Jenn-Air JRTDE228 User manual

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Frost Free Refrigerators
.... i
Model JRTDE228
Printed in U.S.A. Cat. No. STUI76UA
1994 Jenn-Air Part No. 109269-1 2/'94
About Your
Jenn-Air Refrigerator
Your Jenn-Air frost-free refriclerator was designed, engineered, and manufac-
tured to the highest standards of qua ty and performance. Since this manual
explains how you can obtain the best use of your Jenn-Air, it is essential that
you follow the instructions carefully.
Should you have any questions about using your Jenn-Air appliance, write to
us. Be sure to provide the model number of your appliance.
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service
PO Box 2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370
AutomaticIce Maker EnergySaver
and Automatic Switch Light
DispenserBin Freezer FreezerShelves
Wine Refrigerator Shelves Shelf
Rack Control Tender
Lift-OffDoor Iottle
Shelves Retainer
HumidityControl Egg Shelf
Crisper Caddy Tender
Cover AdjustableGlass Drawer Dairy
Cantilever Compartment
Sealed Shelves BaseGrille
Crisper Sealed
Model JRTDE228
1. Usethe three-prongedplugonlywitha groundingreceptacleto provideprotectionfrom
electricalshock, Thisappliancemustbe installedin accordancewiththe installationand
groundinginstructionson page 4-5.
2. Unplugyourrefrigeratorbeforecleaningcondenser,replacinga lightbulb,or makingany
repairs. Anyservicingshouldbe performedbya qualifiedtechnician.
3. In case of power failure, minimizedoor openings. Ifpower failure is of longduration,
protectfrozenfood byplacingblocksof dry iceon top ofthe packages,or checkwith a
local frozen foods locker plant about temporary storage. Frozen foods which have
l_hawedcompletelyshould not be refrozen.
4. Any electric service cord that becomes frayed or damaged should be immediately
repairedor replaced. Neverunplug yourapplianceby pulling on the powercord.
5. Your refrigeratorshould notbe operatedin the presenceof explosivefumes.
6. Removethe doors from any out-of-use refrigeratorto prevent child entrapment and
7. Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic ice making mechanism while the
refrigeratorispluggedin.Thiswillhelpprotectyoufrompossibleinjury. Itwillalsoprevent
interferencewith movingparts of the ejector mechanismand the heatingelementthat
releasesthe cubes.
If you are installingyour newrefrigeratoryourself, pleasefollowthese helpfulsuggestions.
1. Removebaseskids. ._ldl
2. Removeallexteriorandinteriortapecarefullyandretainold
tape. Makeasmallpadofthistapetopickoffanyremaining
taperesidues. This willeliminatethe needto usedanger-
oussolvents of anykind.
3. Removeand discard the cantilever shelf packing clips located just above each shelf
wherethey hookontotheframe. To removethe redplasticclip,wiggle itsidewaysand
pull straightout.
4. Selecta locationforyournewrefrigeratorawayfrom anyheatsources. Allowafreeflow
of air throughthe front basegrille.
5. Your modelshould not be installedwhere the roomtemperaturewill go below55oF.
becauseitwill notrunfrequentlyenoughto maintainpropertemperatureinthe freezer.
Leveling Is Important
Toenhanceitsappearance,maintainefficientperformanceandfor properfunctionoftheice
maker,your refrigeratorshouldbelevel. Usinga carpenter'slevel,checkyour refrigeratort¢
make sure it is levelfront to backand sideto side. The frontwheelswere adjustedat the
factorysothe cabinetwouldbe level. However,jarring intransit, orstandingthe refrigerator
on an unevenfloor may causethe cabinet toappear unlevel.
If leveling is necessary, remove the base
grilleandadjustthewheelwithascrewdriver _TURN CLOCKWISETO
TOlockthecabinetinplace,turnclownone ,_
or bothlockingfeet,locatednearthefront
wheels. Rearlevelerfeetarenotrequired.
