Hotpoint NBXR463EB3WW Owner's manual

Owner's manual

Hotpoint NBXR463EB3WW is a smart, technologically-advanced dryer that comes with an impressive number of features designed to make drying your clothes easier, faster, efficient, and more economical. The dryer's spacious 7.0 cu. ft. capacity allows you to dry comforters, blankets, and other bulky items with even heat distribution. The dryer is equipped with an automatic moisture sensor that detects the moisture level in your clothes and adjusts the drying time accordingly, preventing over-drying and ensuring your clothes come out perfectly dry every time without any guesswork.

Hotpoint NBXR463EB3WW is a smart, technologically-advanced dryer that comes with an impressive number of features designed to make drying your clothes easier, faster, efficient, and more economical. The dryer's spacious 7.0 cu. ft. capacity allows you to dry comforters, blankets, and other bulky items with even heat distribution. The dryer is equipped with an automatic moisture sensor that detects the moisture level in your clothes and adjusts the drying time accordingly, preventing over-drying and ensuring your clothes come out perfectly dry every time without any guesswork.

Safety tnstr_timts ........ 2-4
Ope_z_ng Instructress
Control Pane1 ............... 5
ContrM Settings ............. 6
Feat]tres .................... 7
Loading and Using
the D_er ................ 9, 10
Reve_ing the Door .......... 8
Venting the D_er ........... 10
Consumer Support,
Consumer Support... Back Cover
Product Registration ...... 13, 14
Warranty .................. 15
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You c,an llnd theln on a labcJ on the
front og the d_x:y bchind the door,
500A295PO07 175D1807P46B 39-90199 03-04U/_
ForyoursufeW,the informationin this manual mustbe followed to minimize the riskof fire
or explosion, efoc_4c shock, or topreventpropertydamage,personal injury,or death.
Donotstoreor usegasoline orother Installation and sun4ce mustbeperformed
flammable vaporsand liquidsin the by a qualifiedinstaller,sun4ce agencyor
vicinily of this orany otherappliance, thegas supplier.
]Do nottry to light a match,or cigarette, or
tom onanygas or elecb_cal appliance.
]Do nottouchany elecb_eal switch; donot
useanyphone in yourbuilding.
[] Clearthe room,building or area of all
]Immediately callyourgassupplier from
a neighbor'sphone.Follow the gas
suppliers iostrec_onscarefully.
[] ff youcannotreach yourgas supplier,
callthe fire deparbnent
CaliforniaSafe DrinkingWater and ToxicEnfercement Act
This act requires the governor of C,%lifornia to publish a list o[` substances kno%al to the star_: to ¢_au_ cancer,
birth de['ects or other _,cproducti_x_ harm and _,cqui_,cs businesses to warn customc_ of 9otenti,'d cqq_o_re
to such substances,
G_ appliances ¢_n cause minor extx'_u_,c to ['our of these substance& namdy bcnz_nc, cm'bon monoxide,
['onnaldchy_!c mid soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion o[`natoml g_s or I,P ['uds.
]_pcfly ,_:ljustcd d_ycrs Mll miztlnllzc incomplcte combustion. Exposm_ to thc_ substmlces cml bc
nzlztlnzlzcd [`urthcr by properly _ntlng the dD_r to the out_loo_.
This dryer must be properly instafled and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet, you can receive one by
visiting HotpoinLcom, or by calling 80_GE CARES(800.432.2737}.
]_'opcr_ ground d_ycr to conform with all
g'c_cntin g codcs mid ordin,_mces, Follow dclails
in Installation Instructions,
lnsWdl or store where it will not bc extx'_d
to telnpemmrcs bcJow fi'cczing or expected
to the _cathe_, whidl ¢_uld catk_ [x%mancnt
dam,_e mid imalidate the _n,_.
