Operating manual part II
© 2010 Dürkopp Adler AG II-7
L C P Min Max Preset Unity Description
t 01 00 0 8 4 - Mode of the thread clamp
0 = on switching angle FK = t0101,
out switching angle FK = t0102,
Without FL;
1 = on switching angle FK = 108°,
out switching angle FK = 268°,
Without FL;
2 = on switching angle FK = 49°,
out switching angle FK = 110°,
Without FL;
3 = on switching angle FK = 49°,
out switching angle FK = 190°,
Without FL;
4 = on switching angle FK = 108°,
out switching angle FK 268°,
on switching angle FL = 108°,
out switching angle FL = 154°;
5 = on switching angle FK = 108°,
out switching angle FK = 268°,
on switching angle FL = 44°,
out switching angle FL = 154°;
6 = on switching angle FK = 30°,
out switching angle FK = 200°,
on switching angle FL = 50°,
out switching angle FL = 100°;
7 = Without FK,
on switching angle FL = t0111,
out switching angle FL = t0112;
8 = on switching angle FK = t0101,
out switching angle FK = t0102,
on switching angle FL = t0111,
out switching angle FL = t0112
t 01 01 0 359 53 ° on switching angle of the thread clamp
t 01 02 0 359 224 ° off switching angle of the thread clamp
t 01 11 0 359 53 ° on switching angle of the sewing foot lifting
t 01 12 0 359 110 ° off switching angle of the sewing foot lifting
t 01 13 0 100 35 % Duty cycle of sewing foot lifting at mode 4-8
t 01 20 0 3 0 - Options of the thread clamp
0 = FK
only at the seam beginning;
1 = FK at the seam beginning and at the turning back;
2 = FK at the seam beginning and at the sewing foot lifting;
3 = FK at the seam beginning, turning back and at the sewing
foot lifting
t 01 50 0 999 100 ms Drive time of the thread clamp in the time period t
t 01 51 5 100 100 % Pulse duty ratio in the time period t
t 01 52 0,1 30,0 30,0 s Drive time of the thread clamp magnet in the time period t
(If you adjust 0s the thread clamp magnet will be driven
t 01 53 5 100 100 % Pulse duty ratio in the time period t
t 01 54 0 1 1 - Increasing U
when the thread clamp magnet will be driven
0 = No;
1 = Yes
Thread trimmer
t 02 00 100 750 180 rpm Cutting speed