Iftheflooris notleveland it isnecessaryto
raise the rear of the cabinet,we suggest TURNCOUNTER-CLOCKWISE
rollingthe rear wheels on to a piece of TOLOWERCABINETCORNER
Electrical Connection and Grounding
Yourrefrigeratoris designedto operateon a po_._PPL_co._I_
nominal115volt,15amp.,60cycleline.There w,T.3-_,o,6C'_OUNI_NG PLtJG*
shouldbe a separate,groundedcircuit,serv- )
-_ ing this refrigerator only. DO NOT use an
Your refrigerator is equipped with a three-
pronged grounding plug for your protection
against possibJeelectricalshock hazards. It
mustbe pluggedinto agrounding receptacle. 6,o_o_T_PC
Wherea standardtwo prongwallreceptacleis .Lo_.,o.o_,,o_,o._, c_
encountered,it is the personal responsibility ,,u_,_Y._,,.,_._o.You,_oo_
and obligation of the customer to have it
replaced with a properly grounded three-prong wall receptacle. DO NOT, under any
circumstances,cut or removethe third (ground)prongfrom the powercord.
DO NOT usean adapterplug.
Changing Reversible Doors (Non-Dispenser Models Only)
Your refrigeratormay havebeenbuiltwiththe doorshingedtothe rightor hingedto theleft.
Refer tothe following instructionsfordoor reversal.
Tools Required
End wrench (5/16")
5/16"Socket and ratchet
Changing Doors
1. Turnthe freshfood controlto OFFand removeallfood fromthe interior.
2. Usinga 5/16"socketandratchet,removethescrewsfrom theupperhinge. Carefullylift
thedoor (includingupperhinge)offofthe centerhingeand placeitona paddedsurface
to prevent scratching. Avoid losingthe spacer that was betweenthe hinge and the
cabinet top.
3. Unscrewthehingepinoutof thecenterhingeonthetop
of the lowerdoor. Carefullyliftthe lowerdoor off the
lower hingeand place it on a padded surface. If the
metal hinge pin pulls outof the lower hingewhen the
it back intothe hinge.
4. Usinga phillipsscrewdriver,removethe handlesfrom
the door edges. Remove the handle end caps on
ModelsJRTE198 and JRTE218. To attach the han-
buttons. Invertthe handlesand end caps and attach _=
withscrews. Press theplug buttonsinto theopposite
sideof the door.
5. Usinga puttyknife,prytheplugbuttoncoverfromthemetalbushingatthetopofthedoor.
Savethe coverfor future use.
6. Lifttheupperhingeandthespacerwashersfromthedoorandinstallthemat theopposite
7. Positionthe plugbutton cover,saved fromstep5,overtheoldhingebushingandpress
it intoplace.
8. Pryoutthe3 plasticplugbuttonsfromthecabinet top and pressthem intothe opposite
9. Withthe T25socket wrenchand5/16" socket andratchet, removethescrews fromthe
centerhinge and spacerfrom the cabinet. Transferthe (2) screws from the leftend of
thedividerbartothe rightend, Installthe centerhingeand spaceron theleft endofthe
dividerbarthe sameway itwasinstalledonthe rightend. Tightenbothscrewsuntilthey
arejust snug,then turn themone-halfturn more.
10. Prythe plugcoverfromthe metalbushingat thetopofthelowerdoorandpress intothe
metalbushingon the opposite sideof the door.
11. Removethe basegrille by graspingat bothendsand pulling it straightout.
12. Removethe hingecover by squeezingboth sides together.
13. Use a5/16" socketand ratchet to removethetwo screwsfromthe bottomhinge. Save
the spacer.
"- 14. Pullthemetalhingepinfromthesideofthelowerhingeand placeit,includingthespacer
washer,intothe top hole.
15. Pryoutthetwoscrewhole plugbuttonson the bottomleft sideofthetopdoor andlower
door. Removethedoor stops(metalplate)on the bottomof eachdoorand installthem
on oppositesides. Press intheplug buttonsintheholeson therightsideof bothdoors.
16. Setthelowerdoor onthe bottomhinge,makingsurethehingepin entersthebushingin
thedoor bottom.
17. Whileholdingthedoor ina closed position,take thecenter hingepin that was removed
in step3 andinsert itthroughthe left hole ofthe center hingeandinto the bottomdoor
bushing. Makesure the longpin goes intothe bottomdoor and theshort pin goes into
the top door.
18. Set the upper door on the center hinge, making sure the hinge pin enters the door
bushing. When you close the door,thegasket shouldhold it in place.
19. Makingsure to usethe same numberof spacersthat wereoriginallyused beneaththe
upperhinge, installthe hinge mountingscrews. Beforetighteningthese screws,make
surethe topofthe door islevelwith thecabinettop, and thespace betweenthedoor is
equidistantacrosstheentirefront. Avoidover-tighteningthesescrews.Tightenbothuntil
they are just snug, then turnthem in another one-halfturn.