Connect to a propcrly rated, protected mid slz_d
[x_wcr supply circuit to a_x_id dectxic, ffl c_x_flc_ad,
Remo_ all shm'p l_acking items m_d dispecie of
all shipping materials propcrly
[] Gas d_'c_ MUSTbc exhausted to the outsidc
[_ Use only rigid metal 4" diameter duct_s_ork
inside the dr_r cabinct. Usc only rigid metal
or flexible mctrd 4" dLamcte_ ducZ_,ork[`or
cxl_austing to the outside, USEOFPLASTICOR
For complete detailg ['ollow the Installation
Keep the are.a undcrnc_h mid around your
ap[:ilimlces free o[ eombusfiblc materials, (lint,
pawx, rags, etc.), g,,-_soline, chonicJs and othex
flammable _,-_po_ and liquids.
Keep the floor around your applian cos mid
dry to reduce the [:v_sibili_ o[ slipping,
Close supexvision is necess,_" i[ this appliance is
used _" or near childreal, Do not allow childl_n
to play on, _Jth, or inside this or _1_, other
Kecp all Laund D"aids (such a deteagoltL,hes, cte.) out o[ the re_h o[ chil&_n,
pre[e.mbly in a lockcd cabinct Obscx_ all
_ling_ on eontaincr labcls to avoid inju_,
•Ncvcr climb on or stand on thc &ycr top.
Nc_:z,h into thc &3vz _41ile thc drum is
mo_Jng. Bcforc leading, unloading or _ding
clothes, wait until thc drum h_ complctely
Clean the lint filter be[ore each lc_qd to prevent
llnt _cumuLafion infide the dx3_z or in the
Do not _v_sh or d_y articles that have bceal
cle.ancd in, _v_shcd in, sc_ked in, or spotted
wkh combusdblc or ex[:;losi_ substances (_ch
_x, oil, [),`tint, g,,-_soline, dcgrcr_wxs, d_<Jcaning
solvents, kexoseam, cte.). These _bstanccs gi_
off_,lpors that may ignite or explodc. Do not,add
these subshances to the _sh watex. Do not use or
placc thcse subsh'mces around your waahcr or
d_:x during owxufion.
Do not place irons exposed to cooking oils in
?_ur dD_:z. Items conhmninatcd wkh cooking oils
may eon_butc to a che_nical reaction that could
cause a clothes lc_ad to catch fire.
,_.y ardde on which you ha_ used a clcaning
sol_cnt or that cx_ntains flmmnablc materials
(such _ dcaning cloth_ mops, used in
beau_" s_alons, restaurants, or b,acber shops, etc.)
must not bc placed in or ncar thc &ycr until
sol_cnts or flammable mateMMs h,a_ bceal
rcmovcd, Thcre m_c rmmy high_ flmm'mable
irons u_ed in homes such m ,.acetone, denatorcd
alcohol, gasoline, kea'oseam, some household
cle_'llle]_, So,he spot reano_s, tortxalt[n e_
_A_'_eS_ _Arax r_d(nov_ and p_oduet_ con_aillillg
petroleum distillates.
The laund_" proce_ cm_ reduce the flame
rehac&_ncy of 5_bfica To avoid such a rcsulL
carefully follow thc ganncnt manu_acmrez's
cam instructions.
Do not d_" artidcs containing rubbc_; pl_tlc_
or similar materials such _ _'_ldcd b_, teamis
shoc_ galoshcs, bath mats, rugs, bibs, baby l_mlts,
plastic bag_, pillo_, etc. that may tacit or bum.
Somc mbbcr m,qtorials, whcn he.ated, c_n undcr
c_aln cire_lns_:alceS p_du_e fire by
spontaneous combustion,
Do not store pl_tie, pa[x'x or clothing that may
burn or melt on top o[the dD'cr during
Garmolr_ labcJed Dr/Away#ore Heator Do Not
Tumble Oq/(such ,_ lifej_kets con Wdning _apok)
must not bc put in _ur &3"c_:
Do not dQ"flbexglmos m_des in _ur dD_:x.
Skin i_Titafion could result from thc rcm_ning
D'wfielcs that m_" bc pickcd up by clothing
during subsequent &ycr u_cs,
To minimizc thc possibili_" o[ dec:trie shock,
unplug this appliance from the _,_cr supply
or disconnect the &yer at the houseliold
disuJbution pand by rono_ting thc fuse or
_,itching off the ciratit brc.akez be[ore
atteanpting m_y m_ntcnancc or de._aling
(cxecpt the rcan_ m_d elcanmg of thc lint
flltc O, NOTE:Tuming the Cyclc Sclec_or kamb
to an off Dosifion or preying PAUSE docs NOT
disconnect the applim_ce [rom the power supply:
Ncvcr attelnpt to opcratc this N)pli;alcc iCit is
damaged, malt'uncfioning, partially disasscmblcd,
or h_ missing or brokeal _rts, including a
dam_ed cord or [:dug,
The intcMor of the m_hinc mid the exhaust
duct c_nnccfion inside the dD_cx should be
dcancd at lc_t onc_ a }'car by a qualifl cd
technician. Sce the Loading and Using me Bp/er
If Fx_urs is a g,as d_c_; it is cquippcd _dth an
automatic electric ignition mid does not ha_x_
MATCH. Bums rmayresult from Ka_ng Fx_ur K'md
in the vieini_" at'the burnex when the autam_[c
ignition rams on.
l¥ou m_" _4sh to _['tcal F_ur laundcred fabrics
or rcduce the static cleclrie[_" in thmn, by using
a dDx:x_pplled fabric soffeamr or ml mlti_mtic
COll(],itlOllCl: _7C IT_'COIYIIYIcBd _OU U_&_. either a
fabric sot_camr in the _sh _]e, _eording to
the manufacturer's instructions for those
producls, or _ a &_x_addcd produa ('or
which the *ru_mug_cmre_ gi_s _wi_cn ,'k_._.trancc
on the p_Kag_ that their product ca1 bc _aCch"
uscd in your d_x. Sc_Mcc or pextbrmancc
problems causcd by u_¢cof thesc pmduc:ts mx_
the resDonsibili _ of the manu fiaclurexs of those
producls mid are not co_x:acd unde_ the _x ,_,
to this appli,_mc_,
_: G_p the plug finnl7 when dlsconnccdng this
appliancc to avoid dmruag_cto the cord while
pulling, PI_c the cord a_}" from raffle arenas
it x_ll not be stepped on, tripped over or
suNecXcd to &_m_c.,
Bet'orc di_rding a dD_; or rcmoving it ['ram
sc_'icc, rcmo_ the dD_r door to prcvcnt
chil&,en from hiding insidc.
Do not tmnpcr with controls,
Do not attempt to repair or replace m_ypart of
this appliance or attempt any se_'iclng unk_s
swcifical b" recommen dtxl in this Owner's Man thai
or in published t_ser-repair instructions that _u
unde_tand and hm_ the skillsto carD"out,
Aboutthe dryercontrolpanel. H_,_,_,
Youcanlocateyourmodelnumberonthe labelonthefront of thedryerbehindthedoor.Througho_Jtthismanual,featuresand
Model NVLR333
mlw_z OFF 1_
iZ D
Model NBXR463
R,U_ IOli'13/ DELIr_alI_
-El I01
Model NWSR483
$_qT COTTONS WmH_E fllJ_
o °o-
N0 IL_" UW#
W 0PF RDRy _
mDff WOLm
0p]]MIJM R
M01E Dr#
GJ_F• _F
m R,IJ_ 10 _l_Mm
0m m "'l"w _,
DMRIDflrm m
-El O B
NOTE:Drying times will vary according to b_etype of heat used (Electric, Natural or LPgas), size of load, types of
fabrics, wetness of clothes and condition of exhaust ducts.
Aboutthe controlsettings.
IMPORTANT: Clean the lint filter each time you use the dryer.
H Fabric Cam/Temperature {on somemodels)
co'n'oMS FOr_lar tohoawcottofls.
leIII'I_iOELICATESOnsomemodos.Fordo catos,syfinotcsaqdtomslaboodtumble dp/Iot_
FLUFFForflo_ng itemswitqo_tqeat.UsetileTIMEDDRFcyce.
Automatic _'des automatlcal_ detcraline _bric &3ale_, Select LESSDRY if you _valt your clothes
slight_ damp at the end of the d_'ing _cle, Select MORE ORYiC_u _vmt them to feel drier.
Timed cycles run for a _lected time.
D Drying Cycles
soloctno P_forrodRegularSottngrna'kodwth an*.
Forwr_O II'O0,po'rnaqo_tpussaqddocat_ t_rns,andknts.
SotthoOtcoSoo_oratno dosed d'yinatrno.
For_rn_vngw__os fromitemsnat arocleanandd'yornat aro'_t gqtiy dam_.
For:tosqonngorf uffin_upal'oadyd'yclotqin_,:abrcs,_oqs,aqd_ lows.Usewitq
P,.U_NO HEATRovidosl_JrnhUeSofqoqoattumolrig.
_1 ,_a_ (?Josethe dD_r dooz; Select STARTOpening the door during operation _ll stop the d_'ez;
To resort the d_z; close the door m_d _lect ST#d_'Ttocomplete the _cle,
Aboutthe dryerfeatures. Ho oi=eam
Press Guard Option (onsomemode/s}
Use this option to minimize the _wlnkles
in clothes. It provides approximately
15 minutes o[ no-heat tumbling +ffter
the clothes we d_,
This option cml only be used with the
ffyou arc using the SIGNAL kslob aid you
select the PRESSGUARD opfi o21, a sign_ Mll
sound at the end o[ the dDing time mid
several times during tim PRESSGUARD Q_cle.
This Mll reanind you that it is tlme to rcano_
tim clothes.
ff PRESS GUARD is not on, tim &yea: will stop
once tim timex rc_hes tim PRESS GUARD
,r_ark on the cycle dlal.
Cycle Signal Optiontonseinemodels}
This signN will sound just be[ore tim eald
of tim cycle to relnind you to relno_v tim
clothes, r_hl some models the signN sound
l_cl cannot be _ljustcd,
I[ you selected the PRESSGUARDoption
the sigalN will sound at the end of the
dD_ing timc and will sound se_enal times
during the PRESS GUARDo/de. This Mll
remind you that it is thne to remove the
Remove garments promptly at the sound
of the signal. Place clothes on hangers
so wrinkles won? set in.
UsetheCycleSignal especiallywhen
dryingfabricslike polyester knits and
permanentpress. Thesefabricsshould
be removedso wrinkles won't setin.
Drum Lamptonseinemodels)
P_£orc rcpLadng tim light bulb, bc sm,e to
unplug tim dryer power c_rd or disconnect
the dD_cr at the household distribution
p,'mcl _" rmno_ing tim fuse or _'itching off
the circuit brcakez, Re_ach above &ycr
owning from inside tbc drum. Remove the
bulb mid replace _th the m_mesizc bulb,
Reversing the Door
Standalff#2 Tapetipped
FMlipsscrewdriver patty,knife
[]Opcn the door and _,cmovc thc filler plugs oppc_im thc hinges, WEth the door
completely olin, _cmove the bottom K,rcw fi'om e_ach hinge on the dDmr _qce.
