The unit is controlled by a conventionalfour wire heating /
coolingthermostatcommonto this classof equipment.
On a callfor heat, the roomthermostatprovides24 volt output
tothe"W" circuit.Thisenergizesventfanrelaywhichstartsthe
thecircuittothe ignitioncontrol. The ignition controlenergizes
the gas valves and the spark isstarted. When theflame has
beensensed, the spark isdeenergized. The fan isenergized
approximatelythesame timethe flame islittoproducewarmair
intothe home.
In the case of an overtemperature condition, aconventional
bimetaltype limitcontrol located in the airstreambreaks the
c,ircuitto the ignitioncontrol,therebyclosingthegas valves.
If flameisnotestablishedinfourorsevenseconds,depending
on whichcontrol issupplied,the ignitioncontrol willclosethe
gasvalves. Two moretrials for ignitionwill be madewithone
minuteof purgingoccurring between each try. If after three
trials,ignitionhasnotoccurred,the ignitioncontrol willlockout,
requiringthe power to the control to be interruptedand than
restoredwhichresetsthecontrol. Thiscanbe doneattheroom
thermostatorthe powerdisconnecttothe unit.
Ifflame is lostafter ithas been sensed,the ignitioncontrol will
recyclefor a total of five attempts in a manner similarto the
aboveretriesbefore lockingout.
for about 1-1/2 minutes to retrieve some of the heat in the
systemand not allowthatto goto waste.
COOLING (GA Units Only)
On a call for cooling, the room thermostat provides24 volt
outputtothe .Y" and "G" circuits. The .Y" circuitenergizesthe
contactor thereby statingthe compressor and condenserfan
motors.The'G" circuitenergizestheindoorblowerrelaywhich
inturn runsthe insideblower motor.
The compressor is protected by an anti-short cycle timer
which prevents it from trying to restart under high pressure
within three minutes after shutdown.
The manual fan switchon the roomthermostatenergizesthe
"G"circuittherebyenergizingthe indoorblowerrelay. Thiswill
cause the indoorblowerto operate continuously.
The indoorblower relay also hasa timedelay whichkeepsthe
offwhen switchedto the "Auto"mode.
• DON'T waste money heating and cooling when y¢
don't need to.
When you're going to be away from home for a few days--
or when outdoor temperatures are moderate--don't let the
furnace run unnecessarily. Lower the thermostat setting
to 55°F inthe winter. To prevent freeze-up of water pipes,
water receptacles and to prevent damage to indoorplants,
do not lower the thermostat setting below 55°F during the
heating months. Then when you return--or when tem-
perature conditionsdictate--you can reset the system and
it will immediately begin making your home comfortable
again. !
It may save youthe costof a servicecall:
1. Isyourroomthermostatset correctly? On heating/cooling
systems,the thermostatsystemswitchshouldbeturnedto
2. Are thepowerandgas both on? Checkfuses/breakers and
manualgas valve.
3. Are thefilters clean?
Ifthe answerto these questions:is"YES"and thefurnacestill
doesn'toperateproperly,call yourauthorizeddealerfor quali-
fied maintenanceand service. :_
WARNING: Combustionairopeningsinfurnace sides,andall
airopeningswhichcommunicate withthefurnace
area must be kept free of obstructions. Any
obstructionwillcause improperburneroperation
and may resultin a fire hazard or asphyxiation.
WARNING: Ifthe unitoverheats, or the gas supply fails to shut
off, turn off the manual shut-off valve to the appli-
ance before turning off the electrical supply at the
electrical disconnect. Have your utility represen-
tative or qualified technician show you where the
manual shut-off valve(s) and electrical disconnect
are located and how they operate.
WARNING: The unitcabinet must have an uninterruptedor
unbrokenelectricalgroundto minimizepersonal
injuryif an electricalfault shouldoccur. Thismay
consist of electrical wire or-approved conduit
when installedinaccordancewithexisting electri-
cal codas.
WARNING: DonotusethisfurnaceIfanyparthasbeen under
water. Immediatelycall aqualifiedservicetechni-
of the controlsystemand any gas control wh_,
hasbeen underwater.