20. Examinethedoor gasketallaroundeachdoor,makingsurenogapsarevisiblebetween
thegasketandcabinet. Ifa gapshows,trystretchingthe gasketawayfrom thedoor so
the magnetwill contactthe cabinet surface.
21. To replacethebasegrille,line upits springclips withthesquareopeningsin thecabinet
and tap eachend in untilthe gnlle locks in place. Replace hingecover.
22. Replaceall foodand returnthe fresh foodcontrol to its usualoperatingposition.
tt; Controls ._
9 is coldest [. 5 [
Your new refrigeratorhas two controls. One
forregulatingthetemperaturein thefreshfood
compartment and one for the freezer. The
freshfood compartmentand thefreezercorn- Saves / %,ReducesExterior
parfmentcontrolsarelocatedatthetopfrontof Energy \ / _oisture
the fresh food compartment, Turn both con- I._3
trois to "No.5"to startyour refrigerator.
The "No.g" freezercontrol setting is recom- I
mendedfor shortterm useonly. _ 9 is coldest
Your refrigerator may run for several hours when you first start it. This is normal and
shouldn'tbe causefor alarm.
Changingeithercontrolwill havesomeeffect onthe temperatureofthe othercompartment.
To start: Set fresh food control on "5".
Inadayortwo,youmaydecidethatone Setfreezercontrolon "5".
Turn fresh food control to
or bothcompartmentsshouldbe colder Refrigerator tooWARM: nexthighernumber.
orwarmer. Ifso,adjustthecontrol(s)as
instructedinthe accompanyingchart. Refrigerator too COLD: Turn fresh food control to
next lower number,
IMPORTANT: Except when starting, Turn treezef control to rtext
do notchangeeithercontrol morethan FreezertooWARM: hlFhernumber.
onenumberat a time. Allow24 hours Turnfreezercontroltonext
for temperatureto stabilizebefore re- FreezertooCOLD: lowernumber.
Refrigerator OFF: Set fresh food control to OFF.
Warm Cabinet Surfaces
At times,the frontsurfaces ofyour refrigeratorcabinetmaybewarm to thetouch. This isa
normalfunctionofyourrefrigerator. This featurepreventsmoisturefromcondensingonth_
outsideof yourrefrigeratorduring humid weather. This condition may be noticeablewhen"-"
you first start your refrigerator,during hot weather, and during excessiveor lengthy door
Energy Saver Switch
The Energy Saver switch controls a heater designed to prevent moistureaccumulation
betweentherefrigeratorandfreezerdoorframe. Duringhumidweather,moisturecollectson
objects that are coolerthan the surroundingair. This condensationcan be eliminatedby
applyinga small amountof heatto thesurface uponwhich the water accumulates.
Whenthe EnergySaverswitchis on "SavesEnergy",no heatisappliedto thesurface. Itis
saving both energyand money. If humidityincreasesand condensationappears, turnthe
EnergySaverswitchto "ReducesExteriorMoisture".BesuretoturntheEnergySaverswitch
back to "SavesEnergy"asthe humiditydrops tosave energy.
Inareas ofrelatively highhumidity,theEnergy SaverSwitchinthe "ReducesExterior
Moisture"positionwill minimizeany collectionofmoisture onthe outsidesurfaceof
Energy Tips
For efficientenergyuse:
1. Besurethe refrigeratoris levelandventilationaroundthefrontgrilleis notblocked.
2. Checkdoor seals occasionallyforleakage. Checkat variousplaces,top,bottom,and
3. Checkthe temperature;avoidunnecessarycold settings.
4. Keepthefreezer full tonear capacity;less coldair is lostduringdoor openings.
5. Let hotdishes coolbeforeputting into refrigeratoror freezer.
6. Cover liquids;if uncovered,the unitmustwork longer.
7. Cleanrefrigeratorcondensercoils at least twicea year.
Compartment Features
To maintainthe naturalflavor, moisture, and nutritionof fresh foods, we recommendthat
all dishes,trays, and containersof food be covered.
suit your special needs. To removea shelf, lift the
rear straightup afractionof an inchandpull straight
out. Tolockintoanotherposition,tilttheshelfwiththe
front up. Insert hooks intodesired frame openings
and letthe shelf settleinto place. Make sureit
issecurelylocked at the rear.
