_ntcnancc or de._aling
(cxecpt the rcan_ m_d elcanmg of thc lint
flltc O, NOTE:Tuming the Cyclc Sclec_or kamb
to an off Dosifion or preying PAUSE docs NOT
disconnect the applim_ce [rom the power supply: