%()25( 0$.,1*$1< $'-8670(176&+$1*,1*
$&&(6625,(6 25 6725,1*32:(5722/6Such
preventive safety measures reduce the risk of
starting the power tool accidentally.
725(,'/(32:(5722/62872)7+( 5($&+2)
23(5$7( 7+( 32:(5722/ Power tools are
dangerous in the hands of untrained users.
25%,1',1* 2) 029,1* 3$576 %5($.$*(2)
3$576$1'$1<27+(5&21',7,217+$7 0$<
+$9( 7+( 32:(5722/ 5(3$,5(' %()25( 86(
Many accidents are caused by poorly
maintained power tools.
maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting
edges are less likely to bind and are easier to
6(7+( 32:(5 722/ $&&(6625,(6$1'722/
$1'7+( :25. 72%( 3(5)250('Use of the
power tool for operations different from those
intended could result in a hazardous situation.
(&+$5*(21/< :,7+ 7+(&+$5*(563(&,),('
%< 7+( 0$18)$&785(5 A charger that is
suitable for one type of battery pack may
create a risk of fire when used with another
battery pack.
6( 32:(5 722/6 21/< :,7+ 63(&,),&$//<
'(6,*1$7('%$77(5<3$&.6 Use of any other
battery packs may create a risk of injury and
!+(1%$77(5< 3$&.,6 127 ,186( .((3 ,7
$:$< )520 27+(50(7$/ 2%-(&76 /,.( 3$3(5
&/,36 &2,16 .(<61$,/6 6&5(:6 25 27+(5
60$// 0(7$/ 2%-(&76 7+$7 &$10$.( $
&211(&7,21)520 21( 7(50,1$/72$127+(5
Shorting the battery terminals together may
cause burns or a fire.
1'(5 $%86,9( &21',7,216 /,48,' 0$< %(
(-(&7(')5207+(%$77(5< $92,'&217$&7)
&217$&7$&&,'(17$//< 2&&856 )/86+:,7+
6((. 0(',&$/ +(/3 Liquid ejected from the
battery may cause irritation or burns.
5(3$,5 3(5621 86,1* 21/< ,'(17,&$/
5(3/$&(0(17 3$576 This will ensure that the
safety of the power tool is maintained.
722/'2:1 An exposed rotating cutter may
engage the surface leading to possible loss of
control and serious injury.
6( &/$03625 $127+(535$&7,&$/ :$< 72
6(&85( $1' 68332577+(:25.3,(&( 72$
67$%/(3/$7)250Holding the work by hand or
against your body leaves it unstable and may
lead to loss of control.
(&85( 7+( 0$7(5,$/ %(,1* 3/$1(' (9(5
+2/',7,1<285+$1'25$&5266/(*6 Small
workpiece must be adequately secured so
that the rotating planer blades will not pick it
up during forward motion of the planer.
Unstable support can cause the blades to
bind causing loss of control and injury.
/:$<6 67$57 7+( 3/$1( %()25( %/$'( ,6 ,1
&217$&7:,7+ 7+( :25.3,(&( $1'$//2:7+(
%/$'(72 &20( 72 )8//63((' Tool can
vibrate or chatter if blade speed is too slow at
beginning of cut and possibly kickback.
1$,/6(,7+(5 5(029( 25 6(7 7+(0:(//
%(/2: ,17(1'(' ),1,6+(' 685)$&( If the
planer blades strike objects like nails it may
cause the tool to kickback and serious
personal injury may result.
,6&211(&7 %$77(5< 3$&. )520 722/ 25
3/$&( 7+( 6:,7&+ ,1 7+( /2&.(' 25 2))
326,7,21 %()25( 0$.,1* $1< $66(0%/<
$'-8670(176 25 &+$1*,1* $&&(6625,(6
Such preventive safety measures reduce the
risk of starting the tool accidentally.
)7(5 &+$1*,1* %/$'(6 527$7( 7+( %/$'(
&</,1'(5 &877(5 '580 72 0$.( 685(
%/$'(6 $5( 127 +,77,1* $1< 3$57 2) 7+(
6&5(:6 $5( 7,*+7 Spinning blades could
strike tool housing and damage tool as well
as possible injury.
/:$<6 +2/' 7+( 722/ ),50/< :,7+ %27+
+$1'6 +,6 3529,'(6 0$;,080 &21752/