Insert thc_c _'a_ about h_fway into the TOPholcs, for each hing_c, on the opposite
side (where you remc_d the filler plugs). App_ lln_l prc_u_,c m g_ct the Kxcw started
ill 11_" holes,
[_ Loee_cn top screw fi'om e_ach hinge on the drpcr f_'_ceh_t'way. With one hand holding
the top or'the door _ld the other hand holding the bottom, remorse the door from
the d_'er by li&ing it/./P mid OUT
_ Rolatc the door 180 °', Inscr_ it on the opposite side of the opening by moving the door
INand DOWNuntfi the top hing_c mid the bottom hinge m,c ]_csdng on the top _
[nse_tod in step l,
_J Remo_ the t_cm_lting scrc_ from the side or'the opezting from which the door
_s t_cmoved, _tth these scxc_s _cux_c e.ach hing_c at the bottom, Tighten the
2 top _xc_s o[', h hinge, Reinsert the pl_tic plugs on the sldc from which the
door was renlo_'_d,
Loadingandusingthe dryer.
Always fellow the fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering. HoqJoin_oam
theAsa_hc_;g_cnemlthmirul c,m_ciCelsortcdothcs propcr_m_csortedforPr°pcr_the d_c_:Car Do not overload. 17_is,_astesenergyand causesvvTinkling.
becomewarm Theymaycausefabricsoftenerstains.
approvedfaruseinaltGEO_ls vvfleeusedin
attotdame vdththemanufactureFsinstructions.
The _0r. _A_tpeor dust mW spills or _s_shing
compounds with a dmnp cloth, DD_cr control p,'md
mad finishes may bc dmn,_g_d by some laund_
pretre_atmeaat soll mad smin remover products,
Apply thesc produc:ts away from thc d_x, The
5"_bdc m_" thcaa be washed and dried norm_ly.
Dam_e to your &yer caused by theso product.s
is not c_vered _" your xs_rmn_:
//_ E_aa_/DUCt: Ins[:_ct and dcan the c_haust
ducfing at le_t once a }'car m prc_nt dogging.
A _'wtlal_ dogged exhaust cma leaagZhcn the
&'ring thne.
Follow these steps:
[] Turn off clcct_ical _pply by di_onnccdng
the plug from thc _wdl socket.
The/din B/t_t:. Clcan thc lint filmy bcforc e_ach
use. Moistcaa your fingcas and reach into the filter
oDcaling, Run your fing_rs across thc filth, Ha_
a qualificxd _chnicima _,xoJum the llnt from the
dTyor once a }_3Y,
_ Disconnect thc duct fi'om the dJyc_:
_Vacuum the duct with thc hc_c at_chmcnt
and reconnect the duet.
TheE.x/_ustHoad:(axcck Crom thc ou_ide tl_at thc
flaps of tl_chood mos_ fmcly when opcrafing. Makc
sure that thct_ is no wildlife (biters, insect, ctc,)
ncsfing inside thc duct or hoed,
Ik'Jow m_c Cabrie cam label "_mbols" that ;ffiTcettim clothing you will bc laundering.
Water el)
e,sec,, /_ A _ff.
_/_bo_ _y _le_sh O.lyno_sh_n_ bleac_ Donot _l_ee_
Tumble D
rd6_nel P_rmaa_nt Fr_ _6_ _ Bonret_ le _ us_d_
_nB6 r_s_to_ _eltcme d6 a_t_o_h}
,,0, ® ®
Loadingand usingthe dryer.A_w,ysfo_ow_,_riom,,,_,ot,r,r_o,r,l,b,_wh,,1,,,a,ri,g
_ VentingtheDryer
For the best d_'ing perfomlance the (bTer needs to be properly ventcd The dryer will use more
energy and run longer if it is not vented to the below specifications. Carefully follow the details on
Exhausting in the Installation Instructions.
Use only rigid met,al 4" diamcter duc_ork inside thc dryer cabinet Usc only rigid met,al
or flexible met,xI 4" diamctcr ducV_ork [or e_hausting to the our_sidc,
Do not u_ pl_tic or other combustible ducV_ork.
Use the shortest length possible.
Do not czush or collapse,
Avoid resting the duct on sh,'_]) objccr_s.
Ven_ng most conform to local building codes.
