Programming Wave Pumps
1Tap Pumps at top of programming screen. 2Use toggle to manually turn all Wave
Pump On / Off.
To program Wave Pumps:
3Tap Mode keys to select flow mode.
7Tap to go back, or
select another pump at bottom.
2 Use toggle to turn pump On / Off.
4Use slider to adjust Flow Rate.
To program Wave Pump 1:
Tap Wave Pump 1.
Wave Surge Stream
5Use slider to adjust Frequency (Wave
and Surge Mode only)
6Use toggle to turn Night Mode On / Off.
Note: Night mode is synced to Moonlight
period and reduces flow 30%. After
moonlight period ends, pump ramps back
to normal flow settings.
4Tap Mode keys to select flow mode. 8Tap to go back, or
select another pump at bottom.
2 Use toggle to turn pump On / Off.
5Use slider to adjust Flow Rate.
To program Wave Pump 2:
Tap Wave Pump 2.
6Use slider to adjust Frequency (Wave
and Surge Mode only)
7Use toggle to turn Night Mode On / Off.
Note: Night mode is synced to Moonlight
period and reduces flow 30%. After
moonlight period ends, pump ramps back
to normal flow settings.
3Use toggle to select Primary or
Secondary Mode (Secondary Mode
syncs with Wave Pump 1 and runs in
tandem in the opposite flow).
5Tap to go back, or
select another pump at bottom.
2 Use toggle to turn pump On / Off.
Use slider to adjust Flow Rate.
To program Wave Pump 3:
Tap Wave Pump 3.
4Use toggle to turn Night Mode On / Off.
Wave / Pulse Mode
This mode simulates a thriving reef environment. Wave
pumps change speed frequently, simulating waves
or surging water currents. Great for mixed reef aquariums.
Stream Mode
This is the default flow mode, pumps create a steady stream
of water flow.
Night Mode
Turning on Night Mode will reduce water flow in wave
pumps by 30% during the moonlight setting. (Note:
Not recommended when regular flow setting is <50%).
Wave & Flow Pump Tips:
Feed Mode
Temporarily shuts wave pumps off and reduces flow pump
flow for 10 minutes, allowing fish and corals to feed. Pumps
ramp then ramp up to normal speed.
(Note: if using a sump protein skimmer which is water level
dependent, we recommend turning this mode OFF to
ensure your skimmer does not overflow.)