Intelligent CANopen Remote
I/O Devices
Why CANopen ?
CANopen, a kind of network
protocols, is based on the intelligent
field bus (CAN bus). It was developed
as a standardized network system
with highly flexibility, and provides
several standardized communication
objects for real-time data,
configuration data, network
management data, and so forth. The
CANopen network management
services simplify project design, system integration, and diagnostics. By now,
CANopen is used in many various application fields, such as medical
equipment, off-road vehicles, maritime electronics, public transportation,
building automation and etc. Please refer to the web site http://www.can-cia.org
for more information.
CANopen Remote I/O modules
I-8KCPS1/I-8KCPS2/I-8421 are specially
designed for the slave device of CANopen
protocols. They can support up to 4
expansion slots to expand their I/O channel
numbers. Users can choose either the I-87K
or the I-8000 series DI/DO/AI/AO slot
modules to fit their customized practice
applications. In addition, we also provide the
CAN Slave Utility to create EDS files
dynamically. This EDS file is helpful to apply
these module in different CANopen master.