Temp Control Drawer
offresh meatswithoutfreezing, Thisdrawer will provideextra chillingonly if thecantilever
shelfthat supportstheTempControlDrawerisinthe2nd,3rd,or4thshelfadjustingpositions.
Keepthe drawertightly closed at all times.
The sliding lever on the backwall, abovethe drawer enables you to vary the internal
temperaturesinsidethedrawer. Withtheleversetat the "Cold"position,thetemperature
insidethe drawerwillbecoolerandyoucanstoremostgoodqualitymeatsseveraldays.
Allmeatsor poultryshouldbe storedintheiroriginalstorewrappingsor inplasticbagsto _--
reducethe evaporationof moisturefromthem.
ToremovetheTempControlDrawer,pullitoutuntilitstops.Thenapplya littlemorepressure
Sealed Crispers
The Sealed Crispersare ideal for storing vegetablesand fruit. Keepyour crisperstightly
closedto insure freshness. Storingleafy vegetables,such as celeryand lettucein plastic
bags, reducesmoistureevaporation.
Thecrispersslideoutforeasy accesstofoodsstoredwithin. Theyarecompletelyremovable
forcleaning(hand washonly) or for useelsewhere inyour kitchen.
The crisper cover also serves as a refrigeratorstorage shelf. Below are directions for
removingthe crispercover for cleaning.
Model JRTEt76: Liftthefront edgeandpullstraightout. To replacethecover,set rearbars
onsupportsandpushbackuntilthefrontcanbe loweredintoplace. Ifthecrispershelf isnot
"_ level, adjustthe support leg (seebelow).
Models JRTE198,JRTE218,JRTDE228: Pushup ontheglass coverfromunderneathand
Leveling Crisper Shelf ,____._,-__>_"
(Model JRTE176 Only) _._
Ifthecrispershelfis notlevel,adjustthesupport
legas shown.
Humidity Control
(Most Models)
The humidity control levers are located on the shelf above the crisper drawers. The slide
control should generally be set at the "Low"setting for fruits and the "High" setting for
Wine Rack
To use your wine rack fit it along either
sideofany refrigeratorshelf and laythe _
,.-- wine bottleon the rack.
Occasionally,you may noticewater droplets on the backwall. This is normal.
Defrostwater isusedto maintainhumidityleveland helpskeepfoodfreshlonger.
Excess water drains into thedefrost pan beneaththe cabinet and evaporates.
Door Features
Egg Caddy ....
Your modelhas an egg caddy that fits securelyon a door shelf. Thisegg caddy can be
removedand carriedto yourworking area.
Magnetic Door Gaskets
Doorgasketsaremagnetizedto insureanair tightsealallaround. Thesegasketsclingtothe
cabinetfront,once thedoors are closedto within their magneticrange.
Lift-Off Door Shelves (Most Models)
Lift-off door shelves may be easily adjusted to another positionon the door. Lift the shelf
straight up untilit clears the retainerson the door liner and pull straightout. Reversethis
procedurewhen replacinga shelf.
Bottle Retainer
Somemodelshavea bottle retainerlocatedon thelowerrefrigeratordoorshelf. It prevents
tall bottles from falling outwhen the door is openedor closed. The bottle retainercan be
adjustedto anyposition on theshelf by slidingsideways.
Shelf Tender
All models havea ShelfTender locatedon one ofthe refrigeratordoor shelves. It provides
uprightstorageforpackagesor bottles. TheShelfTendercanbe adjustedtoanypositionon
the shelfby slidingsideways. "_
Compartment Features
To maintain the natural flavor, moisture,andnutritionoffrozenfoods, andto prevent
freezerburn,we recommendthat all foodsbewrapped or sealed properly,
Freezer Shelf (ModelJRTE176)
the right end up and out of clip supportsap-
proximatelysix inchesand (2) pulling the left
Reversetheremovalprocedureto replacethe
shelf, making sure the right end bars are
pressedcompletelyinto theclip support.
Freezer Shelf (Model JRTDE228)
the rightendupapproximately " (2)pushthe _'1
shelf to the right as far as it will go into the 3
sockets(3)lift theleftend upapproximately3"
and (4) pullthe right end barsout ofthe 1' I
socket in the sidewall. FREEZERSHELF
Expandable Freezer Shelf (Models JRTE198/JRTE218)
Somemodelshaveanexpandable-widthfreezer "\-.-, _.._
shelfwhichadjustssidewaysto open up a full- _
heightspace for tall packages,such as pizza.