Beforeyoucall forservice... H , oem
Troubleshoot'rig tips
Save _me and money! Re_4ewthe charts on the follovzdngpages,
or _4sitHotpoinLaom.Youmay not need to cali for sen4ce.
Problem Possible Causes nat ToDo
Dryer doesn't _'art Dryer is tmpk_ed * Make sure the diyer plug is pushed comF;le_ly into
the oufleL
Fuse is blown/dr_tit breaker * Check the house Cu_eicirozit breaker box and repLac_
is tripped fuse or reseat bre.akc_; NOTE:Elec_ic d_._n use
two fuses or bre.akc_.
Offer doesn't heat Fuse is blown/dr_tit breaker *Chcck thc house Cu_eicirozit breaker box and replace
is tripped_ the dryer may both fuses or reset both breakeas. Your d_x m_" _umblc
ramble Ixtt not heat ff only one Cuse is blox_al or onc breaker Oip[sed.
Gas service is off * Make sure g_ shutoff at dx3x:_ mxd m_n shu_ff m_c
full}" opcaL
LP gas s_tpply tm_&is empty * Refill or replace txnk, DD_ should _fftcn
or there has beoz a utility utili_ service is restored.
interr_tption natural gas
Dryer $haksn ot _$ame sbal_ag!noise is normaL * Move. d_'x to an c_al floor sD_c, or ,'_ljust l_cling legs
maksn noise Dryer may be sltdng_mevofly ,_ nec_s_ _undl cvcn.
Greasyspots onclo_sn Improper use fabric softener * Follow directions on fabric saCWamr pac, k,_e,
Drying dirtyitems with * Use _x)ur diTcr to d_T on_ de._ irons, Di_'cyicons c,,'m
clezm ones sVain clean items mxd the d_cx.
Clothes were not * Somcthncs sWgns _4_ich emmet bc seeax wheax the
completely derm dothcs _ _t _ppear,'fftcr d_'ing. Use propcr
x_shlng proc_durcs boCore dr_iing.
Lint on clo_tsn Lint filter is ftdl * llnt _xecn boCore c_h lc_ad.
Imlmaper sorllng * Sort llnt producers (likc chcnillc) from lint c£)llcctors
(like cordm_f).
Static electrklty can attract lint * Sac sug_cstions in this section under STATI_
Overloading * Sepm,_tc la_c lc_'_ds into snaller oncs.
Paper, dssue, e:_c.le_ in pockets * Emp_" all pockets be£ore laundcdng clothes.
_c _:cuea No Fabric seltzer was used * T_" a fabric soCtea_er.
Bounce * Fabric Conditioner D_?z Sheets have been
appro_xd Cot use in ,-dlGE D_?as when used in
ac_orcL'mce with the manu_ac:turex's instructions.
Overdrylng * T_" a fabric saCtea_er.
Adjust setting to LESS DRYer DAMP ORE
Synthetics, permanent press * TD_ a fabric softener,
anti blends can cause static
Ing_,_ist_ttt drying lim_ 'I_pe of heat * Automatic dJying dines will wa 3"_c_rding to the _'[se
oC us_cd (clcctric, natural or I2 g,-_s), siz_ _Clc_ad,
_'tses of fabrics, _toess of clothes and cx)nditlon oC
e_dxaust ducts.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Problem Passible Causes
Clothes fake too long Improper s_ng
La_e loads of heavy fabrics
(like beach towels)
Iml_mper or ob_ _
What To Do
* Separate hea_y itelus Crom light_igtlt itelus (geamml_,
a well_ or_cd _her load is a wcll_ orted dD_x lca'_),
* I,avge, hca_y fi_brics eon_ain more moistux_ and take
longer to dry. SeD_rate Larg_, he_a_y 5_bfics into smiler
lc_ads to speed d_'ing time.
* _L_tch eonlml _rting_ to the load you mv_ dDJng.
* Clean llnt filter be£orc e_y lo,_l.
* Check ins_'dlation instructions ('or proper
duclingivcn ring.
