Copyright AF International 2015
All information is given in good faith but without warranty. Properties are given as a guide only and should not be taken as a
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the customer, who must satisf
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of the
AF Product Information
Product Code: SDZ420D
Packaging: 420ml aerosol
Description: Active Carbon Sprayduster
This unique technology is a ‘World’s First’ to market. Containing active
carbon, this Sprayduster has been developed as an alternative to other air
dusters on the market. It is non-flammable and safe for the environment.
Used for blowing dust and debris from inaccessible areas of computer and office
ZERO contribution to the world’s CO
ZERO flammability
ZERO risk of combustion
ZERO odour
ZERO limitation on spray angle
ZERO toxicity
Ideal for use on keyboards, printers, photocopiers, fax machines, camera
equipment and computers
Additional Information
Inner barcode: 5028356508013
Outer barcode: 15028356508013
Unit dimensions: 23.8 x 6.6 x 6.6cm
Outer dimensions: 24.0 x 27.4 x 20.6cm
Unit weight: 0.44 kg
Outer weight: 5.3 kg
Packing unit: 12
CCCN-no: 3402209000
Can be found on: www.af-net.com
AF International, A division of H K Wentworth, Ashby Park, Coalfield Road, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire LE65 1JR
Tel: +44(01530) 419600 Fax: +44(01530) 416640 www.af-net.com
BS EN ISO 9001:2008 Certificate No. FM 32082
Rev: 00 – January 2015