_PlTherightsideoftheshelfissupportedbyawide .......................
"--leg that slides sideways in channels on the _'_........... il......... il_
undersideoftheshelf. Theshelfcanalsoadjust _J/////////I /1__ I_
totwo heights. This requiresremovingtheshelf
fromthe freezer,slidingtheleg out ofthe chart- _-
nels, re-insertingit inthe alternate height posi- "_._ _-i
tion and return}rigtheshe'ftothe treezer,hang- ! _ 1
ing on thealternativehooks. (Usually,the right
supportsectionwillbe expandedfully tothe right __......................
wall surface'unleSSpackages is desJred,)ve rtical sto rage of narrow _J_=__ml_wl_:_a_j [L_f.ql L.
Tilt Out Freezer Basket (ModelsJRTE198/JRTE218)
Somemodelshaveatiltoutbasketonthe lower [__ Ill I
she_ o_the freezer door. Tilting the basket
forwardby its upperedge provideseasyaccess
to packages. A slight push upward will tilt the
basketback to its properstored position.
Ice Cube Trays (Non-dispenser Models)
Your refrigeratorcomesequippedwith ice cubetraysand a storagebin, To releasefrozen
cubes, holdthe trays upsidedownoverthe storage bin andtwist bothends.
Optional Automatic Ice Maker
Some modelsare designedsoan AutomaticIce Maker canbe easilyinstalled whenever
youwant it. Ordertheicemaker kitnumbershownon thelabelon thecabinet back. The kit
contains installationinstructions,water connectioninstructionsand other informationcon-
cerningthe ice makeroperation.
Automatic Ice Maker
The water inlettubingassembly requiredtocompletethe waterconnectionto the water
valve islocatedinthe crisperdrawer inabag. Connectthe icemakertothewater supplyas
instructedin theseparate instructions,furnishedwith the refrigerator.
Theautomaticicemakerisdesignedto furnishacontinualsupply oficecubes. Theamount
of iceproduceddependson thetemperaturein thefreezer sectionofyour refrigerator. The
co}der the freezer section, the more ice is produced. We suggest you start with your
refrigeratorandfreezercontrolsattheirmidsettings. }nmostcases,thisis satisfactory. Ifthe
door to the refrigeratoror freezer is opened frequently or temperatures in the kitchen are
abnormallyhigh,a colder settingmay be necessary.
Afteryourmodelhasbeeninstalledandthewatersupplyconnectedtotheice maker,it may
take8 to 12hoursbeforethe icemakerfurnishesanyusableicecubes. Thefirstoneor two
Theinitialharvestmay alsocontainimpuritiesfrom thenewwater supplypiping. Therefore,
all cubesfrom the firsttwo or threeharvests shouldbe discarded.
Under certain rare circumstances,ice cubes may be discolored, usually appearingwith a
green-bluishhue. The cause of this unusualdiscolorationis apparently a combinationof
factorssuchascertaincharacteristicsoflocalwaters,householdplumbingandthe accumu-
lationofcoppersaltsin an inactivewater supplyline whichfeeds the icemaker. Continued'_.-
consumptionof such discoloredice cubes may be injuriousto health. If such discoloration
is observed,discard the (cecubes and contact the dealer from whom the ice maker or
refrigeratorwas purchased.
Icecubesthat havebeeninthe icestoragefora considerablelengthoftime maypick upoff-
flavortaste, sticktogether,andgraduallybecomesmaller. Wesuggestthat these cubesbe
thrownaway. We alsosuggestusinganopen boxofbakingsodainthe refrigeratorforfood
odor absorption.
Certainsoundsmayaccompanythevariouscyclesofthe icemaker. Examplesare:(1) The
motormay havea slight hum, (2)the cubeswill rattleas theyfall intoan emptystorage bin,
and (3)thewatervalve mayclickor"buzz"occasionally. All ofthesesoundsare normaland
shouldbe ignored.
Note- Whendispensingicecubes, itis importantthat you useonlythe ice suppliedbythis
ice maker. Icefrom any othersourcecouldcause an icejam. If this happens,removeand
discardall icefrom the storagebin and any ice lodgedin the ice chute.