* _L_ke sux_ dueting is clean, fl'ee of kinks and
* Check to see it"outside wall &_anper ope_tcs e_3sil}:
* Check the hlsCallation Instructions to make sure the
dD_cx venting is correct.
Blown fuses or tripped * Replace [_uses or reset circuit brcakexs. Since most dD_xs
clrczdt breaker use n_o fusesibre_akc_, make sm_c both arc ope_fing,
Overloading!oambhfing loads * Do not put more than one washer lo,'_:! in the d_er
at a time.
Underloading * If }_u m_ dD'ing only one or t_ items, ,add a Cow items
to ealsure proper tumbling.
Clothes are wrinkled Overdr34ng * Select a shorter dD'ing time.
Reluo_ itelus while they still hold a slight muount of
moisturc, Select a LESS DRFor DAMP DRYsetting.
Lettlng _em_ s_ hz dryer after *Re_nc_c itc_ns when cycle ends and fold or hang
cycle ends immediately,
Overloading * Separate large lc_ads into smiler ones.
Clothes shrink Some fabrics will tmmm_y shrink * To avoid shrinkT_e, ['ollow garmeaxt cat_ hbcls cx'_ctl):
_4mn washerL Others can be . Some items _ay bc pm_cd buck into shape al-ter dD_ing,
safely _ashed, but will shritlk
hi tile _ * If you arc concerned about shlJllkag_ in a D'_rticulm"
itexn, do not machine _sh or tumble d_" it.
GE Service Protection Plus TM
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Place your co,ffldence in GE and call us in the U,S. toll£ree at 800.626.2224
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_Cut he_
Pleaseplace in envelopeand mail to:
General Electric Company
Warranty Registration Department
P.O. Box 32150
Louisville, K_"40232-2150
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Dear C1Lstorner
Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you £or placing your comqdence in us.
V_re _t'e pt'o_ld to have you as a c_lstornefl
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Product Owaership
Regis_'ation today,
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|he _anlJkdy ogenl _[•
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in a _ai_: place, It
contains information
you will nccd should
you rcqutre _crvicc.
Our sc_ice numbcr ts
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_Lanu _ ca_"cfully.
It wtll help you
opcmlc your n_"
appliance propcrl_
Model Number Serial Number
Illllllllll Illllll
Important: If you did not get a registration card with your
product, detach and return the form below to
ensure that your product is registered, or register
online at
_Cat here
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Model Number Serial Number
_i_t Last IName I I I I I I I I I Name I I I I I I I I I I I I
Sf_e_ I
Addye_s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
Apt. # I I I I I I I I _:-mgtl Addre*s*
o_llllllllllllll s_l
Pat: Pl_:o_
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[] Check here if you do _ot wa_t m receive c_mmunical_ ons Dom G£,Ns carekd_ sdected par*_ ers.
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For m_:_e bfformafion about (.;KA2s pfi_'acy and data asage policy, go _ w_vw.G£,Applian and
c£_ck on _P0_x_twPdic_ or call 800.626.2224.
HotpointDryer Warranty.
Alf warrantyservice provided by our Factory Service Centers,
or an authorized Customer Care®technician. Toschedule
service, on-fine,24 hours a day, visit us at Hotpoin_cem,
or call 800.GHCARES(800.4322737).
Staple your receipt here.
Proofof the original purchase
date is neededto obtainservice
under the warren_
For The Period 0_.
Fromthe dateofthe
We Will Replace:
Anypart of thc dx_:c_:_4zich fails due to a dcfcct in matcri,'ds or workmanship, During this
full _te-_ar warrant, _ will _ provide, free of charge, _1 labor m_d related _xvicc costs to
replac_ thc defcct[vc l_art.
What Is Not Covered:
Servic€ trips to _aor home, to teach _au how to _ the
Improper ii_allation (inchaling improper _,_,nting),
delivery or maln_enaace.
Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or ttsed for
other than the hlteaded purpose or _t_-d commerdally.
Replacement of the light b_db,
Products _4dch are not defective or brokeJ_ or which are
w_dag as described in the O_ler's Manual
Replacementofho_._ ft_'s or resetthlg of c_ctdt
mDamage to the product cm_'l lay acddozt, Free, floods or
acts of God.
Iaddoltal or cc,nsequential damage caused by possible
defects with this appliance.
De_ecLs or damage due to operalion in free_iag
Damage cm_d after delivery°
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for produc_s purchased for home
use within the USA. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to Four home.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives
you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Toknow what Four
legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General.
Warrantor. General Electric Company.Louisville, A'Y 40225
HotpointWebsite Hotpoin_com
Ha_x a question or need ,'_mismnec with your appllanec? Try_-tim I-Ioq)olnt Wcbsitc 24 hours a day,
mxy day of thc ycm'! You can ,also shop for more great Hotpoint products mxti take ,'uJ_xn rage o[
all of our on4ine _pport _rviees desigxmd for your eomxnienee.
Ex[_rt Hoq)olnt re[:_alr servlcc is only one step away from }_our doon Get on41nc and schedulc your scrslce
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business hours,
GE suppom the Univcr_al Design concept--protiuc:ts, scrs'ices and eal_ironmcnts that cml be uscd by
pcople oC MI ages, sizes and capabilities, We rccogxllZC tim nced to design for a wide t,_lg_c of physical mid
mental abilities mid impainxlealr& For tietails oCGE's Univer_'d Design applications, including kitcheal
desigxl ide,_ for pcot:;le _4th di_abilities, check out our Website today. For the he_aring imt_imd , ple_ase
c,'dl 800,TI)D.GEAC (800,,._3.4322).
Purch,_e a Hoq_oint extended waling" and lcarn about spccial di_ounts that are m,'ailable while your
_n,_l_ 2 i_ still m effccL You can purch,_c it onhnc ml_l]mc, or call ,.._&525.2224 during norm,'fl bu_me_
hours. Hoq_oint Consumer Homc Serviccs will still bc thcre aemr your w_rrmlW expires.
Individuals qualified to s_crs'ice thcir ovm applimlces ca1 ha_x _-_rts or accessories s_cnt direct_ to thcir
homes (_$SA, MasterCard and D'_o_cr cards m_cacecptcd), C_'cler on:line today, 24 hours c_x_" cb_"or
by phone at ,.._&626,2002 during normal businc_ hours.
InMmc#uas cua_iuad in this manual cover procedures tobe perlormed by any user. Other serwcing generally
should be referred toqualified ser_ce personnel Cautionmust be exercised, since improper servicing may cause
I[you are not _'_ti_cd with the scrs'ice yx_ureeei_c from HotpoinL c_ntact us ozl our Wcbsitc with all thc
tietails including your [)hone number, or write to: Cmneml Mml,_e*, Customer ReLations
Hot[mint, Appliancc Park
Loui_ille, I_r 40225
RegisterYourAppliance Hotpointcom
Register yo,_r new applianceon-]ine_,m your convenlence,_Timc_ product registration will allow [or
enhanced communication and prompt service under the terms of your _a_a,_l_; should the need afisac.
You mW ,'tim _r_ailin thc pro printed registration card includcd in the _'_cking _r_ateri,'d.
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Hotpoint NBXR463EB3WW Owner's manual

Owner's manual

Hotpoint NBXR463EB3WW is a smart, technologically-advanced dryer that comes with an impressive number of features designed to make drying your clothes easier, faster, efficient, and more economical. The dryer's spacious 7.0 cu. ft. capacity allows you to dry comforters, blankets, and other bulky items with even heat distribution. The dryer is equipped with an automatic moisture sensor that detects the moisture level in your clothes and adjusts the drying time accordingly, preventing over-drying and ensuring your clothes come out perfectly dry every time without any guesswork.

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