one Pizza and onedeep. Each slides out for more _:_:_i_
convenientaccesstothefrozenfood. The Pizzabasket is l_-_::_J_L_
designed with a lowerright sidefor easystorage offrozen __,
At, baskets can beremoved for cleaning. ,n __(
addition, the shallowand Pizza baskets can beadjusted _-_1_._ _
up or down to accommodate various sized packages. _ \\
Toremovethebaskets,pullthe baskettoward youuntil[tstops. Liftthefront ofthe basket
andpull until it steps again,then lift it up and over thefront tabs.
To replace the basket,reverse the above procedure. To adjust the shallowand Pizza
baskets,removethebasketasdirected previouslyandplaceoneofthe bottomtwo heavy
wiresin the track and replace it.
The water inlettubing assembly requiredto complete thewater connectionto thewater
valveis locatedinthe crisperdrawer in abag. Connectthe icemakertothe water supply
as instructedintheseparateinstructions,furnishedwiththe refrigerator.
The automatic ice maker is designed to furnish a continual supply of ice cubes. The
amount of iceproduced depends on the temperature in the freezer section of your
refrigerator. The colderthefreezer section,the moreice isproduced. Wesuggest you
startwith your refrigerator andfreezer controls attheir midsettings. Inmostcases,this
issatisfactory. If the door to therefrigerator or freezer is opened frequently or
temperatures in the kitchen are abnormally high,a colder setting may be necessary.
After your model has been installedand thewater supply connected to the ice maker,
it may take 8 to12 hoursbeforetheice maker furnishesanyusable icecubes. Thefirst
one or two harvests will probably contain undersized and irregular cubesbecause of
air in the supply line. Theinitial harvestmay also contain impuritiesfrom the newwater
supply piping. Therefore, el) cubes fromthefirst twoor threeharvests should be
Under certain rare circumstances,icecubes may be discolored,usuallyappearing with
a green-bluishhue.Thecauseof thisunusualdiscolorationisapparentlya combination
of factors such as certain characteristics of localwaters,household plumbing and the
accumulationofcopper saltsin an inactivewater supply linewhich feeds theice maker.
Continued consumptionof such discoloredicecubes may be injuriousto health. If such
disco(orationisobserved,discard theice cubes and contactthedealer from whom the
ice maker or refrigeratorwas purchased.
(ca cubes that have been in the ice storage for a considerable lengthoftime may pick
upoff-flavortaste,stick together, andgradually becomesmaller. We suggestthatthese
cubes bethrown away. We alsosuggest using an openbox of baking soda in the
refrigerator for food odor absorption.