Starting or Stopping Your Ice Maker
Yourautomaticicemakeris locatednearthetop AUTOMATIC
ofthe freezer compartmentbehindthe Ice rCEMAKER
AccessPanel. To gainaccesstotheice making /
--- mechanism,riftthe ice Access Panel. p SENSOR
The ice maker has a wire sensor arm that is _ _ _
connectedto a shut-off switch. This armstops _OFF
the mechanismwhentheicecubestoragebin is
full, and restarts it after several ice cubeshave
beenused. You canusethestop armto stop all
productionof iceatanytime. All youneed todo
is raisethe arm intothe OFFposition.
The ice maker should be turned off (arm up)when:
1. Icestorage bin is to be removedfor extendedperiodof time.
2. Refrigeratorisnotto be usedfor a considerabletime, suchas vacations. Also,turn off
the water supplyto the icemaker in this instance, if practical.
3. Water supply isto be shut-off forseveral hours.
How the Ice Maker Works
Water fills the empty cube mold (Fig. 1) _ ""_
when the freezer compartmenthas cooled _ "FILL
to freezingtemperature. Cold air isforced TUBE
Flg ,,,-......
When frozen,the cubes are rotatedup and : .._,:_
"-- outof the mold (Fig. 2). The sweeper arm
ejectsthem intothe icestorage bin below. __Fig . ._-_"L_--7.,ql._._ iCE
The sensor arm (Fig. 3) senses when the
bin isfull and signals the ice makerto stop
ejecting morecubes. F_
However, the mold has been refilled and
cubes frozen so the new supply is ready
when needed. As soon as ice is removed
from the bin, the sensor arm signals that
more is needed. The ice maker resumes
operation by ejecting ready-and-waiting
frozen cubes. % , _ POSITION
Removing and Replacing
the Automatic Ice Cube Dispenser Bin
Liftthefront of theAutomaticDispenserbinandpull itstraightout. Washthebinoccasionally
inmildsoapand lukewarmwater. To replacethebin,pushitallthewayback untilthebottom -
ofthe binis behindthe raisededgeatthe frontoftheshelf itrestsupon. Makesurethetabs,
at theback ofthe bin,that turnthe spiralaugerare positionedbetweenthe prongsfromthe
auger motor.
Operating Your Automatic Ice Cube Dispenser
Preventicecubesfrom missingyourglass byholdingit (-
ashighas possible(justbelowthe icechute). Pressthe
glass against the padded lever at the left side of the
fountain. To stopdispensingice, releasepressurejust
enoughto stopthedispensermotorand leavetheglass
inplacetoholdthedooropenuntilicestopsfalling. With
a little practice, you will learn to anticipate when to
releasepressureto prevent an unwanteddispense of ._-,z.L'_,_
ice, whichoccurseach one and one half seconds. _ _
After installation, it may take 1 to 2 days to fill the
AutomaticDispenserbin with icecubes.
Operating Your Water Dispenser
To dispensewater,press a container againstthe pad-
ded leverat the rightside of the fountain. To stop the
water flow, release pressure. To minimizesplashing,
hold thecontainer as highas possible.
Whenyou first operate your dispenser or after recon-
necting water to your refrigerator,air will escape from r----- _
thedispenserfor a few minutesbeforewater beginsto kt-,,=_.''
flow. Draw 10glassesof water andemptythem inthe
kitchen sink. This will insure complete filling of the
reservoirwith fresh water.
Spill Tray
Donotdiscardwater intothegrilleatthebottomofthefountain.This isa spillarea,notadrain.
Normalspills will be evaporatedinthe recessedarea belowthespillshelf grille. Excessive
spillsshouldbe removedwithanabsorbentspongeorcloth. Thespillareashouldbecleaned
Fountain Light
Thepushbutton lightswitchislocatedbehindthe panelatthetopand ontherightsideofyour
fountain. For replacement,usea 120v,7 watt bulb.
Child Proof Lock
A childprooflockis locatedbehindthepanelatthe topand onthe left sideofthedispenser.
This pushbutton switchwill turnyour iceand water dispenserson or off.
It is recommendedthatyou disconnectthe powercord beforecleaning.
,_ Your refrigeratorcan be rolledoutforcleaning. Turnthe levelers,ateachfront cornerof the
cabinet,counterclockwise untilthey turn freely. Then pull the cabinet straightout. Ifyou
havean installed Automatic Ice Maker,we recommendthat you turn off the water supply
beforemovingthe cabinet.
After cleaningbehind your refrigerator,push it back and turn the levelersclockwise until
theytouch the floorand lock the cabinetin place.
Usemildsoapandwater, DONOTusescouringpowders,automobilewax,orfurniturepolish.
Rinsewith clearwater.
Door.gaskets may be cleaned with soap and water, a baking soda solution, or mild
Cleanboth compartmentsand innerdoor panelswith mildsoapand water. Donot usean
abrasivepowder, solvent,polish cleaneror undiluteddetergent.
of the fresh food compartment. This is no cause for alarm, but it should be cleaned off
Whencleaninga glasscantilevershelf,youcanremoveitandsubmergetheentireassembly
inwarmwater. Neverusehotwater, Always allowglassto warmupto roomtemperature
beforeimmersinginwarm water.
Defrost Pan
Defrostwater drainsintoa shallowpanbeneaththe cabinetandevaporates. Duringperiods
of highhumidity,water couldremainin the pan. This pan shouldbe cleanedoncea month
with a strong solutionof soapand water. ;Z_L_/
To removedefrostpan,graspthe base grille on __.{_
bothendsandpullitstraightout. Slidethepanout
from underneaththe cabinet.
tofit overthesliderailsandpushitin untilitstops.
Toreplacethebasegrille,line up thespringclips IL_ /DEFROSTPAN_
onthebasegrillewiththesquareopeningson the 1 { i-._/ _ _.r
refrigerator. Tap eachend in untilthe basegrille
locksin place.
To a_lowyour refrigeratorto run more efficiently,
shouldbecleanedatleastoneper year. Thearea I
aroundthe condensercanbe cleanedwhenever , _-
the refrigerator is movedduring routine house- i/("_-
cleaning. Unplug the refrigerator and move it ___' -
awayfrom the wall. Vacuumthe condenserand
base grille area and the area wherethe cabinet
ing.n°rmallysits. Plugin the refrigeratorafter clean- __ ""
To cleanthebasegrille,graspboth endsand pull coNo_,s_,
straight out, After cleaning, replace the base -"_'-_S_G,,LL_
Other Hints On Caring
For Your Refrigerator
Replacing Light Bulbs
It is recommended that you disconnectthe powercordbeforereplacing lightbulbs.
Alwaysuse a 40 watt, standardbase,appliancetype bulbwhen replacinga light.
(3)pushrighthandsideoflightcovertowardbackoffreezerengagingtabinslot. Thenpush
left sidetoward back engagingleft tab in slot.
Going On Vacation
If youwill be gone fora month or less,leavethe control knobat its usualsetting.
Duringlongerabsences,(a) removeallfood, (b) disconnectfrom electricaloutlet,(c) clean
the refrigerator thoroughly, including defrost pan, (d) leave doors open to prevent odor
Before You Call
For Service
Problems? Saveyourselfthe nuisanceof unnecessaryservicecalls; checkthese first:
Refrigerator runs too frequently.
Frequentrunningprovides morestable temperatures.
° Too many door openings.
Prolongeddoor openings.
Refrigerator runs too long.
Undernormalconditions,dueto larger size and coldertemperatures,modernrefrigera-
tors run a greaterpercentageof thetime.
° Prolongedorfrequentdoor openings.
Poor air circulationaround condenser.
Refrigerator won't run.
Temperaturecontrolturned to OFF.
Powercord not pluggedin.
Nopowerat electricaloutlet.
Housefuse blownor circuit breakertripped.
Cabinet vibrates.
Cabinet not level.
Weak floor.
Warm air from cabinet bottom.
Normalair flow forcondenser circulation.
Front cabinet surface warm to touch.
Specialdesignto prevent condensationduring periodsof high humidity.
Moisture on outside surface.
Hot,humidweather increasescondensation. When humiditydrops, condensationdis-
appears. Duringhot humidweather,turnthe EnergySaverswitchto "ReducesExterior
Sizzling sound in freezer.
Normalsoundcaused bydefrostwater dripping on defrostmechanism.
Water on floor under cabinet.
Defrostpan missingor not positionedcorrectly.
Water in fresh food compartment bottom.
Cabinetnot level.
Draintube plugged.